

Create SQL Server databases manually

Create Microsoft SQL Server databases with SQL scripts instead of using the Lotus Connections database wizard.

Follow this procedure if you do not want to use the database wizard to create your databases.

This task describes how to use SQL script to create SQL Server databases for Lotus Connections features.

For more information about Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, go to the Microsoft SQL Server Web site. You can download the SQL Server 2005 JDBC 1.2 driver from the Microsoft Web site. To create the feature database tables...

  1. If Microsoft SQL Server and Lotus Connections are hosted on different systems, copy the database creation scripts from the to which you downloaded the Lotus Connections installation files, and paste them in a on the Microsoft SQL Server system. The database table creation scripts are stored in the following installation directory:

    • AIX or Linux

      /Lotus_Connections_Install/connections.sql/feature_name/ sqlserver

    • Microsoft Windows

      \Lotus_Connections_Install\connections.sql\feature_name\ sqlserver

    where feature_name is the script file storage of the feature for which you are creating the database. Choose one of the following subdirectories:

    You must run the database scripts separately for each feature.

  2. Create a on the Microsoft SQL Server where you would like to store the feature databases.

    Later on, you need to specify these directories as parameters of the filepath flag for the sqlcmd command.

  3. Create a Microsoft SQL Server user ID with system database administrator privileges that you can use to manage the database tables or use an existing ID that has administrative privileges, such as sa.

    You will specify these credentials as parameters of the U and P flags for the sqlcmd command later.

  4. Perform the following steps once per feature to create each database:

    1. Open a command prompt and change to the to which you copied the database creation scripts for the feature.

    2. Enter the following command to create the feature database table:

      If your database server has multiple SQL Server instances, add the following parameter as the first parameter to each command:

      -S <sqlserver_server_name>\<sqlserver_server_instance_name>

      sqlcmd -U <admin_user> -P <admin_password>

      -i createDb.sql -v filepath="<path_to_db>"



      • <admin_user> and <admin_password> are the credentials for the user ID that you created in a previous step or an existing ID with administrative privileges.

      • <path_to_db> is the in which the created database are stored. You created this in a previous step.

      • <password_for_feature_user> is the password for each feature database.

      • The database user IDs are named as follows:

        Specify the password to be associated with this user ID.


      • When you run the installation wizard, you are asked to provide a user ID for the JDBC provider. Specify the user ID created by the database creation script and the password defined in this step.

      • You can change the passwords for these database users later in SQL Server Management Studio. If you change the passwords there, also change them in the J2C authentication alias in the WAS admin console.

  5. (Home page only.) Perform the following steps if you are installing the Home page feature:

    1. Open a command prompt and change to the to which you copied the database creation scripts for this feature.

    2. Enter the following command to create the feature database table:

      sqlcmd -U <admin_user> -P <admin_password>

      -i initData.sql

  6. Perform the following steps to grant access privileges for the features:

    1. Open a command prompt and change to the to which you copied the database creation scripts for each feature.

    2. Enter the following command to create the feature database table:

      sqlcmd -U <admin_user> -P <admin_password>

      -i appGrants.sql

  7. (Communities only.) Perform the following steps to create a database for Communities forums:

    1. Open a command prompt and change to the to which you copied the database creation scripts for this feature.

    2. Enter the following command to create the database table:

      sqlcmd -U <admin_user> -P <admin_password>

      -i createDb_forum.sql -v filepath=<path_to_db>

    3. Enter the following command to grant access privileges for the database table:

      sqlcmd -U <admin_user> -P <admin_password>

      -i appGrants_forum.sql

Create databases with SQL scripts


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