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Configure secure JMX connection to the Liberty profile

  1. Edit server.xml

  2. Create a REST connector...

    The restConnector-1.0 feature includes ssl-1.0.

  3. Configure SSL certificates.

  4. Configure a user or group to the administrator role.

  5. Access the REST connector.

    We can access a Liberty profile REST connector from...

    • A Java client
    • Directly through an HTTPS call

    A Java client uses the client-side of the connector, in...


    ...and implements the interface...


    Any programming language that can make HTTPS calls, including C++, JavaScript, curl, Ruby, and Perl, can use the REST APIs. The REST APIs contain endpoints for...

    • Management (JMX)
    • file transfer
    • collective routing
    • collective deployment

    Access the REST connector from a JMX client application or using the jConsole tool provided in the Java SDK. Use -J flags to pass the system properties as Java options, and set the class path to include the connector class files. The connector class files are packed in...


    To use jConsole with an SSL configuration:

      jconsole -J-Djava.class.path=%JAVA_HOME%/lib/jconsole.jar;%JAVA_HOME%/lib/tools.jar;%WLP_HOME%/clients/restConnector.jar

    After the jConsole starts, select Remote Process, and enter the JMX service URL:


    The port number is the HTTPS port. Also provide the user name and password.

    To use HTTPS calls to access REST connectors, we need WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile or later.

    1. Open a browser at...


      ...and enter the administrative credentials you specified in step 3.

    2. Examine the available REST APIs. Each item has a description of its behavior, input, output, query parameters, and header.

    We can specify some JMX REST connection options as system properties. See JMX REST connector settings.


Parent topic: Access local and JMX REST connectors

Parent topic: Secure the Liberty profile and its applications


Generating collective controller SSL keys