Install WebSphere embedded messaging as the JMS provider

Use this task to install the Embedded Messaging options of IBM WebSphere Application Server for use as the JMS provider.



Before you install the embedded messaging options of IBM WebSphere Application Server, complete the following steps:

  1. If you want to install embedded messaging on a machine where you already have WebSphere MQ installed, ensure that you have upgraded to WebSphere MQ 5.3 with the required MQ features:

    1. If you have the original WebSphere MQ 5.3 release installed, ensure that you have applied the CSD04 update.

      To determine if your WebSphere MQ 5.3 installation is at the required level, run the mqver utility provided by WebSphere MQ. The required level as indicated by mqver is shown below:

      Name:        WebSphere MQ
      Version:     530.4  CSD04

      For more information about CSD04 and other WebSphere MQ product support see the WebSphere MQ support page for your platform.

    2. Ensure that you have installed the following WebSphere MQ features:

      • For a WAS Embedded Messaging Server installation, the required MQ features are "Server" and "Java Messaging".

      • For a WAS Embedded Messaging Client installation, the only required MQ feature is "Java Messaging".

    If you have not installed WebSphere MQ 5.3 with the required MQ features, then installation of IBM WAS Embedded Messaging options fails with prerequisite check errors.

    For information about installing WebSphere MQ 5.3, or migrating to WebSphere MQ 5.3 from an earlier release, see the appropriate WebSphere MQ Quick Beginnings book, as follows:

    • WebSphere MQ for Windows, V5.3 Quick Beginnings, GC34-6073
    • WebSphere MQ for AIX, V5.3 Quick Beginnings, GC34-6076
    • WebSphere MQ for Solaris, V5.3 Quick Beginnings, GC34-6075
    • WebSphere MQ for HP-UX, V5.3 Quick Beginnings, GC34-6077
    • WebSphere MQ for Linux for Intel and Linux for zSeries, V5.3 Quick Beginnings, GC34-6078

    You can get these books from the WebSphere MQ messaging platform-specific books Web page at Target can be accessed only when this topic is linked to the World Wide Web

  2. Ensure that there is enough space in the file systems where you want to install the Embedded Messaging options and store associated messaging data. On UNIX platforms, you also need to create the required file systems before installing the embedded messaging feature.

    • (Windows only) You can specify the file system into which the Embedded Messaging options are installed. The following table lists the default locations for the base messaging functions and the messaging broker functions (for publish/subscribe messaging). The table also provides figures for the file system sizes on which you can base your own calculations.

      Installation directory and space needed for embedded messaging - Windows platform

        Base messaging Messaging broker
      Installation directory C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\WEMPS
      Typical space needed 70 MB (server) or 15 MB (client) 45 MB (server)

      If you are using the Installation wizard to install IBM WAS, you can specify an install location for the Embedded Messaging options during either a Full or Custom install. If you want to use a silent install for IBM WAS, you can specify an install location for the Embedded Messaging options when you tailor the options response file before issuing the command to install silently. For more information about performing a silent installation (including editing the options response file), see Installing silently.

    • (UNIX platforms only)

      The file system into which the Embedded Messaging options are installed is fixed. The following table lists the default locations for the base messaging functions and the messaging broker functions (for publish/subscribe messaging). The table also provides figures for the file system sizes on which you can base your own calculations.

      Installation directory and space needed for embedded messaging - UNIX platforms

        Base code Broker code Base data Broker data
        /usr/mqm /usr/opt/wemps /var/mqm /var/wemps
      AIX 40MB (server) or 15MB (client) 80MB (server) or 15MB (client) 8MB (server) or 5MB (client) 5MB (server)
        /opt/mqm /opt/wemps /var/mqm /var/wemps
      Linux/Intel 40MB (server) or 15MB (client) 100MB (server) or 15MB (client) 8MB (server) or 5MB (client) 5MB (server)
      HP-UX 40MB (server) or 15MB (client) 105MB (server) or 15MB (client) 8MB (server) or 5MB (client) 5MB (server)
      Solaris 40MB (server) or 15MB (client) 70MB (server) or 15MB (client) 20MB (server) or 15MB (client) 5MB (server)

      Before you install WebSphere embedded messaging, create and mount a journalized file system called /var/mqm for your messaging working data. Use a partition strategy with a separate volume for the WebSphere MQ data. This means that other system activity is not affected if a large amount of messaging work builds up in /var/mqm. You can also create separate file systems for your log data (var/mqm/log) and error files (var/mqm/errors). Store log files on a different physical volume from the Embedded Messaging queues (var/mqm). This ensures data integrity in the case of a hardware failure. If you are creating separate file systems, allow a minimum of 30 MB of storage for /var/mqm, 20 MB of storage for /var/mqm/log, and 4 MB of storage for /var/mqm/errors.

