

Debugging local and remote applications

Using Rational Application Developer v7.5, you can debug a wide range of applications in several languages, running either on local test environments (including local Web applications) or on remote servers, such as WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Portal.

In this chapter, we describe the main debugging features, and we provide two examples of how to use the debugger. We introduce the new debug tooling features present in Rational Application Developer v7.5, for example, the ability to transfer Java-based debug sessions between Rational Team Concert team members, and provide two examples of debug session transfer. Finally, we list potential sources where you can find further information.

The chapter is organized into the following sections:

Summary of new features in v7.5

Overview of Application Developer debugging tools

Debugging a Web application on a local server

Debugging a Web application on a remote server

Jython debugger

Debug extension for Rational Team Concert Client (Team Debug)

More information