

 DLPSH(1)                                                 DLPSH(1)


dlpsh - command shell for executing DLP commands to a USR Pilot


dlpsh /dev/cua?


This manual page documents the small application dlpsh. dlpsh allows the user to connect to a Pilot and execute arbitrary Data Link Protocol (DLP) commands to a Pilot connected to the specified callout device. Once dlpsh is started, the user must invoke HotSync on the target device. Once connected, the user may execute any of the built-in DLP commands. (See BUILT-IN COMMANDS). The con­ nection to the Pilot is kept alive by sending a PadTickle packet to the Pilot after a small period of non-activity. (7 seconds by default) BUILT-IN COMMANDS user [-n username] [-i user id] [-v viewer id] [-p pc id] OPTIONS none USEAGE The program will connect to a target, and give the user a prompt for executing commands. BUGS dlpsh has no known bugs.


dlpsh was written by Chris Stevens and Damien Neil FSF USR Pilot tools DLPSH(1)