Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


SQL Transform to XML builder

Use the SQL Transform to XML builder to convert the result set of an executed SQL query into XML.

The builder can create a full XML document or a paged version of an XML document. In the latter case, this output can be used by the Data Page builder.

Required Inputs

A builder name and Transform Result are required inputs.

Custom XML Element Names and Attributes

These inputs control what element names are used in the resulting XML.

Execution-Time XML Schema Generation

These settings enable an XML schema to be generated for the transformed XML. This feature is useful because, under some circumstances, certain operations can only happen at execution time. For example, if you have implemented a custom column transformation on an object, (BLOB or CLOB), these transform methods run only at execution time and consequently schema generation must occur after any these custom transforms have run to take their results into consideration when generating a schema.

Execution-Time Meta-Data Generation

These settings allow you to create an XML version of the JDBC metadata associated with the result set that was used to generate the XML.

Events, Statistics and Logging

These settings enable you to collect database-related server statistics and work with database-related events.


Quick tips

  • If you do not provide a value for the XML Variable Name input, the builder uses the following default:

    This value is the name of the WebApp variable that is to contain the transformed XML.

Parent topic: Builder help

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