Performance Requirements report


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The Performance Requirements report validates the performance requirements set in a schedule, and, if protocol supports it, in a test.

The Performance Requirements report validates the performance requirements set in a schedule. If protocol supports test requirements, the report validates performance requirements set in a test. Validation is accomplished by comparing the data in the run to the performance requirements set on the data.

Status Summary page

With the Status Summary page, you can quickly analyze the performance requirements that are defined in a test result. The page contains two tables.

Each performance requirement has a row in the table that explains the target of the performance requirement (for example, an HTTP page), specification, and status.

Overall Summary page

The Overall Summary page provides a high-level, graphical analysis of performance requirements, both standard and supplemental. The Overall Summary page contains two tables and two pie charts.

The first table presents the pass/fail status and percentage pass data for performance requirements and supplemental performance requirements.

Both performance requirements and supplemental performance requirements are represented in the center of the report by a pie chart. In both cases, failures are shown in red and passes are shown in green.

The final graphic on this page presents numeric details for each performance requirement type and for the union of both types.

Details page

The Details page provides a detailed analysis of standard performance requirements. It contains two tables and a bar chart.

As with the Status Summary page, the overall status of the run and percent passed value for the run are presented in a table at the top of the page. The bar chart at the center of the report displays the margin of each performance requirement. The margin is a percentage value that allows improvement or regression analysis with regards to a performance requirement. When a performance requirement is in the “passed” state, it will have a margin >= 0. The margin is calculated as follows:

% Margin = abs(specification – observed)/specification

When a performance requirement is in the “failed” state, it will have a value <=0. The margin is calculated as follows:

%Margin = –abs(specification – observed)/specification

Margins are useful in comparison mode because you can detect improvement or regressions before they are significant enough to change the requirement from pass to fail. The table at the bottom of the Details page contains a representative row for each performance requirement. Each requirement is presented with an explanation of its target, observed result, specification, margin, and status. Passed statuses are shown in green and failed statuses are shown in red.

Supplemental Details page

The Supplemental Details page shows a detailed analysis of supplemental performance requirements. It contains the same data as the Details page, except that it pertains to supplemental requirements.