### set_DS.jacl   
###  If you get:
###      Failed to connect to the DataSource.  Encountered : java.lang.IllegalArgument
###      Exception: undefined variable: O
###  that means $ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER is not set in 
###     Environment | WebSphere Variables   

### Set Read-Only Data Sources for Oracle JDBC Driver

proc set_RO_DataSource {cname nname sname clname} {   
### set up globals   
global AdminConfig   
global AdminControl   
global AdminApp   

set JDBCProvider [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:$cname/Node:$nname/Server:$sname/JDBCProvider:Oracle_JDBC_Driver/]   
if {[llength $JDBCProvider] == 0} {   
    puts "No Oracle_JDBC_Driver JDBC Provider does not exist...returning "   

$AdminConfig create DataSource $JDBCProvider { {authDataAlias hostnameManager/wstest4-buyerROAlias} \
{authMechanismPreference BASIC_PASSWORD} \
{category BUYER} \
{connectionPool {{agedTimeout 0} \
{connectionTimeout 1800} \
{maxConnections 10} \
{minConnections 1} \
{purgePolicy EntirePool} \
{reapTime 180} \
{unusedTimeout 1800}}} \
{datasourceHelperClassname com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.OracleDataStoreHelper} \
{description "CBO Buyer Read-Only DataSource"} \
{jndiName acme/buyer/jdbc/ReadOnlyDataSource} \
{mapping {{authDataAlias hostnameManager/wstest4-buyerROAlias} \
{mappingConfigAlias DefaultPrincipalMapping}}} \
{name "CBO Buyer Read-Only DataSource"} \
{propertySet {{resourceProperties {{{description "The type of the driver. The possible values are: thin, oci8."} \
{name driverType} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The oraclelogPrintMask controls which information is printed with each trace message. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 62 which is ([OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT for 9i / OracleLog.FIELD_CONN for 8i] 32 | OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY 16 | OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD 8 | OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE 4 | OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2).  Possible values:  OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2, OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE  4, OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD  8, OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY  16, OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT  32, OracleLog.FIELD_THREAD  64"} \
{name oraclelogPrintMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 62}} {{description "The oraclelogModuleMask controls which modules write debug output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 1 which is ( OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1).  Possible values (OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1, OracleLog.MODULE_DBACCESS  2)"} \
{name oraclelogModuleMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1}} {{description "The oraclelogCategoryMask controls which category to be output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 47 which is ( OracleLog.USER_OPER  1 | OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2 | OracleLog.ERROR  4 | OracleLog.WARNING  8 | OracleLog.DEBUG1  32).  Possible values (OracleLog.USER_OPER  1, OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2, OracleLog.ERROR  4, OracleLog.WARNING  8, OracleLog.FUNCTION  16, OracleLog.DEBUG1  32, OracleLog.SQL_STR  128)"} \
{name oraclelogCategoryMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 47}} {{description "The entry name which is used for the Oracle OCI driver."} \
{name TNSEntryName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Whether to use TCP/IP or IPC or any other protocol"} \
{name networkProtocol} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The database name. For example, enter sample to make your Data Source point to sample, used with thin driver"} \
{name databaseName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The name of the server, used with thin driver setup"} \
{name serverName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The TCP/IP port number where the jdbc driver resides. used with thin driver setup"} \
{name portNumber} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1521}} {{description "The name of the Data Source."} \
{name dataSourceName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "This is a required property. The URL indicating the database from which the Data Source will obtain connections, such as 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:sample' for thin driver and 'jdbc:oracle:oci8:@sample' for thick driver."} \
{name URL} \
{required true} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521:test_b}} {{description "The maximum time to attempt to connect a database. If this value is non-zero, attempt to connect to the database will timeout when this specified value is reached."} \
{name loginTimeout} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value ""}} {{description "The description of this datasource."} \
{name description} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Indicates whether or not to detect multithreaded access to a Connection and its corresponding Statements, ResultSets, and MetaDatas."} \
{name enableMultithreadedAccessDetection} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Boolean} \
{value false}} {{description "This query string is used for pre-test connection. For example, 'SELECT USER FROM DUAL'. When pre-test connection is enabled in j2c.properties, a statement will be executed with this query to make sure the connection is good.  If no query is specified, the default 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rra.x1x1x0x4x' will be used."} \
{name preTestSQLString} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value "SELECT USER FROM DUAL"}}}}}} \
{statementCacheSize 10} } 

