Web Services - Configure server and cell level key locators using the administrative console



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A key locator typically locates a key store in the file system. The location of key stores can vary from machine to machine so it is often helpful to configure a default key locator for a specific machine and reference it from within the encryption or signing information. This information is found within the binding configurations of any application installed on the machine. This suggestion enables you to define a single key locator for all applications that need to use the same keys. In a Network Deployment environment, you also can specify the default binding information at the cell level.

This task provides instructions on how to configure server and cell-level key locators for a specific application using the WAS administrative console. One can configure binding information in the administrative console, but for extensions, use the Application Server Toolkit.


Steps for this task (dependent on configuration)

  • Configure default key locators at the server level

    1. Connect to administrative console by typing http://localhost:9060/ibm/console in your Web browser unless you have changed the port number.

    2. Click Servers > Application servers > servername.

    3. Under Security, click Web services: Default bindings for Web services security.

    4. Under Additional properties, click Key locators

    5. Click New to configure a new key locator; select the box next to a key locator name and click Delete to delete a key locator; or click the name of a key locator to edit its configuration. If you are configuring a new key locator or editing an existing one, complete the following steps:

      1. Specify a name for the key locator in the Key locator name field.

      2. Specify a name for the key locator class implementation in the Key locator class name field.

        WebSphere Application Server has the following default key locator class implementations:


        This class, used by the response sender, maps an authenticated identity to a key. If encryption is used, this class is used to locate a key to encrypt the response message. The com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.config.WSldKeyStoreMapKeyLocator class has the capability to map an authenticated identity from the invocation credential of the current thread to a key that is used to encrypt the message. If an authenticated identity is present on the current thread, the class maps the ID to the mapped name. For example, user1 is mapped to mappedName_1. Otherwise, name="default". When a matching key is not found, the authenticated identity is mapped to the default key specified in the binding file.


        This class, used by the response receiver, request sender, and request receiver, maps a name to an alias. Encryption uses this class to obtain a key to encrypt a message and digital signature uses this class to obtain a key to sign a message. The com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.config.KeyStoreKeyLocator class maps a logical name to a key alias in the key store file. For example, key #105115176771 is mapped to CN=Alice, O=IBM, c=US.

      3. Specify the password used to access the keystore password in the Key store password field.

        This field is optional is the key locator does not use a keystore.

      4. Specify the path name used to access the keystore in the Key store path field.

        This field is optional is the key locator does not use a keystore. Use ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT} as this path expands to the WAS path on your machine.

      5. Select a keystore type from the Key store type field.

        This field is optional is the key locator does not use a keystore. Use the JKS option if you are not using Java Cryptography Extensions (JCE) and use JCEKS if you are using JCE.

  • Configure default key locators at the cell level.

    1. Connect to administrative console by typing http://localhost:9060/ibm/console in your Web browser unless you have changed the port number.

    2. Click Security > Web services.

    3. Under Additional properties, click Key locators.

    4. Click New to configure a new key locator; select the box next to a key locator name and click Delete to delete a key locator; or click the name of a key locator to edit its configuration. If you are configuring a new key locator or editing an existing one, complete the following steps:

      1. Specify a name for the key locator in the Key locator name field.

      2. Specify a name for the key locator class implementation in the Key locator class name field.

        WebSphere Application Server has the following default key locator class implementations:


        This class, used by the response sender, maps an authenticated identity to a key. If encryption is used, this class is used to locate a key to encrypt the response message. The com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.config.WSldKeyStoreMapKeyLocator class has the capability to map an authenticated identity from the invocation credential of the current thread to a key that is used to encrypt the message. If an authenticated identity is present on the current thread, the class maps the ID to the mapped name. For example, user1 is mapped to mappedName_1. Otherwise, name="default". When a matching key is not found, the authenticated identity is mapped to the default key specified in the binding file.


        This class, used by the response receiver, request sender, and request receiver, maps a name to an alias. Encryption uses this class to obtain a key to encrypt a message and digital signature uses this class to obtain a key to sign a message. The com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.config.KeyStoreKeyLocator class maps a logical name to a key alias in the key store file. For example, key #105115176771 is mapped to CN=Alice, O=IBM, c=US.

      3. Specify the password used to access the keystore password in the Key store password field.

        This field is optional is the key locator does not use a keystore.

      4. Specify the path name used to access the keystore in the Key store path field.

        This field is optional is the key locator does not use a keystore. Use ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT} as this path expands to the WAS path on your machine.

      5. Select a keystore type from the Key store type field.

        This field is optional is the key locator does not use a keystore. Use the JKS option if you are not using Java Cryptography Extensions (JCE) and use JCEKS if you are using JCE.


See Also

Key locator


Related Tasks

Configure key locators using an assembly tool
Configure server and cell key locators using the administrative console
Configure the client security bindings using an assembly tool
Configure the security bindings on a server acting as a client using the administrative console
Configure the server security bindings using an assembly tool
Configure the server security bindings using the administrative console


Related Information

keytool - Key and Certificate Management Tool