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Synchronizing mail server and mail file in a non-Domino LDAP for autodetection

If user e-mail addresses are not consistent between the Domino LDAP server and the LDAP server that WebSphere Portal uses, configure Collaborative Services to query the Domino LDAP server for the mail file and mail server, and add the attributes to the person record in the non-Domino LDAP directory. Doing so enables the Domino Web Access portlet to retrieve the e-mail file and server information. Using this configuration option means that the server picker option in the Domino Web Access portlet will not be available.


Configure portal to recognize Lotus Domino and Collaborative Services
In this type of environment, the best way to find the person record of the logged in user in the non-Domino LDAP directory is to do a base search against the directory.

  1. Open the CSEnvironment.properties file in a text editor.

  2. Find CS_SERVER_DOMINO_DIRECTORY_1.allow_dn_search and set it to true.


  3. CS_SERVER_DOMINO_DIRECTORY_1.searchBase=cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com CS_SERVER_DOMINO_DIRECTORY_1.query_user=(&(objectclass=person)(uid=%l))
    Where uid is the attribute in the LDAP that users use to login to WebSphere Portal.

  4. Add the user's mail file, which is stored on the Domino mail server (mail/user.nsf), to an attribute in the person record in the non-Domino LDAP directory.

    By default, Collaborative Services looks for the e-mail server and e-mail file attributes.

    notesmailfile: mail/user.nsf notesmailserver: mail1.yourco.com

  5. Add the following attributes to the CSEnvironment.properties file.

    CS_SERVER_DOMINO_DIRECTORY_1.mailserver_attrib=notesmailserver CS_SERVER_DOMINO_DIRECTORY_1.mailfile_attrib=notesmailfile

  6. Save the properties file and restart the portal server.

If automatic detection of the e-mail file does not work after completing these steps, use com.lotus.cs.*=all debug to help isolate the problem.

Parent topic:

Configure automatic mail detection using a non-Domino LDAP directory

Previous topic:

Configure a binding user ID for Collaborative Services