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Interface DefaultAtomPublishingContentHandler

All Superinterfaces:
AtomPublishingContentHandler, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler, DefaultContentHandler, ResettableAtomPublishingContentHandler, ResettableContentHandler
public interface DefaultAtomPublishingContentHandler
extends ResettableAtomPublishingContentHandler, DefaultContentHandler

Extension of the AtomPublishingContentHandler interface that provides convenience methods to more easily generate ATOM publishing events.

The atomXXX methods generate complete ATOM tags, consisting of the start tag, an optional body and an end tag.

The startXXX methods are provided for convenience for those cases when no extra attributes are required for a starting element.

The dateTime methods write a date string in RFC3339 date format into a text() element.

The uri methods serialize URIs into a text() element.

The text methods serialize text() elements.


Method Summary
 void atomAccept(java.lang.String aText)
          Writes the start and the end tag for "app:accept".
 void atomCategories(java.lang.Boolean oFixed, java.lang.String oScheme)
          Writes the start and the end tag for "app:categories".
 void atomCategories(java.lang.String rHref)
          Writes the start and the end tag for "app:categories".
 void atomCategories(java.lang.String oFixed, java.lang.String oScheme)
          Writes the start and the end tag for "app:categories".
 void atomCategories(java.net.URL rHref)
          Writes the start and the end tag for "app:categories".
 void atomCollection(java.lang.String rHref)
          Writes the start and the end tag for "app:collection".
 void atomCollection(java.net.URL rHref)
          Writes the start and the end tag for "app:collection".
 void atomControl(java.lang.Boolean oYesNo)
          Writes the start and the end tag for "app:control".
 void atomControl(java.lang.String oYesNo)
          Writes the start and the end tag for "app:control".
 void atomDraft(java.lang.Boolean oYesNo)
          Writes the start and the end tag for "app:draft".
 void atomDraft(java.lang.String oYesNo)
          Writes the start and the end tag for "app:draft".
 void atomEdited(java.util.Date rDate)
          Writes the start and the end tag for "app:edited".
 void atomEdited(long rDate)
          Writes the start and the end tag for "app:edited".
 void startAccept()
          Indicates the start of an app:accept entry.
 void startCategories(java.lang.Boolean oFixed, java.lang.String oScheme)
          Indicates the start of an app:categories entry.
 void startCategories(java.lang.String rHref)
          Indicates the start of an app:categories entry.
 void startCategories(java.lang.String oFixed, java.lang.String oScheme)
          Indicates the start of an app:categories entry.
 void startCategories(java.net.URL rHref)
          Indicates the start of an app:categories entry.
 void startCollection(java.lang.String rHref)
          Indicates the start of an app:collection entry.
 void startCollection(java.net.URL rHref)
          Indicates the start of an app:collection entry.
 void startControl()
          Indicates the start of an app:control entry.
 void startDraft()
          Indicates the start of an app:draft entry.
 void startEdited()
          Indicates the start of an app:edited entry.
 void startService()
          Indicates the start of an app:service entry.
 void startWorkspace()
          Indicates the start of an app:workspace entry.
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.portal.resolver.atom.ResettableAtomPublishingContentHandler
getAtomPublishingContentHandler, setAtomPublishingContentHandler
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.portal.resolver.atom.AtomPublishingContentHandler
endAccept, endCategories, endCollection, endControl, endDraft, endEdited, endService, endWorkspace, startAccept, startCategories, startCollection, startControl, startDraft, startEdited, startService, startWorkspace
Methods inherited from interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
characters, endDocument, endElement, endPrefixMapping, ignorableWhitespace, processingInstruction, setDocumentLocator, skippedEntity, startDocument, startElement, startPrefixMapping
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.portal.resolver.xml.DefaultContentHandler
dateTime, dateTime, getInnerContentHandler, getResult, getWriter, number, number, text, text, transform, uri, uri, uri, uri

Method Detail


void atomAccept(java.lang.String aText)
                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Writes the start and the end tag for "app:accept".

The "app:accept" element value specifies a comma-separated list of media-ranges (see [RFC2616]) identifying the types of representations that can be POSTed to the URI of a Collection. Whitespace around and between media-range values is considered insignificant and MUST be ignored.

The app:accept element is similar to the HTTP Accept request-header [RFC2616] with the exception that app:accept has no notion of preference. As a result, the value syntax of app:accept does not use "accept-params" or "q" arguments as specified in [RFC2616], section 14.1.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - if the element could not be written
See Also:
AtomPublishingContentHandler.startAccept(Attributes), AtomPublishingContentHandler.endAccept()


void atomCategories(java.lang.Boolean oFixed,
                    java.lang.String oScheme)
                    throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Writes the start and the end tag for "app:categories".

