dmpmqaut (dump authority)




Use the dmpmqaut command to dump the current authorizations to a specified object.



             '- -m queue_manager-'  +- -n Profile-+
                               '- -l --------'
   '- -t ObjectType-'  '- -s ServiceComponent-'
   +- -p PrincipalName-+
   '- -g GroupName-----'


Optional parameters

-m queue_manager
Dump authority records only for the queue manager specified. If you omit this parameter, only authority records for the default queue manager are dumped.

-n Profile
The name of the profile for which to dump authorizations. The profile name can be generic, using wildcard characters to specify a range of names as explained in Using OAM generic profiles.

Dump only the profile name and type. Use this option to generate a terse list of all defined profile names and types.

-t ObjectType
The type of object for which to dump authorizations. Possible values are:
queue or q A queue or queues matching the object name parameter
qmgr A queue manager object
process or prcs A process
namelist or nl A namelist
authinfo Authentication information object, for use with SSL channel security

-s ServiceComponent
If installable authorization services are supported, specifies the name of the authorization service for which to dump authorizations. This parameter is optional; if you omit it, the authorization inquiry is made to the first installable component for the service.

-p PrincipalName
This parameter applies to WebSphere MQ for Windows only; UNIX systems keep only group authority records.

The name of a user for whom to dump authorizations to the specified object. The name of the principal can optionally include a domain name, specified in the following format:


For more information about including domain names on the name of a principal, see "Principals and groups".

-g GroupName
The name of the user group for which to dump authorizations. You can specify only one name, which must be the name of an existing user group. On Windows systems, you can use only local groups.



The following examples show the use of dmpmqaut to dump authority records for generic profiles:

  1. This example dumps all authority records with a profile that matches queue a.b.c for principal user1.
    dmpmqaut -m VANCOUVER -n a.b.c -t q -p user1

    The resulting dump would look something like this:

    profile:     a.b.*
    object type: queue
    entity:      user1
    type:        principal
    authority:   get, browse, put, inq

    UNIX users cannot use the -p option; they must use -g groupname instead.

  2. This example dumps all authority records with a profile that matches queue a.b.c.
    dmpmqaut -m qmgr1 -n a.b.c -t q

    The resulting dump would look something like this:

    profile:     a.b.c
    object type: queue
    entity:      Administrator
    type:        principal
    authority:   all
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    profile:     a.b.*
    object type: queue
    entity:      user1
    type:        principal
    authority:   get, browse, put, inq
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    profile:     a.**
    object type: queue
    entity:      group1
    type:        group
    authority:   get 

  3. This example dumps all authority records for profile a.b.*, of type queue.
    dmpmqaut -m qmgr1 -n a.b.* -t q

    The resulting dump would look something like this:

    profile:     a.b.*
    object type: queue
    entity:      user1
    type:        principal
    authority:   get, browse, put, inq

  4. This example dumps all authority records for queue manager qmX.
    dmpmqaut -m qmX 

    The resulting dump would look something like this:

    profile:     q1
    object type: queue
    entity:      Administrator
    type:        principal
    authority:   all
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    profile:     q*
    object type: queue
    entity:      user1
    type:        principal
    authority:   get, browse
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    profile:     name.*
    object type: namelist
    entity:      user2
    type:        principal
    authority:   get
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    profile:     pr1
    object type: process
    entity:      group1
    type:        group
    authority:   get

  5. This example dumps all profile names and object types for queue manager qmX.
    dmpmqaut -m qmX -l 

    The resulting dump would look something like this:

    profile: q1, type: queue
    profile: q*, type: queue
    profile: name.*, type: namelist
    profile: pr1, type: process

For WebSphere MQ for Windows only, all principals displayed include domain information, for example:
profile:     a.b.*
object type: queue
entity:      user1@domain1
type:        principal
authority:   get, browse, put, inq


Related commands

dspmqaut Display authority
setmqaut Set or reset authority


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