

 SNMPGETNEXT(1)                                     SNMPGETNEXT(1)


snmpgetnext - communicates with a network entity using SNMP GET NEXT Requests.


snmpgetnext [ common arguments ] objectID [objectID]...


Snmpget is an SNMP application that uses the GET NEXT Request to query for information on a network entity. One or more object identifiers may be given as arguments on the command line. Each variable name is given in the for­ mat specified in variables(5). For each one, the variable that is lexicographicly "next" in the remote entity's MIB will be returned. For example snmpgetnext zeus public interfaces.ifTable.ifEn­ try.ifType.1 will retrieve the variable interfaces.ifTable.ifEn­ try.ifType.2: interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifType.2 = softwareLoopback(24) If the network entity has an error processing the request packet, an error message will be shown, helping to pin­ point in what way the request was malformed.


snmpcmd(1), variables(5). 17 Jun 1998 SNMPGETNEXT(1)