      Note: The /var file system is used to store all the security logging information for the system, and is used to store the temporary files for email and printing. Therefore, it is critical that you maintain free space in /var for these operations. If you do not create a separate file system for messaging data, and /var fills up, all security logging will be stopped on the system until some free space is available in /var. Also, email and printing will no longer be possible until some free space is available in /var.

      You have the same options for creating file systems for Embedded Messaging as you do for WebSphere MQ. For example:

      • If you cannot install the Embedded Messaging options in the required file system (for example, if it is too small), you can do one of the following before installing the Embedded Messaging options:

        • Create and mount a new file system for the installation directory.

        • Create a new directory anywhere on your machine, and create a symbolic link from the required installation directory to the new directory. For example, on AIX:

          mkdir /bigdisk/mqm
          ln -s /bigdisk/mqm /usr/mqm

  3. Define the operating system groups and users needed for embedded messaging:

    • (UNIX platforms only)

      1. If you have not already done so, create the groups mqm and mqbrkrs.

      2. Add the users mqm and root to the mqm group.

      3. Add the user root to the mqbrkrs group.


        1. You are recommended to run the JMS server process under the root user ID. If you run the JMS server process under another user ID, add that user ID to the mqm and mqbrkrs groups

          For more information about running servers under a non-root user ID, see Running an Application Server from a non-root user and the nodeagent from root.

        2. User IDs longer than 12 characters cannot be used for authentication with the embedded WebSphere JMS provider.

    • (Windows only) Define the process user ID with these authorizations:

      • Assign the user ID to the Administrator group.

      • Give the user ID the advanced user right, Act as part of the operating system.

      • Give the user ID the advanced user right, Log on as a service.

      User IDs longer than 12 characters cannot be used for authentication with the embedded WebSphere JMS provider. For example, the default Windows NT user ID, Administrator, is not valid for use with embedded WebSphere messaging, because it contains 13 characters.

      The IBM WAS installation wizard GUI grants your Windows user ID the advanced user rights, if the user ID belongs to the Administrator group. The silent installation does not. If you create a new user ID on a Windows platform to perform the silent installation, restart the system to activate the proper authorizations for the user ID, and to perform a successful silent installation.

    This user ID, the WAS process user ID, is used to start the JMS server (for general JMS support) and the WebSphere Embedded Broker (for WebSphere topic connections).

    Ensure that these operating system security settings are used when you next start IBM WAS; for example, either log off and then on again with the process user ID, or open a new shell in which to start IBM WAS.

    You have the same options for creating user IDs and groups for Embedded Messaging as you do for WebSphere MQ. For more information about creating user IDs and groups for WebSphere MQ, see the section "Preparing for Installation: Setting up the user ID and group" in the appropriate WebSphere MQ Quick Beginnings book, as listed above.

  4. (Solaris only) Several Solaris kernel values are typically too small for the Embedded Messaging options. Starting the internal JMS server or client with insufficient kernel resources produces a First Failure Support Technology (FFST) file in the /var/mqm/errors directory.

    Before installing Embedded Messaging, review the machine's configuration. To do this type the following command:

    sysdef -i

    The kernel values are set in the /etc/system file, as shown in the following example.

    set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax = 4294967295
    set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg = 1024
    set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni = 1024
    set semsys:seminfo_semaem = 16384
    set semsys:seminfo_semmni = 1024
    set semsys:seminfo_semmap = 1026
    set semsys:seminfo_semmns = 16384
    set semsys:seminfo_semmsl = 100
    set semsys:seminfo_semopm = 100
    set semsys:seminfo_semmnu = 2048
    set semsys:seminfo_semume = 256
    set msgsys:msginfo_msgmap = 1026
    set msgsys:msginfo_msgmax = 65535
    set rlim_fd_cur=1024

    You can change kernel values by editing the /etc/system file then rebooting the operating system. For more information about setting up the Solaris system, see the Target can be accessed only when this topic is linked to the World Wide Web   Solaris System Administration documentation ; for example, the Target can be accessed only when this topic is linked to the World Wide Web   Solaris Tunable Parameters Reference Manual .

    Note: Queue managers are generally independent of each other. Therefore system kernel parameters, for example shmmni, semmni, semmns, and semmnu need to allow for the number of queue managers in the system.

