[V5.1 and later]pre_uninst502mq command

The pre_uninst502mq command is a V5.1 migration tool for use when you migrate a V5.0.2 node with embedded messaging to V5.1. The script changes the normal uninstaller program environment to prevent the uninstaller program from removing the embedded messaging feature while uninstalling the base V5.0.2 node. Normally the uninstaller program removes the embedded messaging feature while uninstalling the product.

When you migrate the V5.0.2 base node to V5.1, the two installation instances share the same node name, the same embedded messaging feature code, and the same messaging queue manager. Uninstalling either V5 installation instance removes the instance and the embedded messaging feature. The pre_uninst502mq script prevents the removal of embedded messaging when the V5.0.2 installation instance is uninstalled. The V5.1 uninstaller program has an option that you can use to prevent the removal of the embedded messaging feature.

The uninstaller program normally stops and removes the default embedded messaging queue manager process before uninstalling the feature. If another embedded messaging process is running on a Linux or UNIX-based machine, the uninstaller program cannot remove the embedded messaging feature. The pre_uninst502mq script creates the WAS_COEXIST queue manager to prevent the removal of the embedded messaging feature code on Linux and UNIX-based platforms. The uninstaller program does not remove the WAS_COEXIST queue manager, which is active and therefore causes the uninstaller program to not remove the embedded messaging feature code.

Location of the command file

The command file is located in the install_root/bin directory. The command file is a script named pre_uninst502mq.sh on Linux and UNIX-based platforms and pre_uninst502mq.bat on Windows platforms.

pre_uninst502mq.sh command syntax for Linux and UNIX-based platforms

The command syntax is as follows:


pre_uninst502mq.bat command syntax for Windows platforms



No parameters are associated with this command.

Migrating a V5.0.2 base node to a V5.1 node


After using the pre_uninst502mq script and uninstalling the V5.0.2 product on Linux and UNIX-based platforms, perform this procedure:

  1. Run the post_uninst502mq script to remove the WAS_COEXIST queue manager.

  2. On Linux and UNIX-based platforms, run the following commands to verify that the WAS_COEXIST queue manager is deleted. Run the commands as root from the install_root/bin directory:

    endmqm WAS_COEXIST
    dltmqm WAS_COEXIST

  3. Run the createmq command from the install_root/bin directory to create the default queue manager:

    UNIX platforms: 
       createmq.sh  install_root 
    Windows platforms: 
       createmq.bat install_root

The command that the installer program used to create your original queue manager is in the install_root/logs/createMQ.nodeName_server1.log file.

To create the default queue manager on a Linux node named wasnode, for example, run the following command:

createmq.sh /opt/WebSphere/AppServer wasnode wasnode server1
On an unfederated node, the value of the cell name parameter is the node name.

Related concepts
Migration tools
Related tasks
Uninstalling the product
Related reference
post_uninst502mq command