CHGPRTF (Change Printer File)

CHGPRTF Command syntax diagram



The Change Printer File (CHGPRTF) command changes, in the file description, one or more of the attributes of the specified printer device file. Only the information specified on this command can be changed. If the data description specifications (DDS) used to create the file are changed, the printer device file must be deleted and created again before the changes can be made in the file.


Required Parameters

Specifies the qualified name of the printer file whose description is being changed.

The name of the printer file can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

*USRLIBL: Only the libraries in the user portion of the job's library list are searched.

*ALL: All libraries in the system, including QSYS, are searched.

*ALLUSR Libraries

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

*ALL: All the printer files in the specified library are changed.

printer-device-file-name: Specify the name of the printer file being changed.

generic*-file-name: Specify the generic name of the printer device file. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all objects with names that begin with the generic prefix for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete object name. If the complete object name is specified, and multiple libraries are searched, multiple objects can be changed only if *ALL or *ALLUSR library values can be specified for the name. See generic names for additional information.


Optional Parameters

Specifies the name of a printer device description. For nonspooled output, this identifies the printer device used to produce the printed output. For spooled output, the file is placed on the output queue determined by the OUTQ parameter. If OUTQ(*DEV) is used, the file is placed on the output queue with the same name as the device.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*JOB: The printer device specified in the job description is used.

*SYSVAL: The value specified in the system value QPRTDEV is used.

device-name: Specify the name of the printer associated with this display station. The printer and the display station must be attached to the same controller. When printing double-byte character set (DBCS) data, specify a DBCS printer (5553 or 5583).

Specifies the type of data stream created for a printer file.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*SCS: An SNA character stream (SCS) is created. This parameter must be specified when using the 3287, 3812 SCS, 3816 SCS, 4214, 4234 SCS, 4245, 5219, 5224, 5225, 5256, 5262, 6252, or 6262 work station printers.

  • If *SCS is specified and the spooled printer file is directed to an IPDS* printer, the SCS printer file is converted to emulate an IPDS printer file. More information is in the Printer Device Programming book.

Double-Byte Character Set Consideration:

When using the 5553 and 5583 DBCS-capable printers, DEVTYPE(*SCS) must be specified.

*IPDS: An intelligent printer data stream* (IPDS*) is created. This parameter can be specified when using an IPDS printer.

  • If *IPDS is specified and the spooled printer file is directed to a printer other than an IPDS printer, the IPDS printer file is converted to an SCS printer file. More information is in the Printer Device Programming Link to PDF book.

*USERASCII: An ASCII data stream is placed on a spooled output queue. The user is responsible for placing the entire hexadecimal data stream in the buffer, since the iSeries 400 does not change or validate the values that are passed. This value cannot be specified with SPOOL(*NO).

*AFPDS: An advanced function print data stream (AFPDS) is created. Some systems refer to this data stream as MODCA-P. *AFPDS spooled files require PSF/400 to print on an IPDS attached printer or Host Print Transform to print on an ASCII attached printer.

*AFPDSLINE: Mixed data (line data and AFPDS data) is created. This value can be specified when using the 3812 IPDS, 3816 IPDS, 3820, 3825, 3827, 3828, 3829, 3831, 3835, 3900, 3912, 3916, 3930, 3925, 4028, 4224, 4230, 4234, 4312, 4317, 4324, 6406, 6408, or 6412 IPDS printers. Also for the InfoPrint 20, InfoPrint 32, InfoPrint 40, InfoPrint 60, InfoPrint 3000, and InfoPrint 4000 printers. *AFPDSLINE spooled files require PSF/400 to print on an IPDS attached printer. The printer must be configured with AFP(*YES).

*LINE: Line data is created. This value can be specified when using the 3812 IPDS, 3816 IPDS, 3820, 3825, 3827, 3828, 3829, 3831, 3835, 3900, 3912, 3916, 3930, 3925, 4028, 4224, 4230, 4234, 6406, 6408, or 6412 IPDS printers. Also for the InfoPrint 20, InfoPrint 32, InfoPrint 40, InfoPrint 60, InfoPrint 3000, and InfoPrint 4000 printers. *LINE spooled files require PSF/400 to print on an IPDS attached printer. The printer must be configured with AFP(*YES).

Specifies the length and width of the printer forms used by this printer file. The length is specified in lines per page or by the units specified for the UOM parameter. The width is specified in print positions (characters) per line or by the units specified for the UOM parameter.

The page size must be specified with reference to the way the data is printed on the page. For example, if using 8.5 inch wide by 11.0 inch long forms and printing at 6 lines per inch with a 10-pitch font, specify PAGESIZE(66 85) PAGRTT(0). However, to rotate the page, specify the page size for an 11.0 inch wide by 8.5 inch long page and enter PAGESIZE(51 110) PAGRTT(90).

Note: Specify PAGRTT(*AUTO) or PAGRTT(*DEVD) and PRTQLTY(*DRAFT) on this command to enable automatic reduction or rotation if the data does not fit on the paper.

Specify PAGRTT(*COR) on this command to enable automatic reduction whether or not the data fits on the paper.

