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Interface Property

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public interface Property

Encapsulates property information. A property represents a data type which can be produced or consumed. The type information is used by the Property Broker to determine matches between properties produced by a source and properties consumed by a target. This interface does not have any dependencies on the specific runtime environment, as it is intended for reuse across different component runtime environments where brokered communication across components may be supported.

In the WebSphere Portal environment, PropertyBrokerService may be used to create instances of Property. After instantiation, required fields must be set using setter methods on PropertyController. Instead of such explicit creation, properties may be implicitly created by the runtime if information is provided in a WSDL file.
A class which implements this interface must also be Serializable.

See Also:
com.ibm.portal.propertybroker.service.PropertyBrokerService, PropertyController

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getClassname()
          Returns class used to encapsulate the property value.
 java.lang.String getClassName()
          Deprecated. Use getClassname instead.
 java.lang.String java.util.Locale)">getDescription(java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns a text description for this property for the provided locale.
 Direction getDirection()
          Returns whether the property is produced or consumed.
 java.lang.Object getId()
          Returns a globally unique id identifying the property.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the name of the property.
 java.lang.String getNamespace()
          Returns a string containing the type namespace.
 java.lang.Object getOwningDefinitionId()
          Return the id of the owning component this property is associated with.
 java.lang.String getSchemaLocation()
          Return a string containing the absolute URL or relative path to a document containing the type schema.
 java.util.Locale[] getSupportedLocales()
          Returns the supported locales for the displayable text associated with the property, such as its title and description.
 java.lang.String java.util.Locale)">getTitle(java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns a short description for this property for the provided locale.
 java.lang.String getType()
          Returns a string containing the property type.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getName()
Returns the name of the property. Property names must be unique within the set associated with a component definition. The name is a required field (i.e. must not be null).

a String containing the name of the property.


public java.lang.Object getId()
Returns a globally unique id identifying the property. This cannot be set through PropertyController but will be set by the runtime once the property has been created and registered. If the Property object has been created but not registered, this method will return null.

an Object which serves as the globally unique identifier for the property.


public java.lang.String getType()
Returns a string containing the property type. The type is associated with the semantics of the property e.g. PhoneNo, orderID etc. This field is required.

a String containing the property type.


public java.lang.String getNamespace()
Returns a string containing the type namespace. A namespace may be used to group related types in a domain of types, to prevent collisions with similarly named types created in a different domain. This is optional; if omitted, no namespace is used. No namespace is indicated by the empty string. If specified, it will be used in conjunction with type to restrict matches.

a String containing the type namespace.
See Also:


public java.lang.String getSchemaLocation()
Return a string containing the absolute URL or relative path to a document containing the type schema. This is optional. If not specified, an empty string will be returned. If specified, it may be used for validation of the property value.

a String containing the absolute URL or relative path to a schema.


public Direction getDirection()
Returns whether the property is produced or consumed.

a Direction object indicating the direction
See Also:



public java.lang.String getTitle(java.util.Locale locale)
Returns a short description for this property for the provided locale. Suitable for display by tools or as help text.

locale - the current locale
a short description for this property for the provided locale.



public java.lang.String getDescription(java.util.Locale locale)
Returns a text description for this property for the provided locale. Suitable for display by tools or as help text.

locale - the current locale
a text description for this property for the provided locale.


public java.lang.String getClassname()
Returns class used to encapsulate the property value. The default is String.

a String containing the class name of the value of the property.


public java.lang.String getClassName()
Deprecated. Use getClassname instead.

See Also:


public java.lang.Object getOwningDefinitionId()
Return the id of the owning component this property is associated with. In a Websphere Portal environment this would be the portlet definition id.

the owning component id object this property is associated with.


public java.util.Locale[] getSupportedLocales()
Returns the supported locales for the displayable text associated with the property, such as its title and description.

the array of Locales

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