IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version

The data collector on Sun IAS 6.5 cannot read garbage collection events when using the custom JVM launcher

The problem: The data collector on Sun IAS 6.5 cannot read garbage collection (GC) events when using the custom JVM launcher. To enable reading of GC, modify the startup script.

The reason: Sun IAS 6.5 uses the custom JVM launcher's .kjs files. The custom launcher ignores the JVM verbose gc argument (-verbosegc). Thus the data collector cannot read GC log events from the standard output redirect file.

The solution: Manually change the startup script file in the <AppServer_home>/bin/kjs directory. Remove the # from the line for the standard Java launcher as follows:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java ${JAVA_ARGS} com.kivasoft.engine.Engine $opts

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data collector


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