Element 1: Page Length Value

*SAME: The value does not change.

page-length: Specify the page length that is used by this printer file. Although a value ranging from 1 through 255 can be specified as the page length, the value specified must not exceed the actual length of the forms used.

More information about the page lengths that are valid for each printer type is in the Printer Device Programming book.

Element 2: Page Width Value

*SAME: The value does not change.

page-width: Specify the page width used by this printer file. The value specified must not exceed the actual width of the forms used.

More information about page width is in Printer Device Programming Link to PDF book.

Element 3: Method of Measure

*SAME: The value does not change.

*ROWCOL: Page length and page width are measured as numbers of rows and columns.

*UOM: Page length and page width are measured in the units specified on the UOM parameter.

Specifies the line spacing setting on the printer, in lines per inch, used by this printer file.

The line spacing on the 5256 printer must be set manually. When the lines per inch (LPI) value on this parameter changes (from the value on the previous printer file), an inquiry message is sent to the message queue associated with the printer that requests a change to the LPI value.

The line spacing on the 4214, 4224, 4230, 4234, 4245, and 5262 Printers is set by a print command. These also allow setting the lines per inch spacing on the control panel of the printer. The lines per inch value must not be set at the printer. If the LPI value is overridden at the control panel, the system overrides the value set with the LPI value of the next printer file received.

More information about the lines per page and lines per inch that are valid for each printer type is in the Printer Device Programming book.

*SAME: The value does not change.

6: The line spacing on the printer is 6 lines per inch.

3: The line spacing on the printer is 3 lines per inch. This value is valid only for double-byte character set (DBCS) data.

4: The format of this tape is FMT3480. The data density on this tape volume is formatted to support a 3480 device. This density is used for 1/2 inch cartridge tapes.

7.5: The line spacing on the printer is 7.5 lines per inch. This value is valid only for double-byte character set (DBCS) printers.

8: The data density on the tape volume is 38,000 bits per inch, which is used for 1/2 inch reel tapes.

9: The line spacing on the printer is 9 lines per inch.

12: The line spacing on the printer is 12 lines per inch.

Specifies the printer character density, in characters per inch (CPI), used by this printer file.

For the printers that support fonts, the value specified in the font special value implies the CPI. If FONT(*CPI) is specified, the font used is based on the CPI value. The following diagram describes the default font ID for each CPI value:


More information about the characters per page and characters per inch that are valid for each printer type is in the Printer Device Programming Link to PDF book.

*SAME: The value does not change.

10: Character density is 10 characters per inch.

5: The format of this tape is QIC525, which is used for 1/4 inch cartridge tapes that can hold 525 megabytes of data.

12: Character density is 12 characters per inch.

13.3: Character density is 13.3 characters per inch. This value is valid only for double-byte character set (DBCS) printers.

15: Character density is 15 characters per inch.

16.7: Character density is 16.7 characters per inch.

18: Character density is 18 characters per inch. This value is valid only on double-byte character set (DBCS) printers.

20: The format of this tape is QIC120, which is used for 1/4 inch cartridge tapes that can hold 120 megabytes of data.

Specifies the line number on the current page at which overflow to a new page begins. Generally, after the specified line is printed, the printer overflows to the next page before printing continues. Margins specified for the printer file are ignored when determining overflow. More information is in the Printer Device Programming book.

*SAME: The value does not change.

overflow-line-number: Specify the line number on the current page at which overflow to a new page begins, whether or not printing has occurred on that line. The value specified must not be greater than the page length (PAGESIZE). Margins specified for the printer file are ignored when determining overflow.

Specifies whether the record format level identifiers in the program are checked against those in the device file when the file is opened. If so, the record format identifiers in the program must match those in the device file. Because the same record format name can exist in more than one file, each record format is given an internal system identifier when it is created.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*YES: The level identifiers of the record formats are checked when the file is opened. If the level identifiers do not match, an error message is sent to the program that requested the open, and the file is not opened.

*NO: The level identifiers are not checked when the file is opened.

Specifies the text that briefly describes the printer file. More information is in Commonly used parameters.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*BLANK: Text is not specified.

'description': Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes.

Specifies the offset, down and across, of the origin from the edge on the front side of the paper. The offsets are in the units of measure specified on the UOM parameter. If UOM(*CM) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 57.79, and if UOM(*INCH) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 22.57. This parameter can only be used for printer files with DEVTYPE(*AFPDS) specified.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*DEVD: The no-print border from the printer is used to place the text on the page when printing to a printer configured as AFP(*YES). A margin of 0 is used for IPDS* printers without a no-print border, or which are configured as AFP(*NO).

Element 1: Offset Down

*SAME: The value does not change.

0: The format of this tape is FMT3570. The data format is written on the tape volume with a 3570 device.

offset-down: Specify the offset of the origin from the top of the page.

Element 2: Offset Across

*SAME: The value does not change.

0: The format of this tape is FMT3570. The data format is written on the tape volume with a 3570 device.

offset-across: Specify the offset of the origin from the left side of the page.