  5. (HP-UX only) Several HP-UX kernel values are typically too small for the Embedded Messaging options. Starting the internal JMS server or client with insufficient kernel resources produces a First Failure Support Technology (FFST) file in the /var/mqm/errors directory.

    Before installing Embedded Messaging, review the machine's configuration and, if needed, set appropriate HP-UX kernel settings.

    You should set new values for the following messaging-related kernel parameters (along with the base set of kernel parameters required by IBM WAS):

    Parameter Value
    sema 1
    semaem 16384
    semmns 16384
    semvmx 32767
    shmem 1

    This table lists only those messaging-related kernel parameters that either are extra to the base set or need values that are greater than given in the base set.

    For information about how to review and set the base set of kernel parameters for IBM WAS, see the item "Configure HP-UX kernel settings before installing" in Platform-specific tips for installing and migrating (HP-UX platforms).

    Note: Queue managers are generally independent of each other. Therefore system kernel parameters, for example shmmni, semmni, semmns, and semmnu need to allow for the number of queue managers in the system.



To install the Embedded Messaging options of WAS for use as the WebSphere JMS provider, complete the following steps:

  1. Login with the WAS process user ID (defined as part of the prerequisites)

    Note: (UNIX platforms only) Login as root.

  2. On a machine where you want to host queues or topics, install IBM WAS with the Embedded Messaging Server option.If you also want appservers on the host to run messaging applications, install the Embedded Messaging Client option.

    Both options are selected by default.

  3. On a machine where you want appservers to run messaging applications that use a JMS provider on another host, install IBM WAS with the Embedded Messaging Client option.



This task has installed WebSphere Application Server with its embedded messaging as the JMS provider.

You can configure JMS resources to be provided by embedded messaging, by using the WebSphere administrative console to define WebSphere JMS resources.


What to do next

(UNIX platforms only) Restrict access to the messaging errors directories and logging files; for example, by using the following commands:

  1. For the /var/mqm/errors directory:

    chmod 3777 /var/mqm/errors
    chown mqm:mqm /var/mqm/errors
    touch /var/mqm/errors/AMQERR01.LOG 
    chown mqm:mqm /var/mqm/errors/AMQERR01.LOG
    chmod 666 /var/mqm/errors/AMQERR01.LOG
    touch /var/mqm/errors/AMQERR02.LOG
    chown mqm:mqm /var/mqm/errors/AMQERR02.LOG
    chmod 666 /var/mqm/errors/AMQERR02.LOG
    touch /var/mqm/errors/AMQERR03.LOG
    chown mqm:mqm /var/mqm/errors/AMQERR03.LOG 
    chmod 666 /var/mqm/errors/AMQERR03.LOG

  2. For the /var/mqm/qmgrs/@SYSTEM/errors directory:

    chmod 3777 /var/mqm/qmgrs/@SYSTEM/errors
    chown mqm:mqm /var/mqm/qmgrs/@SYSTEM/errors
    touch /var/mqm/qmgrs/@SYSTEM/errors/AMQERR01.LOG 
    chown mqm:mqm /var/mqm/qmgrs/@SYSTEM/errors/AMQERR01.LOG
    chmod 666 /var/mqm/qmgrs/@SYSTEM/errors/AMQERR01.LOG
    touch /var/mqm/qmgrs/@SYSTEM/errors/AMQERR02.LOG
    chown mqm:mqm /var/mqm/qmgrs/@SYSTEM/errors/AMQERR02.LOG
    chmod 666 /var/mqm/qmgrs/@SYSTEM/errors/AMQERR02.LOG
    touch /var/mqm/qmgrs/@SYSTEM/errors/AMQERR03.LOG
    chown mqm:mqm /var/mqm/qmgrs/@SYSTEM/errors/AMQERR03.LOG 
    chmod 666 /var/mqm/qmgrs/@SYSTEM/errors/AMQERR03.LOG

This is part of the procedure to secure the directories and log files needed for WebSphere embedded messaging, as described in Securing messaging directories and log files.

If you have installed the Embedded Messaging Server option on top of WebSphere MQ, the MQ command setmqcap is set to use parameter 0 instead of -1, which results in:

To prevent this, after you have completed the installation of IBM WAS, issue the setmqcap -1 command from a command line.

After installing WebSphere MQ and WAS on the same host, service WebSphere MQ independently of the WAS fix packs. This approach helps to avoid potential failures if you later decide to uninstall WAS fix packs.

Related tasks
Installing and configuring a JMS provider
Moving from the embedded WebSphere JMS provider to WebSphere MQ
Running an Application Server from a non-root user and the nodeagent from root
Running an Application Server and node agent from a non-root user