HTTP proxy for AJAX applications



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One of the basic technologies that have emerged in the context of Web 2.0 is AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). Using AJAX can increase the responsiveness and usability of your Web applications.

AJAX allows Web pages to load data or markup fragments from a server using asynchronous requests that are processed in the background and thus do not interfere with the Web page that is currently displayed in the browser. When you use AJAX, your Web application exchanges only small amounts of data between the server and the client and consequently refreshes small parts of the markup only. Therefore AJAX is also useful for developing portlets and for building mashups, that is aggregating content from various different sources into a uniform user experience. For example, this can be RSS or Atom feeds or other data retrieved from external REST services.

To prevent cross site scripting in such Web applications, browsers introduced the so called same-origin policy. This policy prevents client side scripts, in particular JavaScript, from loading content from an origin that has a different protocol, domain name, or port. To overcome this restriction, some browser vendors offer solutions that are based on signed scripts. However, using a signed script does not imply that a script can be trusted any better as to of what it does. Another disadvantage of these browser specific solutions is that they rely on the end user to configure the browser accordingly.

The solution that IBM WebSphere Portal offers is based on a server side HTTP proxy, the HTTP Proxy for AJAX Applications (aka AJAX Proxy). The underlying security model allows administrators to restrict access to trusted origins in a very flexible way. The AJAX Proxy can be used for developing themes, skins, static pages, or portlets. The following sections explain how to use and configure the AJAX proxy.


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Web 2.0 user interface features