Specifies the offset, down and across, of the origin from the edge on the back side of the paper. The offsets are in the units of measure specified on the UOM parameter. If UOM(*CM) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 57.79, and if UOM(*INCH) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 22.57. This parameter can only be used for printer files with DEVTYPE(*AFPDS) specified.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*FRONTMGN: The offsets specified on the FRONTMGN parameter are used.

*DEVD: The no-print border from the printer is used to place the text on the page when printing to a printer configured as AFP(*YES). A margin of 0 is used for IPDS* printers without a no-print border, or which are configured as AFP(*NO).

Element 1: Offset Down

*SAME: The value does not change.

0: The format of this tape is FMT3570. The data format is written on the tape volume with a 3570 device.

offset-down: Specify the offset of the origin from the top of the page.

Element 2: Offset Across

*SAME: The value does not change.

0: The format of this tape is FMT3570. The data format is written on the tape volume with a 3570 device.

offset-across: Specify the offset of the origin from the left side of the page.

Specifies whether all positions in a record are printed when the record length exceeds the page width (specified by the PAGESIZE parameter). When folding is specified and a record exceeds the page width, any portion of the record that cannot be printed on the first line continues (is folded) on the next line or lines until the entire record has been printed.

The FOLD parameter is ignored under the following conditions:

  • When DEVTYPE(*SCS) is not specified.
  • When printing through OfficeVision*.
  • When in the S/36 execution environment.

Double-Byte Character Set Considerations:

The system ignores this parameter when printing double-byte character set (DBCS) files. The system assumes that DBCS records fit on a printed line. If the record exceeds the page width, the system continues printing the record on the next line.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*YES: Records are not folded; if a record is longer than the page width, only the part of the record that fits on one line is printed.

*NO: Records whose length exceeds the page width are folded on the following lines.

Specifies (1) whether unprintable characters are replaced and (2) which substitution character (if any) is used. An unprintable character is a character the printer is unable to print.

Double-Byte Character Set Considerations:

For double-byte character set (DBCS) data, an unprintable character is one that cannot be processed. When using DBCS-capable printers, consider the following:

  • If IGCEXNCHR(*YES) is also specified, the system replaces unprintable extension characters with DBCS underline characters. There may be some cases in which the system is unable to replace an unprintable character with a DBCS underline character. In this case, the undefined character is printed.
  • If IGCEXNCHR(*NO) is also specified, the device replaces all extension characters with the undefined character. Choosing a blank as the replacement character for alphanumeric characters might improve system performance.

More information is in the Printer Device Programming book.

Element 1: Replace Character?

*SAME: The value does not change.

*YES: Unprintable characters are replaced. The program is not notified when unprintable characters are detected. Note the DBCS considerations above.

Element 2: Replacement Character

*SAME: The value does not change.

'replacement-character': Specify, if *YES is also specified on this parameter, the replacement character that is used each time an unprintable character is detected. Any printable EBCDIC character can be specified. Valid values range from 40 through 99 and A1 through FE.

Other Single Values

*NO: Unprintable characters are not replaced. When an unprintable character is detected, a message is sent to the program.

Specifies whether the page must be aligned in the printer before printing is started. If ALIGN(*YES) and SPOOL(*NO) are specified, and forms alignment is required, the system sends a message to the message queue specified in the printer device description and waits for a reply to the message. When spool (*YES) is specified on the CRTPRTF command and ALIGN(*FILE) is specified on the STRPRTWTR command, then this parameter is used to determine whether an alignment message is sent by the system.

This parameter is ignored when cut sheets are used (spooled and direct output). Page alignment can be done only for text-only files. Page alignment cannot be done for print jobs containing graphics or bar codes.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NO: No page alignment is required.

*YES: The page is aligned before the output is printed.

Specifies whether the printer file supports input with print control characters. Any invalid control characters that are found are ignored, and single spacing is assumed.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NONE: No print control characters are passed in the data being printed.

*FCFC: The first character of every record contains an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) forms control character. If *FCFC is specified, the record length must include one extra position for the first-character forms-control code. This value is not valid for externally described printer files.

*MACHINE: The first character of every record contains a machine code control character. If *MACHINE is specified, the record length must include one extra position for the first character forms control code. This value is not valid for externally described printer files.

If TBLREFCHR(*YES) is also specified, then the record length must include two extra positions for the control character and the table reference character.

Specifies a list of channel numbers with their assigned line numbers. Use this parameter only if CTLCHAR(*FCFC) has been specified.

Note: If one or more channel-number/line-number combinations are changed, all other combinations must be re-entered.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NORMAL: The default values for skipping to channel identifiers are used. The default values are found in the following table.

Figure 1. ANSI First-Character Forms-Control Codes

Code Action before Printing a Line
' ' Space one line (blank code)
0 Space two lines
- Space three lines
+ Suppress space
1 Skip to line 1
2-11 Space one line
12 Skip to overflow line (OVRFLW parameter)

Element 1: Channel Number

channel-number: Specify an American National Standard channel number to be associated with a corresponding 'skip to' line number. Valid values for this parameter range from 1 through 12, corresponding to channels 1 through 12. The CHLVAL parameter associates the channel number with a page line number. For example, if you specify CHLVAL(2 20), channel identifier 2 is allocated with line number 20; therefore, if you place the forms-control 2 in the first position of a record, the printer skips to line 20 before printing the line.