The "app:categories" element provides a listing of the categories that can be applied to the members of a Collection.

oFixed - Optional fixed attribute, may be null.

The app:categories element MAY contain a "fixed" attribute, with a value of either "yes" or "no", indicating whether or not the listing of categories is considered to be a fixed, or closed set. The absence of the "fixed" attribute is equivalent to the presence of a "fixed" attribute with a value of "no". Collections that indicate a fixed set MAY reject members that include categories not specified in the provided listing. Collections that indicate an open set SHOULD NOT reject otherwise acceptable members whose categories are not present in the provided list.

oScheme - Optional scheme attribute, may be null.

The app:categories element MAY contain an "href" attribute, whose value MUST be an IRI reference identifying a Category Document. If the "href" attribute is provided, the app:categories element MUST be empty and the "fixed" and "scheme" attributes MUST NOT be present.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - if the element could not be written
See Also:
AtomPublishingContentHandler.startCategories(String, String, String, Attributes), AtomPublishingContentHandler.endCategories()


void atomCategories(java.lang.String rHref)
                    throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Writes the start and the end tag for "app:categories".

The "app:categories" element provides a listing of the categories that can be applied to the members of a Collection.

rHref - Mandatory href attribute, must not be null.
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if the element could not be written
See Also:
AtomPublishingContentHandler.startCategories(String, String, String, Attributes), AtomPublishingContentHandler.endCategories()


void atomCategories(java.lang.String oFixed,
                    java.lang.String oScheme)
                    throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Writes the start and the end tag for "app:categories".

The "app:categories" element provides a listing of the categories that can be applied to the members of a Collection.

oFixed - Optional fixed attribute, may be null.

The app:categories element MAY contain a "fixed" attribute, with a value of either "yes" or "no", indicating whether or not the listing of categories is considered to be a fixed, or closed set. The absence of the "fixed" attribute is equivalent to the presence of a "fixed" attribute with a value of "no". Collections that indicate a fixed set MAY reject members that include categories not specified in the provided listing. Collections that indicate an open set SHOULD NOT reject otherwise acceptable members whose categories are not present in the provided list.

oScheme - Optional scheme attribute, may be null.

The app:categories element MAY contain an "href" attribute, whose value MUST be an IRI reference identifying a Category Document. If the "href" attribute is provided, the app:categories element MUST be empty and the "fixed" and "scheme" attributes MUST NOT be present.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - if the element could not be written
See Also:
AtomPublishingContentHandler.startCategories(String, String, String, Attributes), AtomPublishingContentHandler.endCategories()


void atomCategories(java.net.URL rHref)
                    throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Writes the start and the end tag for "app:categories".

The "app:categories" element provides a listing of the categories that can be applied to the members of a Collection.

rHref - Mandatory href attribute, must not be null.
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if the element could not be written
See Also:
AtomPublishingContentHandler.startCategories(String, String, String, Attributes), AtomPublishingContentHandler.endCategories()


void atomCollection(java.lang.String rHref)
                    throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Writes the start and the end tag for "app:collection".

The "app:collection" element describes a Collection. The app: collection element MAY contain one app:accept element and MAY contain any number of app:categories elements. The app:collection element MUST NOT contain more than one app:accept element.

rHref - Mandatory href attribute, must not be null.

The app:collection element MUST contain an "href" attribute, whose value gives the IRI of the Collection.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - if the element could not be written
See Also:
AtomPublishingContentHandler.startCollection(String, Attributes), AtomPublishingContentHandler.endCollection()


void atomCollection(java.net.URL rHref)
                    throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Writes the start and the end tag for "app:collection".

The "app:collection" element describes a Collection. The app: collection element MAY contain one app:accept element and MAY contain any number of app:categories elements. The app:collection element MUST NOT contain more than one app:accept element.

rHref - Mandatory href attribute, must not be null.

The app:collection element MUST contain an "href" attribute, whose value gives the IRI of the Collection.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - if the element could not be written
See Also:
AtomPublishingContentHandler.startCollection(String, Attributes), AtomPublishingContentHandler.endCollection()


void atomControl(java.lang.Boolean oYesNo)
                 throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Writes the start and the end tag for "app:control".

The "app:control" element MAY appear as a child of an atom:entry which is being created or updated via the Atom Publishing Protocol. The app:control element MUST appear only once in an Entry. The app: control element is considered foreign markup as defined in Section 6 of [RFC4287].

The app:control element and its child elements MAY be included in Atom Feed or Entry Documents.