$AdminConfig create DataSource $JDBCProvider { {authDataAlias hostnameManager/wstest4-sellerROAlias} \
{authMechanismPreference BASIC_PASSWORD} \
{category SELLER} \
{connectionPool {{agedTimeout 0} \
{connectionTimeout 1800} \
{maxConnections 10} \
{minConnections 1} \
{purgePolicy EntirePool} \
{reapTime 180} \
{unusedTimeout 1800}}} \
{datasourceHelperClassname com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.OracleDataStoreHelper} \
{description "CBO Seller Read-Only DataSource"} \
{jndiName acme/seller/jdbc/ReadOnlyDataSource} \
{mapping {{authDataAlias hostnameManager/wstest4-sellerROAlias} \
{mappingConfigAlias DefaultPrincipalMapping}}} \
{name "CBO Seller Read-Only DataSource"} \
{propertySet {{resourceProperties {{{description "The type of the driver. The possible values are: thin, oci8."} \
{name driverType} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The oraclelogPrintMask controls which information is printed with each trace message. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 62 which is ([OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT for 9i / OracleLog.FIELD_CONN for 8i] 32 | OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY 16 | OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD 8 | OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE 4 | OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2).  Possible values:  OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2, OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE  4, OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD  8, OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY  16, OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT  32, OracleLog.FIELD_THREAD  64"} \
{name oraclelogPrintMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 62}} {{description "The oraclelogModuleMask controls which modules write debug output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 1 which is ( OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1).  Possible values (OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1, OracleLog.MODULE_DBACCESS  2)"} \
{name oraclelogModuleMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1}} {{description "The oraclelogCategoryMask controls which category to be output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 47 which is ( OracleLog.USER_OPER  1 | OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2 | OracleLog.ERROR  4 | OracleLog.WARNING  8 | OracleLog.DEBUG1  32).  Possible values (OracleLog.USER_OPER  1, OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2, OracleLog.ERROR  4, OracleLog.WARNING  8, OracleLog.FUNCTION  16, OracleLog.DEBUG1  32, OracleLog.SQL_STR  128)"} \
{name oraclelogCategoryMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 47}} {{description "The entry name which is used for the Oracle OCI driver."} \
{name TNSEntryName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Whether to use TCP/IP or IPC or any other protocol"} \
{name networkProtocol} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The database name. For example, enter sample to make your Data Source point to sample, used with thin driver"} \
{name databaseName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The name of the server, used with thin driver setup"} \
{name serverName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The TCP/IP port number where the jdbc driver resides. used with thin driver setup"} \
{name portNumber} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1521}} {{description "The name of the Data Source."} \
{name dataSourceName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "This is a required property. The URL indicating the database from which the Data Source will obtain connections, such as 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:sample' for thin driver and 'jdbc:oracle:oci8:@sample' for thick driver."} \
{name URL} \
{required true} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521:password}} {{description "The maximum time to attempt to connect a database. If this value is non-zero, attempt to connect to the database will timeout when this specified value is reached."} \
{name loginTimeout} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value ""}} {{description "The description of this datasource."} \
{name description} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Indicates whether or not to detect multithreaded access to a Connection and its corresponding Statements, ResultSets, and MetaDatas."} \
{name enableMultithreadedAccessDetection} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Boolean} \
{value false}} {{description "This query string is used for pre-test connection. For example, 'SELECT USER FROM DUAL'. When pre-test connection is enabled in j2c.properties, a statement will be executed with this query to make sure the connection is good.  If no query is specified, the default 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rra.x1x1x0x4x' will be used."} \
{name preTestSQLString} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value "SELECT USER FROM DUAL"}}}}}} \
{statementCacheSize 10} } 
$AdminConfig create DataSource $JDBCProvider { {authDataAlias hostnameManager/db2prod-wstest4} \
{authMechanismPreference BASIC_PASSWORD} \
{category BUYER} \
{connectionPool {{agedTimeout 0} \
{connectionTimeout 1800} \
{maxConnections 10} \
{minConnections 1} \
{purgePolicy EntirePool} \
{reapTime 180} \
{unusedTimeout 1800}}} \
{datasourceHelperClassname com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.OracleDataStoreHelper} \
{description "Target Corp Db2Prod DataSource"} \
{jndiName acme/buyer/jdbc/Db2ProdDataSource} \
{mapping {{authDataAlias hostnameManager/db2prod-wstest4} \
{mappingConfigAlias DefaultPrincipalMapping}}} \
{name "Target Corp Db2Prod DataSource"} \
{propertySet {{resourceProperties {{{description "The type of the driver. The possible values are: thin, oci8."} \
{name driverType} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The oraclelogPrintMask controls which information is printed with each trace message. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 62 which is ([OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT for 9i / OracleLog.FIELD_CONN for 8i] 32 | OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY 16 | OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD 8 | OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE 4 | OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2).  Possible values:  OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2, OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE  4, OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD  8, OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY  16, OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT  32, OracleLog.FIELD_THREAD  64"} \
{name oraclelogPrintMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 62}} {{description "The oraclelogModuleMask controls which modules write debug output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 1 which is ( OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1).  Possible values (OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1, OracleLog.MODULE_DBACCESS  2)"} \
{name oraclelogModuleMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1}} {{description "The oraclelogCategoryMask controls which category to be output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 47 which is ( OracleLog.USER_OPER  1 | OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2 | OracleLog.ERROR  4 | OracleLog.WARNING  8 | OracleLog.DEBUG1  32).  Possible values (OracleLog.USER_OPER  1, OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2, OracleLog.ERROR  4, OracleLog.WARNING  8, OracleLog.FUNCTION  16, OracleLog.DEBUG1  32, OracleLog.SQL_STR  128)"} \
