Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Lotus Forms Embed builder inputs

This topic describes the inputs for the Lotus Forms Embed builder.


General Inputs

Table 1. Lotus Forms Embed builder general inputs
Input name Description
Name Enter the value to be used to create a unique name for all the builder artifacts that are created during regeneration. If you have multiple instances of this builder in the same model, give each instance a unique name.
Page Location Page or pages into which this builder embeds the form.

When a form is embedded in a page, the builder places special HTML elements at the selected page locations. These elements are responsible for notifying the browser that an embedded form is contained on the page. Use the page location chooser and page location syntax.

Form source Indicate the source for the form to be embedded in the page. The form is included in the page. This input is an indirect reference that lets you select any model action, method, or variable that results in one of the following Java types.


The content of the form is read from the input stream and passed directly to the user’s browser. This option can be used when you have a very large form that is retrieved from a file, a database LOB, or directly from a content management system. By streaming the form content directly to the user’s browser, the builder can embed large forms without having to allocate large amounts of memory.


The content of the form is obtained from a Reader object and passed directly to the user’s browser. This option has the same runtime behavior, characteristics, and benefits as when using an InputStream. The primary difference is that by using a Reader you can manipulate the character encoding of the form sent to the browser. For example, if the form content is obtained from a database as an InputStream, but the character encoding of that stream needs to be changed, you can wrap the InputStream in a Reader implementation that re-encodes the form content as it is streamed to the user’s browser.


The form is represented by an XML object that is returned from an action, method, or is the value of a variable in the model. Representing a form as an XML object provides the opportunity to manipulate the form content or structure before it is sent to the user’s browser.


The form content is represented by an arbitrary Java type such as java.lang.String or java.lang.StringBuffer. The builder converts the object to a string before it sends the content to the browser.


Forms Viewer Visual Appearance

Table 2. Lotus Forms Embed builder Forms Viewer Visual Appearance inputs
Input name Description
Height (optional) Indicate the height of the embedded form in pixels or percentage of the overall page.
Width (optional) Indicate the width of the embedded form in pixels or percentage of the overall page.
Border (optional) Indicate the width of the border around the embedded form in pixels.
Vertical Space (optional) Indicate the amount of white space to be inserted above and below the form in pixels.
Horizontal Space (optional) Indicate the amount of white space to be inserted to the left and right of the form in pixels.
Style (optional) Indicate additional CSS style attributes for the form. For example,
position:absolute; left:10px;top:10px;height:600px; width:800px; font-family:Helvetica


XML Data Instances

Table 3. Lotus Forms Embed builder XML Data Instances inputs
Input name Description
Name (optional) Indicate the logical name of the block of XML data used to prepopulate the form. The paired name and value are used to generate HTML elements that contain the form data.

The XML Data Model is based on the XForms standard as published by the W3C. For more information, see the XFDL Specification.

Value (optional) Specify the indirect reference from which the preoppulated XML data of the form is to be obtained. This indirect reference is invoked as the form is embedded and the resulting XML is added to the page so that the Viewer plugin in the browser can apply the data to the form as it is rendered.
Binding (optional) Specify the string to be used by the Viewer plugin in the browser to bind the provided XML data to the appropriate XForms data instance in the form.

The XML Data Model is based on the XForms standard as published by the W3C. For more information, see the XFDL Specification.


Forms Viewer Behavior

Table 4. Lotus Forms Embed builder Forms Viewer Behavior inputs
Input name Description
Detach ID (optional) Specify a unique identifer for the rendered form so that the Viewer plugin in the browser can maintain the state of a form in the user's browser across multiple pages. Successive pages that display the same form and data must have the same Detach ID. For example, if a form is embedded in a page and this form has a Detach ID of 20070101, subsequent pages with forms having the same Detach ID display the same form that was embedded in the first page.

This input works with the Time to Live input.

Refresh URL (optional) Provide the URL that is called to refresh the page if the forms that are referenced by the identifier in Detach ID input have expired and the page does not have a new embedded form to render. The expiration is determined by the Time to Live input value. This URL can point to any address, regardless of whether the response yields a form. This URL does not maintain user data.
Time to Live (optional) Length of time in seconds the form is maintained by the Viewer plugin in the browser before being destroyed. The default is 0.

The Time to Live input is used with the Detach ID input to control the Viewer plugin retention of a form across pages.

Retain Viewer (optional) Check this input to keep the Viewer plugin available after the form it contains has been submitted or closed.


Element IDs

Table 5. Lotus Forms Embed builder Element IDs inputs
Input name Description
Form ID Provide a unique ID for the form on the page.

Consider this input only if you need to embed more than one form in a page.

Script ID Provide a unique ID for the HTML script element that contains the form content. Consider this input only if you need to embed more than one form in a page.

Parent topic: Lotus Forms Embed builder

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