The app:control element can contain an optional "app:draft" element as defined below, and can contain extension elements as defined in Section 6 of [RFC4287].

oYesNo - Value of that indicates if this control specifies a draft. If set to null it defaults to false
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if the element could not be written
See Also:
AtomPublishingContentHandler.startControl(Attributes), AtomPublishingContentHandler.endControl()


void atomControl(java.lang.String oYesNo)
                 throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Writes the start and the end tag for "app:control".

The "app:control" element MAY appear as a child of an atom:entry which is being created or updated via the Atom Publishing Protocol. The app:control element MUST appear only once in an Entry. The app: control element is considered foreign markup as defined in Section 6 of [RFC4287].

The app:control element and its child elements MAY be included in Atom Feed or Entry Documents.

The app:control element can contain an optional "app:draft" element as defined below, and can contain extension elements as defined in Section 6 of [RFC4287].

oYesNo - Value of "yes" or "no" that indicates if this control specifies a draft. If set to null it defaults to "no"
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if the element could not be written
See Also:
AtomPublishingContentHandler.startControl(Attributes), AtomPublishingContentHandler.endControl()


void atomDraft(java.lang.Boolean oYesNo)
               throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Writes the start and the end tag for "app:draft".

The number of app:draft elements in app:control MUST be zero or one. Its value MUST be one of "yes" or "no". A value of "no" indicates a client request that the Member Resource be made publicly visible. If the app:draft element is missing then the value MUST be understood to be "no". The inclusion of the app:draft element represents a request by the client to control the visibility of a Member Resource and the app:draft element MAY be ignored by the server.

oYesNo - Value of that indicates if this control specifies a draft. If set to null it defaults to false
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if the element could not be written
See Also:
AtomPublishingContentHandler.startDraft(Attributes), AtomPublishingContentHandler.endDraft()


void atomDraft(java.lang.String oYesNo)
               throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Writes the start and the end tag for "app:draft".

The number of app:draft elements in app:control MUST be zero or one. Its value MUST be one of "yes" or "no". A value of "no" indicates a client request that the Member Resource be made publicly visible. If the app:draft element is missing then the value MUST be understood to be "no". The inclusion of the app:draft element represents a request by the client to control the visibility of a Member Resource and the app:draft element MAY be ignored by the server.

oYesNo - Value of that indicates if this control specifies a draft. If set to null it defaults to false
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if the element could not be written
See Also:
AtomPublishingContentHandler.startDraft(Attributes), AtomPublishingContentHandler.endDraft()


void atomEdited(java.util.Date rDate)
                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Writes the start and the end tag for "app:edited".

The "app:edited" element is a Date construct as defined by [RFC4287] whose value indicates the most recent instant in time when an entry was edited, including when created. Atom entry elements in Collection documents SHOULD contain one "app:edited" element, and MUST NOT contain more than one.

rDate - Mandatory date field, must not be null
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if the element could not be written
See Also:
AtomPublishingContentHandler.startEdited(Attributes), AtomPublishingContentHandler.endEdited()


void atomEdited(long rDate)
                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Writes the start and the end tag for "app:edited".

The "app:edited" element is a Date construct as defined by [RFC4287] whose value indicates the most recent instant in time when an entry was edited, including when created. Atom entry elements in Collection documents SHOULD contain one "app:edited" element, and MUST NOT contain more than one.

rDate - Mandatory date field, must not be null
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if the element could not be written
See Also:
AtomPublishingContentHandler.startEdited(Attributes), AtomPublishingContentHandler.endEdited()


void startAccept()
                 throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Indicates the start of an app:accept entry.

The "app:accept" element value specifies a comma-separated list of media-ranges (see [RFC2616]) identifying the types of representations that can be POSTed to the URI of a Collection. Whitespace around and between media-range values is considered insignificant and MUST be ignored.

The app:accept element is similar to the HTTP Accept request-header [RFC2616] with the exception that app:accept has no notion of preference. As a result, the value syntax of app:accept does not use "accept-params" or "q" arguments as specified in [RFC2616], section 14.1.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - - if the event could not be created


void startCategories(java.lang.Boolean oFixed,
                     java.lang.String oScheme)
                     throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Indicates the start of an app:categories entry.

The "app:categories" element provides a listing of the categories that can be applied to the members of a Collection.

oFixed - Optional fixed attribute, may be null.

The app:categories element MAY contain a "fixed" attribute, with a value of either "yes" or "no", indicating whether or not the listing of categories is considered to be a fixed, or closed set. The absence of the "fixed" attribute is equivalent to the presence of a "fixed" attribute with a value of "no". Collections that indicate a fixed set MAY reject members that include categories not specified in the provided listing. Collections that indicate an open set SHOULD NOT reject otherwise acceptable members whose categories are not present in the provided list.

oScheme - Optional scheme attribute, may be null.