Note: If the printer stops and the next record processed has a channel value forms-control number that is the same value as the line number the printer is on, the printer advances to that value (line number) on the next page. However, if the printer is positioned at the top of the page (line number one) and the channel value forms-control value is associated with line number one, the printer does not advance to a new a new page.

If no line number is specified for a channel identifier, and that channel identifier is encountered in the data, a default of 'space one line' before printing is used. Each channel number can be specified only once.

Element 2: Line Number

line-number: Specify the line number assigned for the channel number in the same list. Valid line numbers range from 1 through 255. If no line number is assigned to a channel number, and that channel number is encountered in the data, a default of 'space one line' before printing is used. Each line number can be specified only once.

Specifies whether printing continues when print errors are found for printers configured with AFP(*YES).

*SAME: The value does not change.

*CONTENT: Printing continues when errors are found.

*ABSOLUTE: Printing stops when errors are found.

Specifies, for the 3812 SCS, 3816 SCS, 4214, 4224, 4230, 4234, and 5219 printers, the quality of print produced.

For the 5219 Printer, different print qualities are produced by varying the speed at which the print ribbon advances. Quality mode (*STD or *NLQ) results in normal print ribbon advancement. In draft mode (*DRAFT), the ribbon advances at a rate of one-third the distance it advances in quality mode. The 5219 Printer has a conserve ribbon switch that overrides the value of *DRAFT specified by this parameter.

For the 3812 SCS and 3816 SCS Printers, the automatic hardware selection of computer output reduction printing selected through soft switches on the printers occurs only when *DRAFT is specified for PRTQLTY and PAGRTT is *DEVD. If PAGRTT(*COR) is specified, the PRTQLTY parameter does not affect the printed output.

For the 4224, 4230, and 4234 Printers, standard print quality is produced by varying the density of the dot matrix pattern used to create printable characters. Standard mode (*STD) is the normal mode. Quality mode (*NLQ) requires multiple passes by the printer to produce a line of data. Draft mode (*DRAFT) results in high-speed printing.

For the 4214 printer, only draft (*DRAFT), quality (*NLQ), and device default (*DEVD) modes are supported. Other values are set to quality (*NLQ) mode.

More information about the valid values for the 4214, 4224, 4230, 4234, and 5219 Printers is in Printer Device Programming book.



  1. For the 4214 Printer, quality mode (*STD or *NLQ) is only supported for 10 and 12 characters per inch. If PRTQLTY(*STD or *NLQ) and 5, 15, or 16.7 characters per inch is specified, the data is printed in draft mode.
  2. For the 4234 Printer, only a limited character set (62 characters) is supported when PRTQLTY(*DRAFT) is specified. A description of the character set supported with draft print quality is in the 4234 Printer Operator's Guide.
  3. For the 4224 and 4230 printers, the fonts supported are not available for all three print qualities. The OCR-A and OCR-B fonts are supported only with PRTQLTY(*NLQ). The Courier and Essay fonts are available only with PRTQLTY(*NLQ) and PRTQLTY(*STD). The Gothic font is available only with PRTQLTY(*DRAFT) or PRTQLTY(*FASTDRAFT). If there is a mismatch between the print quality and the font selected, the font is changed to match the print quality.
  4. Specify PAGRTT(*DEVD) and PRTQLTY(*DRAFT) on this command to enable automatic rotation if the data does not fit on the paper.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*STD: The output is printed with standard quality.

*DEVD: The print quality is set on the printer by the user, if it is not set within the data stream.

*DRAFT: The output is printed with draft quality.

*NLQ: The output is printed with near letter quality.

*FASTDRAFT: The output is printed at a higher speed and with lower quality than it would be if you specified *DRAFT. This value is only supported by the 4230 printer.

Specifies the form feed attachment used by this printer device file.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*DEVD: The forms are fed into the printer in the manner specified in the device description.

*AUTOCUT: The sheet-feed attachment must be on the printer. Single-cut sheets are automatically fed into the printer. The forms alignment message is not sent for cut sheets.

*CONT: Continuous forms are used by the printer. The tractor feed attachment must be on the device.

*CONT2: Continuous forms are used by the printer. The form is fed from the secondary tractor feed attachment. The secondary tractor feed attachment must be on the printer device.

*CUT: Single-cut sheets are used by the printer. Each sheet must be manually loaded. For cut sheets, the forms alignment message is not sent.

Specifies the source drawer used when single-cut sheets are fed into the printer (specified by FORMFEED(*AUTOCUT)).

*SAME: The value does not change.

*E1: The envelopes are fed from the envelope drawer on the sheet-feed paper handler.

*FORMDF: The paper is fed from the source drawer specified in the form definition. If a form definition is not specified, then source drawer 1 is used.

source-drawer: Specify the drawer from which the paper is fed. Valid values range from 1 through 255.

Specifies the destination of the output on printers capable of multiple output bins.

*SAME:The value does not change.

