

Public Methods

  1. Overview
  2. deleteUserAndGroupEntries
  3. edit
  4. editInteractive
  5. export
  6. exportDDL
  7. help
  8. help
  9. install
  10. installInteractive
  11. list
  12. listModules
  13. Options
  14. publishWSDL
  15. publishWSDL
  16. taskInfo
  17. updateAccessIDs


Install Options

  1. Overview
  2. Installation options for the AdminApp object
  3. appname
  4. BackendIdSelection
  5. BindJndiForEJBMessageBinding
  6. BindJndiForEJBNonMessageBinding
  7. cell
  8. cluster
  9. contextroot
  10. CorrectOracleIsolationLevel
  11. CorrectUseSystemIdentity
  12. DataSourceFor10CMPBeans
  13. DataSourceFor20CMPBeans
  14. DataSourceFor10EJBModules
  15. DataSourceFor20EJBModules
  18. defaultbinding.datasource.jndi
  19. defaultbinding.datasource.password
  20. defaultbinding.datasource.username
  21. defaultbinding.ejbjndi.prefix
  22. defaultbinding.force
  23. defaultbinding.strategy.file
  25. depl.extension.reg
  26. deployejb
  27. deployejb.classpath
  28. deployejb.dbschema
  29. deployejb.dbtype
  30. deployejb.rmic
  31. deployws
  32. deployws.classpath
  33. deployws.jardirs
  34. distributeApp
  35. EnsureMethodProtectionFor10EJB
  36. EnsureMethodProtectionFor20EJB
  37. installdir
  38. MapModulesToServers
  39. MapEJBRefToEJB
  40. MapResEnvRefToRes
  41. MapResRefToEJB
  42. MapRolesToUsers
  43. MapRunAsRolesToUsers
  44. MapWebModToVH
  45. node
  46. nodeployejb
  47. nodeployws
  48. nodistributeApp
  49. nopreCompileJSPs
  50. nouseMetaDataFromBinary
  51. nousedefaultbindings
  52. preCompileJSPs
  53. server
  54. update
  55. update.ignore.old
  57. useMetaDataFromBinary
  58. usedefaultbindings
  59. verbose

See Also

  1. JACL Examples



Use the AdminApp object to install, modify, and administer applications. The AdminApp object interacts with the WebSphere Application Server management and configuration services to make application inquiries and changes. This includes installing and uninstalling applications, listing modules, exporting, and so on.

One can start when no server is running, if you want to use only local operations. To run in local mode, use the -conntype NONE option to start You will receive a message that you are running in the local mode. If a server is currently running, it is not recommended to run the AdminApp tool in local mode.

The following public methods are available for the AdminApp object:



Deletes users or groups for all roles, and deletes userids and passwords for all of the RunAs roles defined in the application.

Parameters: appname
Return Type: none

Example usage:

$AdminApp deleteUserAndGroupEntries myapp



Edits an application or module in interactive mode.

Parameters: appname -- java.lang.String options -- java.lang.String
Return Type: java.lang.String

Example usage:

$AdminApp edit "JavaMail Sample" {-MapWebModToVH {{"JavaMail Sample WebApp" mtcomps.war,WEB-INF/web.xml newVH}}} 

Note: The edit command changes the application deployment. Specify these changes in the options parameter. No options are required for the edit command.



Edits an application or module in interactive mode.

Parameters: appname -- java.lang.String options -- java.lang.String
Return Type: java.lang.String

Example usage:

$AdminApp editInteractive ivtApp 

You can capture the output of the editInteractive command by running... -username username -password password | tee filename.txt
wsadmin> $AdminApp editInteractive "Application Name"

...and then tapping your way through to the end of the interactive prompts. Output is written to both the screen and to filename.txt.

This is an interesting use of editInteractive. As far as I know, this is the only way get application binding information, other than using installInsteractive, which requires you to fill in all binding information.

You can take the output of the command, convert to JACL code, and use for an install script.

Make sure to use the console to verify that any changes you write using editInteractive are actually written to the application.



Exports the application appname parameter to a file you specify by file name.

Parameters: appname, filename
Return Type: none

Example usage:

$AdminApp export "My App" /usr/me/myapp.ear 



Extracts the data definition language (DDL) from the application appname parameter to the directoryname parameter that a directory specifies. The options parameter is optional.

