Select Log page

Use the Select Log page to select a log and specify whether you want the Script Launch Wizard to open when you run a script.

The Select Log page has the following controls:

Log Name for script -- List all the log names for the current project. Enter or select a log name to create a log that displays your playback results.

Don't show this wizard again -- Select to prevent the Script Launch Wizard from starting each time you run a test script.

By default, the Script Launch Wizard starts. To prevent the Script Launch Wizard from starting when you run a test script, do the following: In Functional Tester, Java Scripting, click Windows > Preferences and in Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting, click Tools > Options. Click Functional Tester > Playback > Logging. On the Logging options page, select the Don't show script launch wizard check box.

To open:


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