*DEVD: The destination of the output is the device default output bin.

output-bin: Specify the output bin for the destination of the output. Valid values range from 1 through 65535.

Specifies the font identifier and point size used with this printer device file. If a font identifier or point size is not specified, the system automatically sets them.

More information about the valid font identifiers, the display value, the characters per inch value implied with each font style, a description of each font style, and whether the font is supported on a particular printer is in the Printer Device Programming book.

Note: Some fonts can be substituted by the printer. Consult the various printer reference guides for details.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*CPI: The identifier of the font with the specified pitch (characters per inch (CPI)) is used.

*DEVD: The font identifier and point size specified in the device description are used.

Element 1: Font Identifier

identifier: Specify the numeric font identifier associated with this printer.

Element 2: Point Size

*NONE: The point size is supplied by the system and is determined by the specified font identifier.

point-size: Specify a point size ranging from 0.1 through 999.9.

Specifies the character identifier (graphic character set and code page) for the file. This parameter allows printing of text that is in different character identifier (graphic character set and code page) coding. The value specified on this parameter is used to instruct the printer device to interpret the hexadecimal byte string to print the same characters that were intended when the text was created. More information about the character identifier is in the Printer Device Programming book. A list of valid CHRID values and applicable printers is in the "CHRID Values and Applicable Printers (CHRID parameter)" table in the Printer Device Programming Link to PDF book.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*DEVD: The default CHRID value that the device is designed to handle is used. The *DEVD value means character selection is normal because the file has the same character identifier as the device default.

*SYSVAL: The system determines the graphic character set and code page values for the command parameters from the QCHRID system values.

*JOBCCSID: The character identifier for the printer file is taken from the coded character set identifier (CCSID) of the job.

Note: This value is not allowed if the file was created on a system at an earlier release level than V2R3M0.

*CHRIDCTL: The system checks the CHRIDCTL job definition attribute to determine whether to use *JOBCCSID or *DEVD on the CHRID command parameter for this file.

Element 1: Character Set

graphic-character-set: Specify the graphic character set values that match the attributes of the printer. Valid values range from 1 through 32767.

Element 2: Code Page

code-page: Specify the code page value that matches the attributes of the printer. Valid values range from 1 through 32767.

Specifies which decimal format value is used when editing numeric fields with the EDTCDE DDS keyword. The decimal format value determines the use of commas and periods for the decimal position and three digit positional separators on edited fields.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*FILE: Use the decimal format value stored with the file when the file was created.

*JOB: Use the decimal format value from the DECFMT job attribute when the file is opened.

Specifies a downloaded font consisting of a character set and code page. For an outline font, a point size is required. For a raster font, the point size is ignored. This parameter can only be used for printer files with DEVTYPE(*AFPDS) specified.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*FONT: The value specified on the FONT parameter is used.

Element 1: Font Character Set

The name of the font character set can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

character-set: Specify the font character set to use.

Element 2: Code Page Name

The name of the code page name can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

code-page: Specify the code page value used to create the command parameters. Valid values range from 1 through 999.

Element 3: Point Size

*NONE: The point size is supplied by the system and is determined by the specified font identifier.

point-size: Specify a point size ranging from 0.1 through 999.9.

Specifies the coded font that the system uses for single-byte character set (SBCS) printing. For coded fonts that reference an outline font, a point size may also be specified. This parameter can only be used for printer files with DEVTYPE(*AFPDS) specified.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*FNTCHRSET: The font specified on the FNTCHRSET parameter is used.

The name of the coded font name can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

coded-font-name: Specify the DBCS-coded font name to use.

Element 2: Point Size

*NONE: The point size is supplied by the system and is determined by the specified font identifier.

point-size: Specify a point size ranging from 0.1 through 999.9.

Specifies the qualified name of the page definition to be used to format line data.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NONE: No page definition is specified.

Because PSF/400 requires a page definition when *LINE or *AFPDSLINE is specified, an inline page definition is built from the print file parameters and passed to PSF/400 when *NONE is specified.

The name of the page definition can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

page-definition-name: Specify the name of the page definition that must exist in the library specified. Valid values range from 1 to 8 characters. Device type *AFPDSLINE or *LINE must be specified when using a page definition.

Specifies the form definition to use when printing the file. A form definition is a resource object that defines the characteristics of the form, including overlays, position of page data on the form, and number of copies of pages and modifications to pages. The form definition is located inline with the file being printed, or in a library.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NONE: No form definition is used.

Because PSF/400 requires a form definition, an inline form definition is built from the print file parameters and passed to PSF/400 when *NONE is specified.

*DEVD: The name of the form definition is specified in the printer device description.

The name of the form definition can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

form-definition-name: Specify the name of the form definition that must exist in the library specified. Valid values range from 1 to 8 characters.

Specifies one or more AFP characters (coded fonts) to be used with line data and a page definition.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NONE: No AFP character (coded fonts) specified.

user-defined-data: Specify up to four 4-byte names of coded fonts to be specified with line data and a page definition. The 4-byte names would be concatenated to X0 to identify up to four coded fonts which are to be used when TBLREFCHR is being used within the data.