{name oraclelogCategoryMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 47}} {{description "The entry name which is used for the Oracle OCI driver."} \
{name TNSEntryName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Whether to use TCP/IP or IPC or any other protocol"} \
{name networkProtocol} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The database name. For example, enter sample to make your Data Source point to sample, used with thin driver"} \
{name databaseName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The name of the server, used with thin driver setup"} \
{name serverName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The TCP/IP port number where the jdbc driver resides. used with thin driver setup"} \
{name portNumber} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1521}} {{description "The name of the Data Source."} \
{name dataSourceName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "This is a required property. The URL indicating the database from which the Data Source will obtain connections, such as 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:sample' for thin driver and 'jdbc:oracle:oci8:@sample' for thick driver."} \
{name URL} \
{required true} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521:test_b}} {{description "The maximum time to attempt to connect a database. If this value is non-zero, attempt to connect to the database will timeout when this specified value is reached."} \
{name loginTimeout} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value ""}} {{description "The description of this datasource."} \
{name description} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Indicates whether or not to detect multithreaded access to a Connection and its corresponding Statements, ResultSets, and MetaDatas."} \
{name enableMultithreadedAccessDetection} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Boolean} \
{value false}} {{description "This query string is used for pre-test connection. For example, 'SELECT USER FROM DUAL'. When pre-test connection is enabled in j2c.properties, a statement will be executed with this query to make sure the connection is good.  If no query is specified, the default 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rra.x1x1x0x4x' will be used."} \
{name preTestSQLString} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value "SELECT USER FROM DUAL"}}}}}} \
{statementCacheSize 10} } 
$AdminConfig create DataSource $JDBCProvider { {authDataAlias hostnameManager/db2prod-wstest4} \
{authMechanismPreference BASIC_PASSWORD} \
{category BUYERSIDE} \
{connectionPool {{agedTimeout 0} \
{connectionTimeout 1800} \
{maxConnections 10} \
{minConnections 1} \
{purgePolicy EntirePool} \
{reapTime 180} \
{unusedTimeout 1800}}} \
{datasourceHelperClassname com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.OracleDataStoreHelper} \
{description "Target Corp ItemStore DataSource"} \
{jndiName acme/buyer/jdbc/ItemStoreDataSource} \
{mapping {{authDataAlias hostnameManager/db2prod-wstest4} \
{mappingConfigAlias DefaultPrincipalMapping}}} \
{name "Target Corp ItemStore DataSource"} \
{propertySet {{resourceProperties {{{description "The type of the driver. The possible values are: thin, oci8."} \
{name driverType} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The oraclelogPrintMask controls which information is printed with each trace message. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 62 which is ([OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT for 9i / OracleLog.FIELD_CONN for 8i] 32 | OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY 16 | OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD 8 | OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE 4 | OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2).  Possible values:  OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2, OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE  4, OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD  8, OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY  16, OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT  32, OracleLog.FIELD_THREAD  64"} \
{name oraclelogPrintMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 62}} {{description "The oraclelogModuleMask controls which modules write debug output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 1 which is ( OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1).  Possible values (OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1, OracleLog.MODULE_DBACCESS  2)"} \
{name oraclelogModuleMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1}} {{description "The oraclelogCategoryMask controls which category to be output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 47 which is ( OracleLog.USER_OPER  1 | OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2 | OracleLog.ERROR  4 | OracleLog.WARNING  8 | OracleLog.DEBUG1  32).  Possible values (OracleLog.USER_OPER  1, OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2, OracleLog.ERROR  4, OracleLog.WARNING  8, OracleLog.FUNCTION  16, OracleLog.DEBUG1  32, OracleLog.SQL_STR  128)"} \
{name oraclelogCategoryMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 47}} {{description "The entry name which is used for the Oracle OCI driver."} \
{name TNSEntryName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Whether to use TCP/IP or IPC or any other protocol"} \
{name networkProtocol} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The database name. For example, enter sample to make your Data Source point to sample, used with thin driver"} \
{name databaseName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The name of the server, used with thin driver setup"} \
{name serverName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The TCP/IP port number where the jdbc driver resides. used with thin driver setup"} \
{name portNumber} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1521}} {{description "The name of the Data Source."} \
{name dataSourceName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "This is a required property. The URL indicating the database from which the Data Source will obtain connections, such as 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:sample' for thin driver and 'jdbc:oracle:oci8:@sample' for thick driver."} \
{name URL} \
{required true} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521:test_b}} {{description "The maximum time to attempt to connect a database. If this value is non-zero, attempt to connect to the database will timeout when this specified value is reached."} \
{name loginTimeout} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value ""}} {{description "The description of this datasource."} \
{name description} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Indicates whether or not to detect multithreaded access to a Connection and its corresponding Statements, ResultSets, and MetaDatas."} \
{name enableMultithreadedAccessDetection} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Boolean} \
{value false}} {{description "This query string is used for pre-test connection. For example, 'SELECT USER FROM DUAL'. When pre-test connection is enabled in j2c.properties, a statement will be executed with this query to make sure the connection is good.  If no query is specified, the default 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rra.x1x1x0x4x' will be used."} \
{name preTestSQLString} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value "SELECT USER FROM DUAL"}}}}}} \
