Configure object properties in the object library
You can customize object recognition properties in the object library before you record scripts. While you record scripts, the customized object library file is used as a reference for setting object recognition properties and the property weights in the object map.
To customize object properties:
- Click Configure > Configure Object Recognition Properties to open the Object Properties Configuration Tool window.
- Select the required domain from the Test Domain list to configure the corresponding object properties. The Test Object Class field lists all the default objects and the customized objects for the selected domain. If the required test object is not listed for the specific domain, you can add the test object using the Add Object option. For more information, see Adding objects to the object library related topic.
- Select the test object class for which you want to configure the object recognition properties. The Object Recognition Properties field lists the selected object's recognition properties and the weights used by Rational Functional Tester .
- To modify a recognition property weight for the object, double-click the actual weight cell that corresponds to the object property and type the required value. An asterisk is displayed beside the modified object class name and the modified property row values are displayed in blue,
To restore the default value of the property, click Restore.
- Click Add if the recognition property is not listed in the Object Recognition Properties field. An empty row is added in the Object Recognition Properties list.
To view the recognition properties of the test object, you can use the test object inspector. For more information, see Displaying test object information related topic.
- Double-click the property cell and type the recognition property name. Double-click the corresponding actual weight cell and type the recognition property weight. The default weight for the new property is null and cannot be edited. The new property row values are displayed in green, which indicates that a new property is added.
Alternatively, if you do not know the recognition property name for the test object, you can add the recognition property by selecting the test object using the Object Finder tool in the Add Object dialog box. For more information, see Adding objects to the object library related topic.
- Select the recognition property row and click Remove, if you want to remove the recognition property for the selected object. The property row is displayed in red if the recognition property is a default property or the row is deleted for the selected object.
- To apply or remove the recognition properties for multiple test objects, select the required objects from the Test Object Class list. The Object Recognition Properties field lists the properties for all the selected objects but the weights column is not displayed.
- To apply a recognition property to the selected objects, right-click the required property row in the Object Recognition Properties field and click Apply to selected objects. Type the recognition property weight in the Property Weight dialog box and click OK. The recognition property name and the weight are applied to the selected test objects.
- To remove a recognition property from the selected objects, right-click the required property row in the Object Recognition Properties field and click Remove from selected objects. The property row is displayed in red if the recognition property is a default property or the row is deleted for the selected objects.
- Click Apply. The asterisks that are appended to the modified test object names are removed after you apply the changes.
- Click Finish. The new objects that are recorded will automatically get the updated recognition properties and weights.
What to do next
For scripts that were recorded prior to customization, use the Update Recognition Property option on individual objects to get the updated object information.If the value of a property for a given instance of an object is "null", then that property is not added to the list of recognition properties for that instance of the object.
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Add objects to the object library
Displaying test object information
Related reference