Specifies whether table reference characters are present in the line data.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NO: No table reference character is present in line data.

*YES: Table reference characters are present in line data.

If forms control characters are used with the data, the table reference character follows the forms control character but precedes the data bytes. If forms control characters are not used, the table reference character is the first byte of the data record. As with forms control character, if table reference characters are used, every data record must contain a TRC byte.

Specifies the degree of text rotation for the 3112, 3116, 3130, 3812, 3816, 4028, 3820, 3825, 3827, 3829, 3831, 3835, 3900, 3916, 3930 and 3935 printers. This parameter allows the user to specify the degree of rotation of the text on the page with respect to the way the form is loaded into the printer. See the note under the PAGESIZE parameter for directions on specifying page size when rotating the page.

Specify *AUTO or *DEVD for this parameter and PRTQLTY(*DRAFT) on this command to enable automatic rotation if the data does not fit on the paper.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*AUTO: Indicates that automatic rotation of output is done to fit the printed data on the form. If rotation does not accomplish this, computer output reduction is performed automatically (regardless of the print quality being used). This parameter is valid only for printers supporting rotation.

*DEVD: The operating system sends a device default rotation value to the printer. Page rotation is dependent on your printer's specifications. See your printer or printer emulation documentation to determine how page rotation is affected.

*COR: Computer output reduction is done. Computer output reduction allows printed output intended for a 13.2 inch wide by 11.0 inch long form to be printed on an 11 inch wide by 8.5 inch long form.

For computer output reduction printing, the following operations are done for the 3112, 3116, 3130, 3812, 3816, 4028, 3820, 3825, 3827, 3829, 3831, 3835, 3900, 3916, 3930 and 3935 printers:

  • Automatic rotation to *COR is not done if the file contains graphics, bar codes, variable LPI, variable font, variable page rotations, or variable drawer.
  • The text is rotated 90 degrees clockwise from the 0 degree rotation position (lower left corner of the first edge loaded into the printer).

    Note: For landscape paper on a 3835 printer, the rotation is counter-clockwise from the 0 degree rotation position (upper right corner of the first edge loaded into the printer).

  • A top and left margin of 0.5 inches is added to the printed output.
  • The 12-pitch fonts are changed to a 15-pitch font and 15-pitch fonts are changed to a 20-pitch font. All other font widths are changed to a 13.3-pitch font, except for the 4028 printer where they are changed to a 15-pitch font.
  • Vertical spacing (specified by the LPI parameter) is 70 percent of the normal spacing.
  • The page size is set to 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches long.

0: The format of this tape is QIC3040, which is used for 1/4 inch minicartridge tapes that can hold up to 840 megabytes of data.

90: Rotation of the text is done 90 degrees clockwise from the 0 degree writing position.

180: Rotation of the text is done 180 degrees clockwise from the 0 degree writing position.

270: Rotation of the text is done 270 degrees clockwise from the 0 degree writing position.

Specifies, for spooled output only, the number of pages printed on a single physical page.

Note: Overlays are not reduced when more than one page is printed on a side.

For examples and more details see the Printer Device Programming Link to PDF book.

*SAME: The value does not change.

1: One page of output is printed on one physical sheet of paper.

2: Two pages of output are printed on 1 physical sheet of paper.

3: Three pages of output are printed on 1 physical sheet of paper.

4: Four pages of output are printed on 1 physical sheet of paper.

Specifies whether or not to reduce the output when doing multiple up printing.

For examples and more details see the Printer Device Programming Link to PDF book.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*TEXT: The text output is reduced when doing multiple up printing.

*NONE: The output is not reduced when doing multiple up printing.

Specifies up to 30 characters of text to be printed at the bottom of each page of output. More information is in Commonly used parameters.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*JOB: The value for the current job is used.

*BLANK: Text is not specified.

'print-text': Specify the character string printed at the bottom of each page. No more than 30 characters of text can be entered, enclosed in apostrophes.

Specifies the printing positions of the characters on a page so the right-hand margin of printing is regular. Justification is done to the record length on the printer file opened.

Note: The JUSTIFY parameter is supported only on the 3812 SCS, 3816 SCS, and 5219 Printers.

*SAME: The value does not change.

0: The format of this tape is FMT3480. The data density on this tape volume is formatted to support a 3480 device. This density is used for 1/2 inch cartridge tapes.

50: Spaces are added to the blanks in the text so that the right margin is more closely aligned but not flush.

100: The text is expanded by spaces (added where the blanks already exist) until the right margin is flush.

Specifies whether output is printed on one side or two sides of the paper.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NO: The output is printed on one side of the paper.

*YES: The output is printed on both sides of the paper with the top of each printed page at the same end of the paper.

*TUMBLE: The output is printed on both sides of the paper with the top of one printed page at the opposite end of the sheet from the top of the other printed page. This is usually used for output that is bound at the top.

*FORMDF: The output is printed on both sides of the paper if the duplex value is specified in the form definition. If a form definition is not specified, then the output is printed on one side of the paper.

Specifies how much output is held in the system buffer before being sent to the printer.

*SAME: The output queue associated with the job is used.

