Customize iWidget attributes

When you register an iWidget in the portal, most sections of the iWidget definition and microformat are stored in the portal model as portlet preferences of a copy or clone of the IWidgetWrapper portlet.

Each iWidget definition corresponds to a distinct copy of that portlet. The portlet preferences carry a prefix . This identifies them as parameters that are used internally. Values of iWidget attributes, that is items of the attributes item set of an iWidget are stored without prefix. Instead, the item identifier is used as a key to the item value. This way you can distinguish iWidget attributes from other preferences when you want to customize their values after registering an iWidget in the portal. This is useful to preconfigure an iWidget definition that is integrated on different portal pages by using the corresponding iWidget microformats.

Another important aspect of iWidget attributes and their corresponding portlet preferences in the portal model is that the update behavior can be specified, which allows for use cases when you want to retain customization across updates of an iWidget definition.


Use widgets
How iWidgets are represented in the portal model

Related tasks

Register iWidgets for use with the Page Builder theme
Reusing registered iWidgets
Modify portlet settings
Update iWidget attributes when refreshing iWidget definitions



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