{statementCacheSize 10} } 
$AdminConfig create DataSource $JDBCProvider { {authDataAlias hostnameManager/lawson-wstest4} \
{authMechanismPreference BASIC_PASSWORD} \
{category BUYER} \
{connectionPool {{agedTimeout 0} \
{connectionTimeout 1800} \
{maxConnections 10} \
{minConnections 1} \
{purgePolicy EntirePool} \
{reapTime 180} \
{unusedTimeout 1800}}} \
{datasourceHelperClassname com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.OracleDataStoreHelper} \
{description "Target Corp Lawson DataSource"} \
{jndiName acme/buyer/jdbc/LawsonDataSource} \
{mapping {{authDataAlias hostnameManager/lawson-wstest4} \
{mappingConfigAlias DefaultPrincipalMapping}}} \
{name "Target Corp Lawson DataSource"} \
{propertySet {{resourceProperties {{{description "The type of the driver. The possible values are: thin, oci8."} \
{name driverType} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The oraclelogPrintMask controls which information is printed with each trace message. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 62 which is ([OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT for 9i / OracleLog.FIELD_CONN for 8i] 32 | OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY 16 | OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD 8 | OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE 4 | OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2).  Possible values:  OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2, OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE  4, OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD  8, OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY  16, OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT  32, OracleLog.FIELD_THREAD  64"} \
{name oraclelogPrintMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 62}} {{description "The oraclelogModuleMask controls which modules write debug output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 1 which is ( OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1).  Possible values (OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1, OracleLog.MODULE_DBACCESS  2)"} \
{name oraclelogModuleMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1}} {{description "The oraclelogCategoryMask controls which category to be output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 47 which is ( OracleLog.USER_OPER  1 | OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2 | OracleLog.ERROR  4 | OracleLog.WARNING  8 | OracleLog.DEBUG1  32).  Possible values (OracleLog.USER_OPER  1, OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2, OracleLog.ERROR  4, OracleLog.WARNING  8, OracleLog.FUNCTION  16, OracleLog.DEBUG1  32, OracleLog.SQL_STR  128)"} \
{name oraclelogCategoryMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 47}} {{description "The entry name which is used for the Oracle OCI driver."} \
{name TNSEntryName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Whether to use TCP/IP or IPC or any other protocol"} \
{name networkProtocol} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The database name. For example, enter sample to make your Data Source point to sample, used with thin driver"} \
{name databaseName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The name of the server, used with thin driver setup"} \
{name serverName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The TCP/IP port number where the jdbc driver resides. used with thin driver setup"} \
{name portNumber} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1521}} {{description "The name of the Data Source."} \
{name dataSourceName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "This is a required property. The URL indicating the database from which the Data Source will obtain connections, such as 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:sample' for thin driver and 'jdbc:oracle:oci8:@sample' for thick driver."} \
{name URL} \
{required true} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521:test_b}} {{description "The maximum time to attempt to connect a database. If this value is non-zero, attempt to connect to the database will timeout when this specified value is reached."} \
{name loginTimeout} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value ""}} {{description "The description of this datasource."} \
{name description} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Indicates whether or not to detect multithreaded access to a Connection and its corresponding Statements, ResultSets, and MetaDatas."} \
{name enableMultithreadedAccessDetection} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Boolean} \
{value false}} {{description "This query string is used for pre-test connection. For example, 'SELECT USER FROM DUAL'. When pre-test connection is enabled in j2c.properties, a statement will be executed with this query to make sure the connection is good.  If no query is specified, the default 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rra.x1x1x0x4x' will be used."} \
{name preTestSQLString} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value "SELECT USER FROM DUAL"}}}}}} \
{statementCacheSize 10} } 
$AdminConfig create DataSource $JDBCProvider { {authDataAlias hostnameManager/truCasAlias} \
{authMechanismPreference BASIC_PASSWORD} \
{category BUYERSIDE} \
{connectionPool {{agedTimeout 0} \
{connectionTimeout 1800} \
{maxConnections 10} \
{minConnections 1} \
{purgePolicy EntirePool} \
{reapTime 180} \
{unusedTimeout 1800}}} \
{datasourceHelperClassname com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.OracleDataStoreHelper} \
{description "Toysrus Cas DataSource"} \
{jndiName acme/buyer/jdbc/TruCasDataSource} \
{mapping {{authDataAlias hostnameManager/truCasAlias} \
{mappingConfigAlias DefaultPrincipalMapping}}} \
{name "Toysrus Cas DataSource"} \
{propertySet {{resourceProperties {{{description "The type of the driver. The possible values are: thin, oci8."} \
{name driverType} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The oraclelogPrintMask controls which information is printed with each trace message. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 62 which is ([OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT for 9i / OracleLog.FIELD_CONN for 8i] 32 | OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY 16 | OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD 8 | OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE 4 | OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2).  Possible values:  OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2, OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE  4, OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD  8, OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY  16, OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT  32, OracleLog.FIELD_THREAD  64"} \
{name oraclelogPrintMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 62}} {{description "The oraclelogModuleMask controls which modules write debug output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 1 which is ( OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1).  Possible values (OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1, OracleLog.MODULE_DBACCESS  2)"} \
{name oraclelogModuleMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1}} {{description "The oraclelogCategoryMask controls which category to be output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 47 which is ( OracleLog.USER_OPER  1 | OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2 | OracleLog.ERROR  4 | OracleLog.WARNING  8 | OracleLog.DEBUG1  32).  Possible values (OracleLog.USER_OPER  1, OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2, OracleLog.ERROR  4, OracleLog.WARNING  8, OracleLog.FUNCTION  16, OracleLog.DEBUG1  32, OracleLog.SQL_STR  128)"} \
