
bu     Version 2.8   Pronounced B U
       Back Up files and directories to another file system.   
Usage: bu [-i] [-q] [-d backup_dir] [-c config_file] [-f include_file]
          [-m addr] [file|dir file|dir ...]

       For a normal backup of the files listed in /var/backups/bu/Include,
       using the default settings, just type "bu" with no arguments.

       -c config_file
               Specify an alternate configuration file.  
               (Currently /root/.burc)

       -d backup_dir
               Backup the files to directory, backup_dir.
               (Currently /backup.)

       -f include_file   (Currently /var/backups/bu/Include)
               Specify an alternate file containing the list of
               files/directories to be backed up. If -f is not used
               and no files or directories are specified, then
               the list of files in the default include file are backed up.

       -i      Turn off incremental backups (currently on).
               The default can be set in /root/.burc.  

       -m addr
               Mail the log to the specified email address when the backup
               is finished.

       -q      Quiet mode.  Verbose mode is on by default.  This turns it off.

       -? | -h | -help         
               This help

       o It does not traverse mounted file systems so that you can backup 
         file systems like / without having to umount file systems you
         don't want included, such as NFS mounts.  Of course, you also
         wouldn't want it to traverse the mount point of your backup

       o It Can be configured through the file ~/.burc which is created
         automatically the first time bu is run, even with just the help

       o Read the documentation on the variables in .burc for configuration
         and more details on how the tool behaves.