Repository preferences

A repository is a location that stores data for installing, modifying, rolling back, updating, or uninstalling packages. Add, edit, or remove repositories and modify the repository order in the repository table. In the Repositories window, we can add, edit, or remove repositories and modify the repository order in the repository table. We can clear credentials for a repository or test a connection to a repository. You might find both a diskTag.inf and a repository.config in the IBM product installation kit. Use the diskTag.inf when you select a repository location. For more information, see Repositories.

Add, edit or remove a repository location

  1. Click...

  2. Enter the repository location or click Browse.

    If browsing, go to the repository location and, depending on your environment, select either:

    • diskTag.inf (Windows)
    • repository.config (UNIX)
    • file.jar

  3. Click OK.

    If we provided an HTTPS or restricted FTP repository location, we are prompted to enter a user ID and password.

    The new repository location is added to the list. If the repository is not connected, a red box shows in the Connection column.

  4. Optional: Check Search service repositories during installation and updates. Installation Manager searches the service repositories for updates to installed packages.

  5. Click OK to close the Preference page.

On the OS X, the Preferences option is under the IBM Installation Manager menu.


  1. Change repository settings
  2. Search service repositories
  3. Search for updates in wizard mode