{name oraclelogCategoryMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 47}} {{description "The entry name which is used for the Oracle OCI driver."} \
{name TNSEntryName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Whether to use TCP/IP or IPC or any other protocol"} \
{name networkProtocol} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The database name. For example, enter sample to make your Data Source point to sample, used with thin driver"} \
{name databaseName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The name of the server, used with thin driver setup"} \
{name serverName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The TCP/IP port number where the jdbc driver resides. used with thin driver setup"} \
{name portNumber} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1521}} {{description "The name of the Data Source."} \
{name dataSourceName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "This is a required property. The URL indicating the database from which the Data Source will obtain connections, such as 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:sample' for thin driver and 'jdbc:oracle:oci8:@sample' for thick driver."} \
{name URL} \
{required true} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521:test_b}} {{description "The maximum time to attempt to connect a database. If this value is non-zero, attempt to connect to the database will timeout when this specified value is reached."} \
{name loginTimeout} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value ""}} {{description "The description of this datasource."} \
{name description} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Indicates whether or not to detect multithreaded access to a Connection and its corresponding Statements, ResultSets, and MetaDatas."} \
{name enableMultithreadedAccessDetection} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Boolean} \
{value false}} {{description "This query string is used for pre-test connection. For example, 'SELECT USER FROM DUAL'. When pre-test connection is enabled in j2c.properties, a statement will be executed with this query to make sure the connection is good.  If no query is specified, the default 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rra.x1x1x0x4x' will be used."} \
{name preTestSQLString} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value "SELECT USER FROM DUAL"}}}}}} \
{statementCacheSize 10} } 
$AdminConfig create DataSource $JDBCProvider { {authDataAlias hostnameManager/truAlias} \
{authMechanismPreference BASIC_PASSWORD} \
{category BUYERSIDE} \
{connectionPool {{agedTimeout 0} \
{connectionTimeout 1800} \
{maxConnections 10} \
{minConnections 1} \
{purgePolicy EntirePool} \
{reapTime 180} \
{unusedTimeout 1800}}} \
{datasourceHelperClassname com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.OracleDataStoreHelper} \
{description "Toysrus DataSource"} \
{jndiName acme/buyer/jdbc/TruDataSource} \
{mapping {{authDataAlias hostnameManager/truAlias} \
{mappingConfigAlias DefaultPrincipalMapping}}} \
{name "Toysrus DataSource"} \
{propertySet {{resourceProperties {{{description "The type of the driver. The possible values are: thin, oci8."} \
{name driverType} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The oraclelogPrintMask controls which information is printed with each trace message. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 62 which is ([OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT for 9i / OracleLog.FIELD_CONN for 8i] 32 | OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY 16 | OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD 8 | OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE 4 | OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2).  Possible values:  OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2, OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE  4, OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD  8, OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY  16, OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT  32, OracleLog.FIELD_THREAD  64"} \
{name oraclelogPrintMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 62}} {{description "The oraclelogModuleMask controls which modules write debug output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 1 which is ( OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1).  Possible values (OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1, OracleLog.MODULE_DBACCESS  2)"} \
{name oraclelogModuleMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1}} {{description "The oraclelogCategoryMask controls which category to be output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 47 which is ( OracleLog.USER_OPER  1 | OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2 | OracleLog.ERROR  4 | OracleLog.WARNING  8 | OracleLog.DEBUG1  32).  Possible values (OracleLog.USER_OPER  1, OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2, OracleLog.ERROR  4, OracleLog.WARNING  8, OracleLog.FUNCTION  16, OracleLog.DEBUG1  32, OracleLog.SQL_STR  128)"} \
{name oraclelogCategoryMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 47}} {{description "The entry name which is used for the Oracle OCI driver."} \
{name TNSEntryName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Whether to use TCP/IP or IPC or any other protocol"} \
{name networkProtocol} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The database name. For example, enter sample to make your Data Source point to sample, used with thin driver"} \
{name databaseName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The name of the server, used with thin driver setup"} \
{name serverName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The TCP/IP port number where the jdbc driver resides. used with thin driver setup"} \
{name portNumber} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1521}} {{description "The name of the Data Source."} \
{name dataSourceName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "This is a required property. The URL indicating the database from which the Data Source will obtain connections, such as 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:sample' for thin driver and 'jdbc:oracle:oci8:@sample' for thick driver."} \
{name URL} \
{required true} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521:test_b}} {{description "The maximum time to attempt to connect a database. If this value is non-zero, attempt to connect to the database will timeout when this specified value is reached."} \
{name loginTimeout} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value ""}} {{description "The description of this datasource."} \
{name description} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Indicates whether or not to detect multithreaded access to a Connection and its corresponding Statements, ResultSets, and MetaDatas."} \
{name enableMultithreadedAccessDetection} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Boolean} \
{value false}} {{description "This query string is used for pre-test connection. For example, 'SELECT USER FROM DUAL'. When pre-test connection is enabled in j2c.properties, a statement will be executed with this query to make sure the connection is good.  If no query is specified, the default 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rra.x1x1x0x4x' will be used."} \
{name preTestSQLString} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value "SELECT USER FROM DUAL"}}}}}} \
{statementCacheSize 10} } 