*YES: The system controls the amount of output that is held in the buffer before being sent to the printer.

If SPOOL(*YES) is specified along with SCHEDULE(*IMMED), output is held in the buffer until a page of output is available or until the system buffer is full.

*NO: If SPOOL(*NO) is specified, output is not held in the buffer. Output is sent to the printer immediately after the program performs a write operation.

If the spooled output schedule is not immediate, specifying DFRWRT(*NO) has no effect.

Specifies the unit of measure that is used.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*INCH: An inch is used as the unit of measure.

*CM: A centimeter is used as the unit of measure.

Specifies the qualified name of the object that contains both the overlay that is printed on the FRONT side of the page and the offset, down and across, from the point of origin used when the overlay is printed.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NONE: No overlay is used.

Element 1: Overlay Name

The name of the overlay can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

overlay-name: Specify the name of the overlay.

Element 2: Offset Down

*SAME: The value does not change.

offset-down: Specify the offset down from the point of origin at which to begin printing the overlay. If UOM(*CM) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 57.79, and if UOM(*INCH) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 22.57.

Element 3: Offset Across

*SAME: The value does not change.

offset-across: Specify the offset across from the point of origin at which to begin printing the overlay. If UOM(*CM) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 57.79, and if UOM(*INCH) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 22.57.

Specifies the object name and library name containing both the overlay that is printed on the BACK side of the page and the offset, down and across, from the point of origin used when the overlay is printed.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*FRONTOVL: The values that are specified on the FRONTOVL parameter are used.

*NONE: No overlay is used.

Element 1: Overlay Name

The name of the overlay can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

overlay-name: Specify the name of the overlay.

Element 2: Offset Down

*SAME: The value does not change.

offset-down: Specify the offset down from the point of origin at which to begin printing the overlay. If UOM(*CM) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 57.79, and if UOM(*INCH) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 22.57.

Element 3: Offset Across

*SAME: The value does not change.

offset-across: Specify the offset across from the point of origin at which to begin printing the overlay. If UOM(*CM) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 57.79, and if UOM(*INCH) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 22.57.

Element 4: Constant Back

The constant back function allows you to print overlays on blank pages without adding blank pages to the print application. Specifying the constant back function would cause, for each page generated by the application program, a blank page to be generated onto which the specified back overlay could be printed. The generated blank pages are called constant forms because no variable data from the user's program is printed on the pages. The constant back function is only supported for duplex printing. It is ignored when DUPLEX(*NO) is specified on the printer file.

Note that the offset down and offset across values are ignored when *CONSTANT is specified for constant back. An offset of 0.0 is assumed for these values.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NOCONSTANT: No constant back is specified.

*CONSTANT: Constant back is specified.

Specifies whether line data is converted to Advanced Function Presentation Data Stream (AFPDS) before the data is written to the spooled file. When DEVTYPE(*LINE) or DEVTYPE(*AFPDSLINE) is specified, and a page definition is specified (PAGDFN Parameter), this parameter allows the line data to be converted to AFPDS before the data is written to spooled file. For device types of *SCS,*USERASCII, *IPDS, and *AFPDS, this parameter is ignored. For device types of *LINE and *AFPDSLINE, if a page definition is not specified, then this parameter is ignored.

To print AFPDS spooled files on an OS/400 requires Host Print Transform when printing to ASCII attached printers and PSF/400 (optional feature of OS/400) for IPDS attached printers.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NO: Line data is not converted to AFPDS.

*YES: Specifies that line data is converted to AFPDS before the data is written to the spooled file.

Specifies whether IPDS (intelligent printer data stream) pass-through is done for the spooled file.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*DEVD: The value specified for IPDSPASTHR in the PSF configuration object specified for a printer device description is used. If no PSF configuration object is specified for the device, a value of *NO is used.

*NO: No IPDS pass-through is done.

*YES: Specifies that IPDS pass-through is to be done if the spooled file is eligible for IPDS pass-through.

Note: Not all SCS or IPDS spooled files are eligible for IPDS pass-through. They may contain special functions that require transform to AFPDS for correct printing. Specifying IPDS pass-through on the printer file allows only those spooled files eligible for IPDS pass-through to bypass the extra transforms. Those spooled files not eligible for IPDS pass-through will still undergo the transforms to AFPDS and back to IPDS.

IPDS pass-through will not be valid for all PSF/400 supported printers. Any printer (or attachment) that does not support resident fonts can not support IPDS pass-through. This is because the resident font references in the data stream must be mapped to host fonts which are downloaded to the printer. All IBM IPDS printers, except for the following, can be supported with IPDS pass-through: 3820, 3825, 3827, 3828, 3829, 3831, 3835, 3900-001 and any printer attached using Print Services Facility for OS/2's Distributed Print Function.

For V3R7, V4R1 and V4R2, IPDSPASTHR can be specified with the USRDFNDTA parameter in a printer file. You may continue using this support with existing printer files and PSF configuration objects by specifying IPDSPASTHR(*DEVD) in the printer file. If you specify a value of anything other than *DEVD for the IPDSPASTHR parameter, any IPDS pass-through value in the USRDFNDTA parameter is ignored.