Parameters: appname, directoryname, options
Return Type: none

Example usage:

$AdminApp exportDDL "My App" /usr/me/DDL {-ddlprefix myApp}



Displays general help for the AdminApp object.

Parameters: none
Return Type: none

Example usage:

$AdminApp help

Example output:

wsadmin>$AdminApp help 
WASX7095I: The AdminApp object allows application objects to 
be manipulated including installing, uninstalling, editing,
and listing.  Most of the commands supported by AdminApp operate in two
modes: the default mode is one in which AdminApp communicates with the
WebSphere server to accomplish its tasks.  A local mode is also
possible, in which no server communication takes place.  The local
mode of operation is invoked by including the "-conntype NONE" flag in the
option string supplied to the command.

The following commands are supported by AdminApp; more detailed
information about each of these commands is available by using the
"help" command of AdminApp and supplying the name of the command
as an argument.

edit            Edit the properties of an application
editInteractive Edit the properties of an application interactively
export          Export application to a file
exportDDL      Extract DDL from application to a directory
help            Show help information
install         Installs an application, given a file name and an option string.
                Installs an application in interactive mode, given a file name
                and an option string.
list            List all installed applications
listModules     List the modules in a specified application
options         Shows the options available, either for a given file, or in
taskInfo        Shows detailed information pertaining to a given install task
                for a given file
uninstall       Uninstalls an application, given an application name and
                an option string



Displays help for an AdminApp command or installation option.

Parameters: operation name
Return Type: none

Example usage:

$AdminApp help uninstall

Example output:

wsadmin>$AdminApp help uninstall 
WASX7102I: Method: uninstall
Arguments: application name, options
Description: Uninstalls application named by "application name" using
the options supplied by String 2.
Method: uninstall
Arguments: application name
Description: Uninstalls the application specified by
"application name" using default options.



Installs an application in non-interactive mode, given a fully qualified file name and a string of installation options. The options parameter is optional.

Parameters: earfile, options
Return Type: none

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /apps/myapp.ear

There are many options available for this command. One can obtain a list of valid options for an EAR file with the following command:

$AdminApp options <earfilename>

You can also obtain help for each object with the following command:

$AdminApp help <optionname>



Installs an application in interactive mode, given a fully qualified file name and a string of installation options. The options parameter is optional.

Parameters: earfile, options
Return Type: none

Example usage:

$AdminApp installInteractive /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/installableApps/jmsample.ear



Lists the applications installed in the configuration.

Parameters: none
Return Type: java.lang.String

Example usage:

$AdminApp list

Example output:

wsadmin>$AdminApp list 



Lists the modules in an application.

Parameters: appname -- java.lang.String options -- java.lang.String
Return Type: java.lang.String

The options parameter is optional. The valid option is -server . This option lists the appservers on which the modules are installed.

Example usage:

$AdminApp listModules ivtApp

Example output:


This example is formed by the concatenation of appname , # , module URI , + , and DD URI . One can pass this string to the edit and editInteractive AdminApp commands.



Displays a list of options for installing an EAR file.

Parameters: earfile
Return Type: Information about the valid installation options for an EAR file.

Example usage:

$AdminApp options /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/installableApps/jmsample.ear



Publishes WSDL files for the application specified in the appname parameter to the file specified in the filename parameter.

Parameters: appname, filename
Return Type: none

Example usage:

$AdminApp publishWSDL JAXRPCHandlersServer /temp/



Publishes WSDL files for the application specified in the appname parameter to the file specified in the filename parameter using the soap address prefixes specified in the soapAddressPrefixes parameter.

Parameters: appname, filename, soapAddressPrefixes
Return Type: none

Example usage:

$AdminApp publishWSDL JAXRPCHandlersServer /temp/ {{JAXRPCHandlersServerApp.war 
{{http http://localhost:9080}}}}




Provides information about a particular task option for an application file.

Parameters: earfile, task name
Return Type: none

Example usage:

$AdminApp taskInfo /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/installableApps/jmsample.ear MapWebModToVH



Updates the access id information for users and groups assigned to various roles defined in the application. The access ids are read from the user registry and saved in the application bindings. This operation improves runtime performance of the application. You should call it after installing an application or after editing security role specific information for an installed application. This method cannot be invoked when -conntype is set to NONE . You must be connected to server to invoke this command.

