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Copy the static resources for the skin

Make a unique copy of the static resources for the skin.

  1. Connect the WebDAV client to...


  2. Copy the ibm.portal.85Hidden folder to a local disk.

  3. Rename the folder to the name of the skin, such as customSkin.

  4. In the metadata folder, edit the localized_en.properties file, or whichever file is the default locale, and change the value of the title key to the display name of the skin, such as Custom Skin. Save the file. Repeat this step for any of the other locale files for the languages that you support.

  5. Copy the entire customSkin folder into the skinlist.

  6. Double-check the contents of the customSkin folder in the skinlist to ensure that everything copied correctly. Compare each subfolder in customSkin to the corresponding folder in ibm.portal.85Hidden to ensure that it looks like the correct number of files were copied. Recopy any files or subfolders that are missing.

Parent Create a copy of the theme