$AdminConfig save   

### Synchronize nodes

puts "Synchronizing nodes..."
set Sync1 [$AdminControl completeObjectName type=NodeSync,node=$nname,*]
set xstatus [$AdminControl invoke $Sync1 sync]

if {$xstatus == "false"} {
    puts "Unable to synchronize nodes..."


proc set_RW_DataSource {cname nname sname clname} {

### set up globals

global AdminConfig
global AdminControl
global AdminApp

set JDBCProvider [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:$cname/Node:$nname/Server:$sname/JDBCProvider:Oracle_JDBC_Driver_XA/]   

if {[llength $JDBCProvider] == 0} {
    puts "JDBC Provider Oracle_JDBC_Driver_XA does not exist"

$AdminConfig create DataSource $JDBCProvider { {authDataAlias hostnameManager/wstest4-buyerRWAlias} \
{authMechanismPreference BASIC_PASSWORD} \
{category BUYER} \
{connectionPool {{agedTimeout 0} \
{connectionTimeout 1800} \
{maxConnections 10} \
{minConnections 1} \
{purgePolicy EntirePool} \
{reapTime 180} \
{unusedTimeout 1800}}} \
{datasourceHelperClassname com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.OracleDataStoreHelper} \
{description "CBO Buyer Read-Write DataSource"} \
{jndiName acme/buyer/jdbc/ReadWriteDataSource} \
{mapping {{authDataAlias hostnameManager/wstest4-buyerRWAlias} \
{mappingConfigAlias DefaultPrincipalMapping}}} \
{name "CBO Buyer Read-Write DataSource"} \
{propertySet {{resourceProperties {{{description "The type of the driver. The possible values are: thin, oci8."} \
{name driverType} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The oraclelogPrintMask controls which information is printed with each trace message. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 62 which is ([OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT for 9i / OracleLog.FIELD_CONN for 8i] 32 | OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY 16 | OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD 8 | OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE 4 | OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2).  Possible values:  OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2, OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE  4, OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD  8, OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY  16, OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT  32, OracleLog.FIELD_THREAD  64"} \
{name oraclelogPrintMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 62}} {{description "The oraclelogModuleMask controls which modules write debug output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 1 which is ( OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1).  Possible values (OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1, OracleLog.MODULE_DBACCESS  2)"} \
{name oraclelogModuleMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1}} {{description "The oraclelogCategoryMask controls which category to be output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 47 which is ( OracleLog.USER_OPER  1 | OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2 | OracleLog.ERROR  4 | OracleLog.WARNING  8 | OracleLog.DEBUG1  32).  Possible values (OracleLog.USER_OPER  1, OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2, OracleLog.ERROR  4, OracleLog.WARNING  8, OracleLog.FUNCTION  16, OracleLog.DEBUG1  32, OracleLog.SQL_STR  128)"} \
{name oraclelogCategoryMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 47}} {{description "The entry name which is used for the Oracle OCI driver."} \
{name TNSEntryName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Whether to use TCP/IP or IPC or any other protocol"} \
{name networkProtocol} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The database name. For example, enter sample to make your Data Source point to sample.  used for thin driver setup"} \
{name databaseName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The name of the server. used for thin driver setup"} \
{name serverName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The TCP/IP port number where the jdbc driver resides. used for thin driver setup"} \
{name portNumber} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1521}} {{description "The name of the Data Source."} \
{name dataSourceName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "This is a required property. The URL indicating the database from which the Data Source will obtain connections, such as 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:sample' for thin driver and 'jdbc:oracle:oci8:@sample' for thick driver."} \
{name URL} \
{required true} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521:test_b}} {{description "The maximum time to attempt to connect a database. If this value is non-zero, attempt to connect to the database will timeout when this specified value is reached."} \
{name loginTimeout} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value ""}} {{description "The description of this datasource."} \
{name description} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Indicates whether or not to detect multithreaded access to a Connection and its corresponding Statements, ResultSets, and MetaDatas."} \
{name enableMultithreadedAccessDetection} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Boolean} \
{value false}} {{description "This property is introduced as a result of Oraclebug 2511780, Oracle Patch for 2511780 must be installed before setting this property to true, failure to do that would cause a program error.  Please check the WebSphere readme file for more info ."} \
{name transactionBranchesLooselyCoupled} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Boolean} \
{value false}} {{description "This query string is used for pre-test connection. For example, 'SELECT USER FROM DUAL'. When pre-test connection is enabled in j2c.properties, a statement will be executed with this query to make sure the connection is good.  If no query is specified, the default 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rra.x1x1x0x4x' will be used."} \
