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Export content from the filestore

Export content from the filestore to create custom themes.

We can access the filestore using the following URL:


We can obtain a compressed file of the content in the filestore using...


To download the complete content of the filestore:


Download the content of the themes folder:


Automate the export using an Ant task

If we want to automate the export, we can write an Ant task as depicted in the following example:

<target name="export-mytheme">
    <get src="http://server:port/wps/mycontenthandler/dav/fs-type1/<folder-name>/?mime-type=application/zip"
        dest="/tmp/mytheme.zip" />


  • The <server> value is the host name of the portal.

  • The port value is the port number for WebSphere Portal.

  • The <folder-name> value is the folder to be compressed. This value is optional.

A / must follow the folder name.

Use WebDAV to connect to the filestore

Use a WebDav Client to connect to the filestore using the following url:

  • http://server:port/wps/mycontenthandler/dav/fs-type1/

Browse to the folder we need and copy the files to your local drive.

Parent Develop themes for a production portal