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Configuration updates

We can make updates to the configuration using the developer tools or from the command line.

Update server.xml

The server.xml file can be updated either from the developer tools or from the command line. If there are any problems with the configuration, the specific configuration element updates that have problems do not take effect, but other successful updates are implemented.

This behavior can be changed by updating the onError variable from the default value of WARN to FAIL. If the value is set to FAIL, any problem with the configuration update causes the entire update to fail.

Restarting the server with an updated configuration

The WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile runtime environment caches the currently used configuration so that when you restart the server, server.xml is not processed unless there are any changes. If server.xml is changed, the cached configuration is updated with the new values. If any problems are found in the new configuration, the cached configuration values remain in use. The console log displays a warning message for each configuration element that is still using an older value. For example:

The server can be started without using cached configuration by running the server script with the --clean option.

Parent topic: Administer the Liberty profile