{name preTestSQLString} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value "SELECT USER FROM DUAL"}}}}}} \
{statementCacheSize 10} } 
$AdminConfig create DataSource $JDBCProvider { {authDataAlias hostnameManager/wstest4-hubRWAlias} \
{authMechanismPreference BASIC_PASSWORD} \
{category HUB} \
{connectionPool {{agedTimeout 0} \
{connectionTimeout 1800} \
{maxConnections 10} \
{minConnections 1} \
{purgePolicy EntirePool} \
{reapTime 180} \
{unusedTimeout 1800}}} \
{datasourceHelperClassname com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.OracleDataStoreHelper} \
{description "CBO Hub Read-Write DataSource"} \
{jndiName acme/hub/jdbc/ReadWriteDataSource} \
{mapping {{authDataAlias hostnameManager/wstest4-hubRWAlias} \
{mappingConfigAlias DefaultPrincipalMapping}}} \
{name "CBO Hub Read-Write DataSource"} \
{propertySet {{resourceProperties {{{description "The type of the driver. The possible values are: thin, oci8."} \
{name driverType} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The oraclelogPrintMask controls which information is printed with each trace message. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 62 which is ([OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT for 9i / OracleLog.FIELD_CONN for 8i] 32 | OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY 16 | OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD 8 | OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE 4 | OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2).  Possible values:  OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2, OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE  4, OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD  8, OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY  16, OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT  32, OracleLog.FIELD_THREAD  64"} \
{name oraclelogPrintMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 62}} {{description "The oraclelogModuleMask controls which modules write debug output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 1 which is ( OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1).  Possible values (OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1, OracleLog.MODULE_DBACCESS  2)"} \
{name oraclelogModuleMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1}} {{description "The oraclelogCategoryMask controls which category to be output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 47 which is ( OracleLog.USER_OPER  1 | OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2 | OracleLog.ERROR  4 | OracleLog.WARNING  8 | OracleLog.DEBUG1  32).  Possible values (OracleLog.USER_OPER  1, OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2, OracleLog.ERROR  4, OracleLog.WARNING  8, OracleLog.FUNCTION  16, OracleLog.DEBUG1  32, OracleLog.SQL_STR  128)"} \
{name oraclelogCategoryMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 47}} {{description "The entry name which is used for the Oracle OCI driver."} \
{name TNSEntryName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Whether to use TCP/IP or IPC or any other protocol"} \
{name networkProtocol} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The database name. For example, enter sample to make your Data Source point to sample.  used for thin driver setup"} \
{name databaseName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The name of the server. used for thin driver setup"} \
{name serverName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The TCP/IP port number where the jdbc driver resides. used for thin driver setup"} \
{name portNumber} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1521}} {{description "The name of the Data Source."} \
{name dataSourceName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "This is a required property. The URL indicating the database from which the Data Source will obtain connections, such as 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:sample' for thin driver and 'jdbc:oracle:oci8:@sample' for thick driver."} \
{name URL} \
{required true} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521:test_h}} {{description "The maximum time to attempt to connect a database. If this value is non-zero, attempt to connect to the database will timeout when this specified value is reached."} \
{name loginTimeout} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value ""}} {{description "The description of this datasource."} \
{name description} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Indicates whether or not to detect multithreaded access to a Connection and its corresponding Statements, ResultSets, and MetaDatas."} \
{name enableMultithreadedAccessDetection} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Boolean} \
{value false}} {{description "This property is introduced as a result of Oraclebug 2511780, Oracle Patch for 2511780 must be installed before setting this property to true, failure to do that would cause a program error.  Please check the WebSphere readme file for more info ."} \
{name transactionBranchesLooselyCoupled} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Boolean} \
{value false}} {{description "This query string is used for pre-test connection. For example, 'SELECT USER FROM DUAL'. When pre-test connection is enabled in j2c.properties, a statement will be executed with this query to make sure the connection is good.  If no query is specified, the default 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rra.x1x1x0x4x' will be used."} \
{name preTestSQLString} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value "SELECT USER FROM DUAL"}}}}}} \
{statementCacheSize 10} } 
$AdminConfig create DataSource $JDBCProvider { {authDataAlias hostnameManager/wstest4-sellerRWAlias} \
{authMechanismPreference BASIC_PASSWORD} \
{category SELLER} \
{connectionPool {{agedTimeout 0} \
{connectionTimeout 1800} \
{maxConnections 10} \
{minConnections 1} \
{purgePolicy EntirePool} \
{reapTime 180} \
{unusedTimeout 1800}}} \
