

 UMOUNT(8)           Linux Programmer's Manual           UMOUNT(8)


umount - unmount file systems


umount [-hV] umount -a [-nrv] [-t vfstype] [-O options] umount [-nrv] device | dir [...]


The umount command detaches the file system(s) mentioned from the file hierarchy. A file system is specified either by giving the directory where it has been mounted, or by giving the special device on which it lives. Note that a file system cannot be unmounted when it is `busy' - for example, when there are open files on it, or when some process has its working directory there, or when a swap file on it is in use. The offending process could even be umount itself - it opens libc, and libc in its turn may open for example locale files. Options for the umount command: -V Print version and exit. -h Print help message and exit. -v Verbose mode. -n Unmount without writing in /etc/mtab. -r In case unmounting fails, try to remount read-only. -d In case the unmounted device was a loop device, also free this loop device. -a All of the file systems described in /etc/mtab are unmounted. (With umount version 2.7 and later: the proc filesystem is not unmounted.) -t vfstype Indicate that the actions should only be taken on file systems of the specified type. More than one type may be specified in a comma separated list. The list of file system types can be prefixed with no to specify the file system types on which no action should be taken. -O options Indicate that the actions should only be taken on file systems with the specified options in /etc/fstab. More than option type may be specified in a comma separated list. Each option can be pre­ fixed with no to specify options for which no action should be taken. -f Force unmount (in case of an unreachable NFS sys­ tem). (Requires kernel 2.1.116 or later.) THE LOOP DEVICE The umount command will free the loop device (if any) associated with the mount, in case it finds the option `loop=...' in /etc/mtab, or when the -d option was given. Any pending loop devices can be freed using `losetup -d', see losetup(8).


/etc/mtab table of mounted file systems


umount(2), mount(8), losetup(8). HISTORY A umount command appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. Linux 2.0 26 July 1997 UMOUNT(8)