The bAll boolean parameter retrieves and saves all access IDs for users and groups in the application bindings. Specify false if you want to retrieve access ids for users or groups that do not have an access id in the application bindings.

Parameters: appname, bALL
Return Type: none

Example usage:

$AdminApp updateAccessIDs myapp true


AdminApp install options


Use AdminApp taskInfo to retrieve application information from WAS. Information returned can include such things as JNDI names, data sources, or virtual hosts.

One way to obtain install information is to use a feature of the installInteractive command that generates the options for you. After you install the application interactively once and specify all the updates that you need, look for message WASX7278I in the wsadmin output log. The default output log for wsadmin is wsadmin.traceout. One can cut and paste the data in this message into a script, and modify it. For example:


WASX7278I: Generated command line: 

install /usr/local/user/applications/appname.ear  \
{   \
    -BindJndiForEJBNonMessageBinding    \
    {   \
        {   \
            deplmtest.jar    \
            MailEJBObject    \
            deplmtest.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml    \
            ejb/JMSampEJB1   \
        }   \
    }    \
    -MapResRefToEJB    \
    {   \
        {   \
            deplmtest.jar    \
            MailEJBObject    \
            deplmtest.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml    \
            mail/MailSession9 javax.mail.Session mail/DefaultMailSessionX    \
        }    \
        {   \
            "JavaMail Sample WebApp"     \
            mtcomps.war,WEB-INF/web.xml    \
            mail/MailSession9    \
            javax.mail.Session mail/DefaultMailSessionY    \
        }   \
    }    \
    -MapWebModToVH    \
    {   \
        {   \
            "JavaMail Sample WebApp"    \
            mtcomps.war,WEB-INF/web.xml    \
            newhost    \
        }   \
    }    \
    -nopreCompileJSPs    \
    -novalidateApp    \
    -installed.ear.destination /path/to/location    \
    -distributeApp    \
    -nouseMetaDataFromBinary   \



One can specify the following installation options for the AdminApp object.



Specifies the name of the application. The default is the display name of the application.



Specifies the backend ID for the enterprise bean jar modules that have container managed persistence beans. An enterprise bean jar module can support multiple backend configurations as specified using the Application Assembly Tool.

Use this option to change the backend ID during installation. This option is not available in an edit command.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-BackendIdSelection {{Annuity20EJB Annuity20EJB.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml DB2UDBNT_V72_1}}}



Binds enterprise beans to listener port names.

Ensure each message-driven enterprise bean in your application or module is bound to a listener port name. Use this option to provide missing data or update a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-BindJndiForEJBMessageBinding {{mymdb myMDB mymdb.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml myMDBListenPort}}}

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Binds enterprise beans to JNDI names.

Ensure each non message-driven enterprise bean in your application or module is bound to a JNDI name. Use this option to provide missing data or update a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-BindJndiForEJBNonMessageBinding {{"Increment Bean Jar" Inc Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml IncBean}}}

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Specifies the cell name for the AdminApp object installation functions.



Specifies the cluster name for the AdminApp object installation functions.

Note: This option only applies to a Network Deployment environment.



Specifies the context root you use when installing a stand-alone WAR file.



Specifies the isolation level for the Oracle type provider. Use this option to provide missing data or update a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-CorrectOracleIsolationLevel {{AsyncSender jms/MyQueueConnectionFactory jms/Resource1 2}}

The last field of each entry specifies the isolation level. Valid isolation level values are 2 or 4 .

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Replaces RunAs System to RunAs Roles.

The enterprise beans you install contain RunAs system identity. One can optionally change this identity to a RunAs role. Use this option to provide missing data or update a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-CorrectUseSystemIdentity {{Inc "Increment Bean Jar" Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml getValue() RunAsUser2 user2 password2} {Inc "Increment Bean Jar" Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml Increment() RunAsUser2 user2 password2}}}

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Specifies optional data sources for individual 1.x container managed persistence beans.

Mapping a specific data source to a CMP bean overrides the default data source for the module that contains the enterprise bean. Use this option to provide missing data or update a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-DataSourceFor10CMPBeans {{"Increment Bean Jar" Inc Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml jdbc/SampleDataSource user1 password1}}}

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Specifies optional data sources for individual 2.x container managed persistence beans.

