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Deploy the initial release in a multiple cluster

If we have a single cell with a cluster A and a cluster B, after installing the PAA on both clusters...

  1. On cluster B, run...

      ConfigEngine.sh empty-portal

  2. On cluster A, do a full resynchronization.

  3. On cluster A, run...

      ConfigEngine.sh empty-portal

  4. On cluster B, do a full resynchronization.

  5. On cluster A, run...

      ./ConfigEngine.sh deploy-paa -DappName=WebSpherePortal -DforceDeploy=true -DWasPassword=foo -DPortalAdminPwd=foo -DemptyPortalDuringDeployPAA=false

  6. On cluster B, run...

      ./ConfigEngine.sh deploy-paa -DappName=WebSpherePortal -DforceDeploy=true -DWasPassword=foo -DPortalAdminPwd=foo -DemptyPortalDuringDeployPAA=false

Parent Staging to production