Create a proxy class
You can write a ProxyObject class either in Java or C#, depending on which control you are developing the proxy for. Creating a new ProxyObject class is similar to creating a new Java or C# class extending the respective base ProxyObject class.
To create, build, and deploy a ProxyObject class:
- Create a ProxyObject Class.
- Build the ProxyObject binaries using the IDE build commands.
For Java, the compiled binary is a JAR file.
The JAR file can also be created through JDK command lines, for example:
jar cvf JFormattedTextFieldProxy.jar proxysdk\sample\java\ JFormattedTextFieldProxy.classFor .Net, the compiled binary output is a .Net assembly.
- Map the ProxyObject class to the application under test (AUT) control class.
- Deploy the ProxyObjects by copying the proxy binary files and customization files to the Functional Tester customization directory (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\RFT\customization).
Functional Tester looks for proxy binary files and customization files in this directory.
- Restart Functional Tester
- Examples: Creating a simple ProxyObject
This example explains how to create a simple ProxyObject.Related tasks
Add more data types for a control
Enhancing the recording behavior
Enhancing the recording behavior with SubItems
Modifying the recognition properties and weight of a control