Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Deciphering error logging displayed in the command prompt window: example

This topic represents log output that shows a list of actions performed and the milliseconds used for those actions.

Look for large spikes to determine performance problems.

The Action column is the amount of time between the start of the action and the next row in the console system trace. The Total column is the total amount of time for that action, totalling all the actions that are part of that action. The Action calls column lists the name of the action. The dots preceding the name indicate the level of containment.

Table 1. Error logging output
Action Total Action calls
1932 4456 Start Request: WebAppRunner.doRequest
0 0 [Model/ModelContainer]
1833 1833 Regen:
120 120 Compile: Methods Class
80 571 Method: main
240 491 .Page: StartingPage
0 0 ..Method: C1InitializeModelContainer
0 0 ..[Page/PageNavigation1]
31 31 ..Regen:
20 20 ..Compile: Methods Class
0 0 ..Method: main
60 90 ..Page: StartingPage
30 30 ...Page: NavigationPage
0 0 ..[Model/ModelContainer]
0 0 ..Method: C2InitializeModelContainer
0 0 ..[Page/PageNavigation2]
30 30 ..Regen:
10 10 ..Compile: Methods Class
0 0 ..Method: main
30 70 ..Page: StartingPage
0 0 ...Method: Increment
40 40 ...Page: NavigationPage

Note: Because of the granularity of the system clock, many operations that are less than the clock granularity show up as zero. Times do accumulate, so you may see several zeroes, followed by 10 ms, for example.

The timing information is most clear when running with one user. For multiple users, the elapsed time can end up being combined for any concurrent requests.

Parent topic: About using system tracing

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