The app:categories element MAY contain an "href" attribute, whose value MUST be an IRI reference identifying a Category Document. If the "href" attribute is provided, the app:categories element MUST be empty and the "fixed" and "scheme" attributes MUST NOT be present.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - - if the event could not be created


void startCategories(java.lang.String rHref)
                     throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Indicates the start of an app:categories entry.

The "app:categories" element provides a listing of the categories that can be applied to the members of a Collection.

rHref - Optional href attribute, may be null.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - - if the event could not be created


void startCategories(java.lang.String oFixed,
                     java.lang.String oScheme)
                     throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Indicates the start of an app:categories entry.

The "app:categories" element provides a listing of the categories that can be applied to the members of a Collection.

oFixed - Optional fixed attribute, may be null.

The app:categories element MAY contain a "fixed" attribute, with a value of either "yes" or "no", indicating whether or not the listing of categories is considered to be a fixed, or closed set. The absence of the "fixed" attribute is equivalent to the presence of a "fixed" attribute with a value of "no". Collections that indicate a fixed set MAY reject members that include categories not specified in the provided listing. Collections that indicate an open set SHOULD NOT reject otherwise acceptable members whose categories are not present in the provided list.

oScheme - Optional scheme attribute, may be null.

The app:categories element MAY contain an "href" attribute, whose value MUST be an IRI reference identifying a Category Document. If the "href" attribute is provided, the app:categories element MUST be empty and the "fixed" and "scheme" attributes MUST NOT be present.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - - if the event could not be created


void startCategories(java.net.URL rHref)
                     throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Indicates the start of an app:categories entry.

The "app:categories" element provides a listing of the categories that can be applied to the members of a Collection.

rHref - Optional href attribute, may be null.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - - if the event could not be created


void startCollection(java.lang.String rHref)
                     throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Indicates the start of an app:collection entry.

The "app:collection" element describes a Collection. The app: collection element MAY contain one app:accept element and MAY contain any number of app:categories elements. The app:collection element MUST NOT contain more than one app:accept element.

rHref - Mandatory href attribute, must not be null.

The app:collection element MUST contain an "href" attribute, whose value gives the IRI of the Collection.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - - if the event could not be created


void startCollection(java.net.URL rHref)
                     throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Indicates the start of an app:collection entry.

The "app:collection" element describes a Collection. The app: collection element MAY contain one app:accept element and MAY contain any number of app:categories elements. The app:collection element MUST NOT contain more than one app:accept element.

rHref - Mandatory href attribute, must not be null.

The app:collection element MUST contain an "href" attribute, whose value gives the IRI of the Collection.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - - if the event could not be created


void startControl()
                  throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Indicates the start of an app:control entry.

The "app:control" element MAY appear as a child of an atom:entry which is being created or updated via the Atom Publishing Protocol. The app:control element MUST appear only once in an Entry. The app: control element is considered foreign markup as defined in Section 6 of [RFC4287].

The app:control element and its child elements MAY be included in Atom Feed or Entry Documents.

The app:control element can contain an optional "app:draft" element as defined below, and can contain extension elements as defined in Section 6 of [RFC4287].

org.xml.sax.SAXException - - if the event could not be created


void startDraft()
                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Indicates the start of an app:draft entry.

The number of app:draft elements in app:control MUST be zero or one. Its value MUST be one of "yes" or "no". A value of "no" indicates a client request that the Member Resource be made publicly visible. If the app:draft element is missing then the value MUST be understood to be "no". The inclusion of the app:draft element represents a request by the client to control the visibility of a Member Resource and the app:draft element MAY be ignored by the server.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - - if the event could not be created


void startEdited()
                 throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Indicates the start of an app:edited entry.

The "app:edited" element is a Date construct as defined by [RFC4287] whose value indicates the most recent instant in time when an entry was edited, including when created. Atom entry elements in Collection documents SHOULD contain one "app:edited" element, and MUST NOT contain more than one.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - - if the event could not be created


void startService()
                  throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Indicates the start of an app:service entry.

The root of a Service Document is the "app:service" element. The "app:service" element is the container for service information associated with one or more workspaces. An app:service element MUST contain one or more app:workspace elements.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - - if the event could not be created


void startWorkspace()
                    throws org.xml.sax.SAXException

Indicates the start of an app:workspace entry.

The "app:workspace" element contains information elements about the collections of resources available for editing. The app:workspace element contains zero or more app:collection elements.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - - if the event could not be created