Mapping a specific data source to a CMP bean overrides the default data source for the module that contains the enterprise bean. Use this option to provide missing data or update a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-DataSourceFor20CMPBeans {{buyerEjbJar buyerEJB buyerEjb.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml ejb/buyerEjb "per connection factory"} {sellerEjbJar sellerEjb sellerEjb.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml ejb/sellerEjb container}}}

The last field in each entry of this task specifies the value for resource authorization. Valid values for resource authorization are per connection factory or container .

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Specifies the default data source for the enterprise bean module that contains 1.x container managed persistence beans. Use this option to provide missing data or update a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-DataSourceFor10EJBModules {{"Increment Bean Jar" Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml jdbc/SampleDataSource user1 password1}}}

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Specifies the default data source for the enterprise bean 2.x module that contains 2.x container managed persistence beans. Use this option to provide missing data or update a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear \
{-DataSourceFor20CMPBeans \
  { \
    {buyerEjbJar buyerEjb buyerEjb.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml ejb/buyerEjb "per connection factory"} \
    {sellerEjbJar sellerEjb sellerEjb.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml  ejb/sellerEjb container} \
  } \

The last field in each entry of this task specifies the value for resource authorization. Valid values for resource authorization are

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.

Specifies the JNDI name for the default connection factory

Specifies the RESAUTH for the connection factory.



Specifies the JNDI name for the default datasource.



Specifies the password for the default datasource.



Specifies the user name for the default datasource.



Specifies the prefix for the enterprise bean Java Naming and Directory Interface name.



Specifies that the default bindings should override the current bindings.



Specifies a custom default bindings strategy file.

Specifies the default name for a virtual host.



Specifies the location of the properties file for deployment extensions.



Specifies to run EJBDeploy during installation. This option does not require a value.

The default value is nodeployejb .



Specifies an extra class path for EJBDeploy .



Specifies the database schema for EJBDeploy .



Specifies the database type for EJBDeploy .

Possible values include the following:


For a list of current supported database vendor types, run ejbdeploy -? .



Specifies extra RMIC options to use for EJBDeploy .



Specifies to deploy WebServices during installation. This option does not require a value.

The default value is: nodeployws .



Specifies the extra classpath to use when you deploy WebServices.



Specifies the extra extension directories to use when you deploy WebServices.



Specifies that the application management component distributes application binaries. This option does not require a value.

This is the default setting.



Selects method protections for unprotected methods of 1.x enterprise beans. Specify to leave the method as unprotected, or assign protection which denies all access. Use this option to provide missing data or update to a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-EnsureMethodProtectionFor10EJB {{"Increment EJB Module" IncrementEJBBean.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml ""} {"Timeout EJB Module" TimeoutEJBBean.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml methodProtection.denyAllPermission}}}

The last field in each entry of this task specifies the value of the protection. Valid protection values include: methodProtection.denyAllPermission . One can also leave the value blank if you want the method to remain unprotected.

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Selects method protections for unprotected methods of 2.x enterprise beans. Specify to assign a security role to the unprotected method, add the method to the exclude list, or mark the method as unchecked. One can assign multiple roles for a method by separating roles names with commas. Use this option to provide missing data or update to a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-EnsureMethodProtectionFor20EJB {{CustmerEjbJar buyerEjb.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml methodProtection.uncheck} {sellerEjbJar sellerEjb.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml methodProtection.exclude}}}

The last field in each entry of this task specifies the value of the protection. Valid protection values include: methodProtection.uncheck , methodProtection.exclude , or a list of security roles separated by commas.

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Specifies the directory to place the application binaries.



