Use the Content Spot Wizard to create a content spot


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  1. Define or import the resources (.hrf files) you wish to use in the project.

  2. Click the Create a Content Spot to Display a Personalization Resourcebutton in the toolbar.

  3. In the Content Spot window, select a Source Folder and Package. The package must be within the folder you select for a source folder. The package can be a new or existing package.

  4. Type the Display Name that will appear in the workspace user interface.

  5. Type the Class Name. The class name is a Java class name for a generated content spot.

  6. In the Return Type field, click the resource class that will be returned from the content spot. Select no return type for a content spot to contain update or profiler rules.

  7. Click Finish.

The output of the content spot wizard is <Class Name>.java.

Once generated, the ContentSpot must be registered with the Personalization engine by creating a Content Spot reference. Consult the WebSphere Portal Information Center and Personalization portlet help for information on creating Content Spots with Personalization.


When to use generated Content Spots as compared to the pre-packaged Content Spot class

Advantages of the prepacked ContentSpot class:

Advantages of the generated ContentSpot class

