Performance reports


The Overall page provides...

Successful HTTP status codes are those in the 200 or 300 category. Unexpected responses are in the 400 or 500 category.


The Summary page includes

Page Performance

The Page Performance page shows the average response of the slowest 10 pages in the test as the test progresses. With this information, you can evaluate system response during and after the test.

The bar chart shows the average response time of the 10 slowest pages. Each bar represents a page that you visited during recording. As you run the test, the bar chart changes, because the 10 slowest pages are updated dynamically during the run. For example, the Logon page might be one of the 10 slowest pages at the start of the run, but then, as the test progresses, the Shopping Cart page might replace it as one of the 10 slowest. After the run, the page shows the 10 slowest pages for the entire run.

The table under the bar chart provides the following additional information:

To display the 10 slowest page element response times, right-click a page and click Display Page Element Responses.

Response vs. Time Summary

The Response vs. Time Summary page shows the average response trend as graphed for a specified interval. It contains two line graphs with corresponding summary tables. When a schedule includes staged loads, colored time-range markers at the top of the graph delineate the stages.

Response vs. Time Detail

The Response vs. Time Detail page shows the response trend as graphed for the sample intervals. Each page is represented by a separate line.

The Average Page Response Time graph shows the average response of each page for each sample interval.

When a schedule includes staged loads, colored time-range markers at the top of the graph delineate the stages. The table after the graph provides the following additional information:

Page Throughput

Frequency of requests being transferred per sample interval...

If the number of requests and hits are not close, the server might be having trouble keeping up with the workload.

If you add virtual users during a run and watch these two graphs in tandem, you can monitor the ability of the system to keep up with the workload. As the page hit rate stabilizes, even though the active user count continues to climb and the system is well tuned, the average response time will naturally slow down. This response time reduction happens because the system is running at its maximum effective throughput level and is effectively throttling the rate of page hits by slowing down how quickly it responds to requests.

Server Throughput

The Server Throughput page lists the rate and number of bytes that are transferred per interval and for the entire run. The page also lists the status of the virtual users for each interval and for the entire run.

The bytes sent and bytes received throughput rate, which is computed from the client perspective, shows how much data Rational Performance Tester is pushing through your server. Typically, you analyze this data with other metrics, such as the page throughput and resource monitoring data, to understand how network throughput demand affects server performance.

Server Health Summary

The Server Health Summary page gives an overall indication of how well the server is responding to the load.

Server Health Detail

The Server Health Detail page provides specific details for the 10 pages with the lowest success rate.

Caching Details

The Caching Details page provides specific details on caching behavior during a test run.


The Resources page shows all resource counters that were monitored during the schedule run.

Page Element Responses

The Page Element page shows the 10 slowest page element responses for the selected page.

Page Response Time Contributions

The Page Response Time Contributions page shows how much time each page element contributes to the overall page response time and the client delay time and connection time.

Standard deviation

How tightly data is grouped about a mean.

For example, hosts foo and bar both have an average response time of 12 seconds. Host foo has response times of 11, 12, 13, and 12 ms. Host bar has response times of 1, 20, 25, and 2. Although mean time is the same, the standard deviation of host bar is greater.

Related concepts:

Why response time of a page does not equal the sum of its requests

Related reference:
Page Element report
Page Percentile report
Verification Points report

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