Specifies the appserver where you want to install modules that are contained in your application. One can install modules on the same server, or disperse them among several servers. Use this option to provide missing data or update to a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-MapModulesToServers {{"Increment Bean Jar" Increment.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml WebSphere:cell=cellname,node=nodename,server=servername} {"Default Application" default_app.war,WEB-INF/web.xml WebSphere:cell=cellname,node=nodename,server=servername} {"Examples Application" examples.war,WEB-INF/web.xml WebSphere:cell=cellname,node=nodename,server=servername}}}

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Maps enterprise Java references to enterprise beans. You must map each enterprise bean reference defined in your application to an enterprise bean. Use this option to provide missing data or update to a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-MapEJBRefToEJB {{"Examples Application" "" examples.war,WEB-INF/web.xml BeenThereBean IncBean}}}

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Maps resource environment references to resources. You must map each resource environment reference defined in your application to a resource. Use this option to provide missing data or update to a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-MapResEnvRefToRes {{AsyncSender AsyncSender asyncSenderEjb.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml jms/ASYNC_SENDER_QUEUE javax.jms.Queue jms/Resource2}}}

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Maps resource references to resources. You must map each resource reference defined in your application to a resource. Use this option to provide missing data or update to a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-MapResRefToEJB {{AsyncSender AsyncSender asyncSenderEjb.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml jms/MyQueueConnectionFactory javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory jms/Resource1} {"Catalog Component" TheCatalog catalogEjb.jar,META-INF/ejb-jar.xml jdbc/CatalogDataSource javax.sql.DataSource jdbc/Resource2}}}

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Maps users to roles. You must map each role defined in the application or module to a user or group from the domain user registry. One can specify multiple users or groups for a single role by separating them with a |. Use this option to provide missing data or update to a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-MapRolesToUsers {{"All Role" No Yes "" ""} {"Every Role" Yes No "" ""} {DenyAllRole No No user1 group1}}}

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Maps RunAs Roles to users. The enterprise beans you install contain predefined RunAs roles. Enterprise beans that need to run as a particular role for recognition while interacting with another enterprise bean use RunAs roles. Use this option to provide missing data or update to a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-MapRunAsRolesToUsers {{UserRole user1 password1} {AdminRole administrator administrator}}}

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Selects virtual hosts for Web modules. Specify the virtual host where you want to install the Web modules contained in your application. You can install Web modules on the same virtual host, or disperse them among several hosts. Use this option to provide missing data or update to a task.

Example usage:

$AdminApp install /path/to/myapp.ear {-MapWebModToVH {{"Default Application" default_app.war,WEB-INF/web.xml default_host} {"Examples Application" examples.war,WEB-INF/web.xml default_host}}}

Use the taskInfo command of the AdminApp object to obtain information about the data needed for your application. You only need to provide data for rows or entries that are missing information, or those where you want to update the existing data.



Specifies the node name for the AdminApp installation functions.



Specifies not to run EJBDeploy during installation. This option does not require a value.

This value is the default setting.



Specifies to not deploy WebServices during installation. This option does not require a value.

This value is the default setting.



Specifies that the application management component does not distribute application binaries. This option does not require a value.

The default setting is distributeApp .



Specifies not to precompile JSP files. This option does not require a value.

This is the default setting.



Specifies that the metadata used at run time, for example, deployment descriptors, bindings, extensions, and so on, come from the configuration repository. This option does not require a value.

This is the default setting. Use useMetaDataFromBinary to indicate that the metadata used at run time comes from the EAR file.



Specifies not to use default bindings for installation. This option does not require a value.

This is the default setting.



Specifies to precompile JSP files. This option does not require a value.

The default is nopreCompileJSPs .



Specifies the server name for the AdminApp installation functions.



Updates the installed application with a new version of the EAR file. This option does not require a value.

The application that is being updated, specified by the appname option, must already be installed in the WebSphere Application Server configuration. The update action merges bindings from the new version with the bindings from the old version, uninstalls the old version, and installs the new version. The binding information from new version of the EAR file is preferred over the corresponding one from the old version. If any element of binding is missing in the new version, the corresponding element from the old version is used.



Specifies that during the update action, bindings from the installed version of the application are ignored. This option does not require a value.

Applies only if you specify the update option.

Specifies that during the update action, bindings from the new version of the application are ignored. This option does not require a value.

Applies only if you specify the update option.



Specifies that the metadata used at run time, for example, deployment descriptors, bindings, extensions, and so on, come from the EAR file. This option does not require a value.

The default value is nouseMetaDataFromBinary which means that the metadata used at run time comes from the configuration repository.



Specifies to use default bindings for installation. This option does not require a value.

The default setting is nousedefaultbindings .



Causes additional messages to display during installation. This option does not require a value.


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