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Create the analytics tag root label

If we use site analytics on the migrated WebSphere Portal, create the analytics tag root label.

  1. In the newly migrated environment,

      cd PORTAL_HOME/bin

  2. Create the analytics tag root label:

      ./xmlaccess.sh -url http://example_server.com:port/wps/config
       -user wpsadmin   -password wpsadminpwd
       -in PORTAL_HOME/base/wp.asa.server.impl/config/templates/create_asa_tag_root.xml
       -out results.xml

    Alternatively, use the portal administration portlet Import XML to perform this import.

  3. After the request has been processed, verify the import process has returned the following message:

      <status element="all" result="ok">


Your site analytics tags are now ready for us to work.

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