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How to identify and resolve problems with the aggregator

If your custom aggregator is not working correctly, perform the checks listed here.

  1. Verify that the HTML markup of the portal page contains the microformats that the aggregator expects.

  2. Verify the tagging method used in the themes, skins, and portlets matches the expected behavior of the aggregator.

  3. If we use the SiteAnalyticsMediator API and the aggregator is not notified about DOM changes as expected, we can enable client side tracing using the resource environment provider WP CommonComponentConfigService. Set the following two configuration properties:
    After you have done this, save the changes and restart the portal server.

  4. To review what occurs in the server side aggregator inclusion code, specify the trace com.ibm.wps.theme.extensions.*=debug .
Remember that aggregators are regular JavaScript files. Consequently, we can also use all JavaScript debugging tools and browser developer tools for debugging an aggregator.

Parent: Write an aggregator for Active Site Analytics
Related reference:
The Active Site Analytics Mediator SPI
Guidelines for implementing an aggregator
Aggregator patterns and samples