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# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM, 5724-E76, (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004 - All Rights reserved.

# ------------------------------------ #
# Properties of the Validation Service #
# ------------------------------------ #

#validator.user     = com.ibm.wps.services.validation.DefaultUserValidator
#validator.group    = com.ibm.wps.services.validation.DefaultGroupValidator
#validator.password = com.ibm.wps.services.validation.PasswordValidator

# The following entries can be used to customize the registration process for the 
# sample:
#  user.ATTRIBUTENAME.min = specifies the minimum number of chars 
#  user.ATTRIBUTENAME.max = specifies the maximum number of chars
# If you set user.ATTRIBUTE.min = 0 the ATTRIBUTE will be optional.
# NOTE: The UID requires at least 1 character, otherwise the registration will fail!
# NOTE: The PASSWORD requires at least 1 character, otherwise the registration will fail!
# NOTE: The UID and PASSWORD chars values determine the allowable characters
#   ascii:   a-z, A-Z, 0-9
#   unicode: any character passing the java Character.isLetterOrDigit() test
#   extra_chars:  additional characters that will be allowed
# The maximum count of chars is limited to 255.
# Make sure that : user.GIVEN_NAME.max + user.SN.max <= 255

#user.UNIQUEID.min = 3
#user.UNIQUEID.max = 60
#user.UNIQUEID.charset = ascii
#user.UNIQUEID.extra_chars = !._-!%()-?[]`~
#user.GIVEN_NAME.min = 3
#user.GIVEN_NAME.max = 60
#user.SN.min = 1
#user.SN.max = 60
#user.MAIL.min = 3
#user.MAIL.max = 60
#user.CN.min = 3
#user.CN.max = 60

# The following settings can be used to adapt the default group settings to your 
# environment
# group.RDN -> RDN attribute for groups
# group.extra ->  special characters allowed in groupnames
# group.RDN.min -> minimum characters for group RDN attribute
# group.RDN.min -> max characters for group RDN attribute. Ensure that the whole DN
#                                               is less 255 characters

#group.extra=, -_

# The following settings can be used to adapt the default password settings to your 
# environment

#password.min_characters = 5
#password.max_characters = 60
#password.charset = ascii
#password.extra_chars = !._-%()-?[]`~