Create a proxy class

You can write a ProxyObject class either in Java or C#, depending on which control you are developing the proxy for. Creating a new ProxyObject class is similar to creating a new Java or C# class extending the respective base ProxyObject class.

To create, build, and deploy a ProxyObject class:


  1. Create a ProxyObject Class.

  2. Build the ProxyObject binaries using the IDE build commands.

    For Java, the compiled binary is a JAR file.

    The JAR file can also be created through JDK command lines, for example:

    jar cvf JFormattedTextFieldProxy.jar proxysdk\sample\java\ JFormattedTextFieldProxy.class

    For .Net, the compiled binary output is a .Net assembly.

  3. Map the ProxyObject class to the application under test (AUT) control class.

  4. Deploy the ProxyObjects by copying the proxy binary files and customization files to the Functional Tester customization directory (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\RFT\customization).

    Functional Tester looks for proxy binary files and customization files in this directory.

  5. Restart Functional Tester

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Change the mappability of a control

Mapping proxies to controls

Deploy a proxy

Debugging the proxy code


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