{datasourceHelperClassname com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.OracleDataStoreHelper} \
{description "CBO Seller Read-Write DataSource"} \
{jndiName acme/seller/jdbc/ReadWriteDataSource} \
{mapping {{authDataAlias hostnameManager/wstest4-sellerRWAlias} \
{mappingConfigAlias DefaultPrincipalMapping}}} \
{name "CBO Seller Read-Write DataSource"} \
{propertySet {{resourceProperties {{{description "The type of the driver. The possible values are: thin, oci8."} \
{name driverType} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The oraclelogPrintMask controls which information is printed with each trace message. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 62 which is ([OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT for 9i / OracleLog.FIELD_CONN for 8i] 32 | OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY 16 | OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD 8 | OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE 4 | OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2).  Possible values:  OracleLog.FIELD_TIME  2, OracleLog.FIELD_MODULE  4, OracleLog.FIELD_SUBMOD  8, OracleLog.FIELD_CATEGORY  16, OracleLog.FIELD_OBJECT  32, OracleLog.FIELD_THREAD  64"} \
{name oraclelogPrintMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 62}} {{description "The oraclelogModuleMask controls which modules write debug output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 1 which is ( OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1).  Possible values (OracleLog.MODULE_DRIVER  1, OracleLog.MODULE_DBACCESS  2)"} \
{name oraclelogModuleMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1}} {{description "The oraclelogCategoryMask controls which category to be output. Oracle9i requires the use of classes12_g.zip.  Default is 47 which is ( OracleLog.USER_OPER  1 | OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2 | OracleLog.ERROR  4 | OracleLog.WARNING  8 | OracleLog.DEBUG1  32).  Possible values (OracleLog.USER_OPER  1, OracleLog.PROG_ERROR  2, OracleLog.ERROR  4, OracleLog.WARNING  8, OracleLog.FUNCTION  16, OracleLog.DEBUG1  32, OracleLog.SQL_STR  128)"} \
{name oraclelogCategoryMask} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 47}} {{description "The entry name which is used for the Oracle OCI driver."} \
{name TNSEntryName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Whether to use TCP/IP or IPC or any other protocol"} \
{name networkProtocol} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The database name. For example, enter sample to make your Data Source point to sample.  used for thin driver setup"} \
{name databaseName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The name of the server. used for thin driver setup"} \
{name serverName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "The TCP/IP port number where the jdbc driver resides. used for thin driver setup"} \
{name portNumber} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value 1521}} {{description "The name of the Data Source."} \
{name dataSourceName} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "This is a required property. The URL indicating the database from which the Data Source will obtain connections, such as 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:sample' for thin driver and 'jdbc:oracle:oci8:@sample' for thick driver."} \
{name URL} \
{required true} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521:password}} {{description "The maximum time to attempt to connect a database. If this value is non-zero, attempt to connect to the database will timeout when this specified value is reached."} \
{name loginTimeout} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Integer} \
{value ""}} {{description "The description of this datasource."} \
{name description} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value ""}} {{description "Indicates whether or not to detect multithreaded access to a Connection and its corresponding Statements, ResultSets, and MetaDatas."} \
{name enableMultithreadedAccessDetection} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Boolean} \
{value false}} {{description "This property is introduced as a result of Oraclebug 2511780, Oracle Patch for 2511780 must be installed before setting this property to true, failure to do that would cause a program error.  Please check the WebSphere readme file for more info ."} \
{name transactionBranchesLooselyCoupled} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.Boolean} \
{value false}} {{description "This query string is used for pre-test connection. For example, 'SELECT USER FROM DUAL'. When pre-test connection is enabled in j2c.properties, a statement will be executed with this query to make sure the connection is good.  If no query is specified, the default 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rra.x1x1x0x4x' will be used."} \
{name preTestSQLString} \
{required false} \
{type java.lang.String} \
{value "SELECT USER FROM DUAL"}}}}}} \
{statementCacheSize 10} } 

$AdminConfig save   

### Synchronize nodes

puts "Synchronizing nodes..."
set Sync1 [$AdminControl completeObjectName type=NodeSync,node=$nname,*]
set xstatus [$AdminControl invoke $Sync1 sync]

if {$xstatus == "false"} {
    puts "Unable to synchronize nodes..."

## Main   
if { !($argc == 4) } {   
   puts ""   
   puts "Usage:  "   
   puts " "   
   puts "wsadmin.sh -username system -password password -f set_DS.jacl cellname nodename servername clustername" 
   puts ""   
   puts "For example:  "   
   puts " "   
   puts "wsadmin.sh -username was -password acme@ -f  set_DS.jacl hostnameNetwork hostname ops_1_1 hostnameManager wstest4" 
} else {    
   set xcell        [lindex $argv 0]     
   set xnode        [lindex $argv 1]     
   set xserver      [lindex $argv 2]     
   set xclname      [lindex $argv 3]     
   set_RO_DataSource $xcell $xnode $xserver $xclname   
   set_RW_DataSource $xcell $xnode $xserver $xclname   


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