Specifies the list of user resource libraries to be used for searching for AFP resources for a spooled file. If the AFP resource is not found in the user resource libraries, then the library list specified in the DEVRSCLIBL parameter of the PSF configuration object is searched. If no PSF configuration object is specified for the device, then libraries QFNTCPL, QFNT01-QFNT19, and QFNT61-69 are searched.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*DEVD: The value specified for USRRSCLIBL in the PSF configuration object specified for a printer device description is used. If no PSF configuration object is specified for the device, a value of *JOBLIBL is used.

*NONE: No user libraries are specified.

*JOBLIBL: Specifies that the library list of the job that created the spool file is used in searching for AFP resources. This library list is saved with the spool file when it is created.

*CURLIB: Specifies that the current library of the job that created the spool file is used for searching for AFP resources. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, then library QGPL is used.

user-resource-library-name: Specify the name of a library that will be used to search for AFP resources. Up to four library names may be specified.

For V3R7, V4R1 and V4R2, USRRSCLIBL can be specified with the USRDFNDTA parameter in a printer file. PSF/400 uses that value if USRRSCLIBL(*PRTF) is specified in a PSF configuration object which is specified in the printer device description. You may continue using this support with existing printer files and PSF configuration objects by specifying USRRSCLIBL(*DEVD) in the printer file. If you specify a value of anything other than *DEVD for the USRRSCLIBL parameter, any user resource library value in the USRDFNDTA parameter is ignored.

Specifies the reference corner to be used for a corner staple. A staple is driven into the media at the reference corner. Refer to your printer's documentation for information as to which reference corners are supported.

Page rotation does not affect the placement of a corner staple.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NONE: A corner staple is not specified.

*DEVD: The reference corner is the default reference corner used by the device.

*BOTRIGHT: The reference corner is the bottom right corner of the media.

*TOPRIGHT: The reference corner is the top right corner of the media.

*TOPLEFT: The reference corner is the top left corner of the media.

*BOTLEFT: The reference corner is the bottom left corner of the media.

Specifies the placement of staples along the finishing margin in either inches or centimeters (specified in the unit of measure (UOM) field). The finishing margin can be thought of as an imaginary line parallel to the edge of the paper where the staples will be placed.

See the Printer Device Programming book for more information.

Page rotation does not affect the placement of an edge stitch.

Single Value

*NONE: An edge stitch is not specified.

Element 1: Reference Edge

Specifies the reference edge to be used for an edge stitch. An edge stitch is formed by having one or more staples driven into the media along the finishing operation axis.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*DEVD: The reference edge is the default reference edge used by the device.

*BOTTOM: The reference edge is the bottom edge of the media.

*RIGHT: The reference edge is the right edge of the media.

*TOP: The reference edge is the top edge of the media.

*LEFT: The reference edge is the left edge of the media.

Element 2: Reference Edge Offset

Specifies the offset of the edge stitch from the reference edge toward the center of the media.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*DEVD: The reference edge offset is the default reference edge offset used by the device.

reference-edge-offset: Specify the offset of the edge stitch from the reference edge. If UOM(*CM) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 57.79, and if UOM(*INCH) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 22.57. This value is converted to millimeters for the printer. Fractional millimeters are not supported and are discarded when when conversion to millimeters is performed.

Element 3: Number of Staples

Specifies the number of staples that are to be applied along the finishing operation axis.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*DEVD: The number of staples depends on the value of the Staple Offsets element of this parameter. If *DEVD is also specified or defaulted for the Staple Offsets element value, then the number of staples is the default number of staples used by the device. If one or more offsets are specified for Staple Offsets, the number of staples is the same as the number of staple offsets specified.

number-of-staples: Specify the number of staples to be used for the edge stitch. Valid values range from 1 to 122 staples. If one or more offsets are specified for Staple Offsets, the number of staples is the same as the number of staple offsets specified.

Element 4: Staple Offsets

Specifies the offset of the staples along the finishing operation axis. The offset is measured from the point where the finishing operation axis intersects either the bottom edge or the left edge of the media, toward the center of the media. Each consecutive value is used to position a single finishing operation centered on the specified point on the finishing operation axis.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*DEVD: The staple offsets are the default staple positions used by the device. If a value was specified for the Number of Staples element, the staple position of each staple will be calculated automatically by the printer.

staple-offset: Specify the staple offset for each staple in the edge stitch. Up to 122 staple offsets may be specified. If one or more offsets are specified, and a value was specified for Number of Staples, the number of staple offsets will take precedence. If UOM(*CM) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 57.79, and if UOM(*INCH) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 22.57. This value is converted to millimeters for the printer. Fractional millimeters are not supported and are discarded when when conversion to millimeters is performed.

Single Value

*NONE: An edge stitch is not specified.

Specifies where one or more staples are driven into the media along the finishing operation axis, which is positioned at the center of the media parellel to the reference edge.

Page rotation does not affect the placement of a saddle stitch.

Single Value

*NONE: A saddle stitch is not specified.

Element 1: Reference Edge

Specifies the reference edge to be used for a saddle stitch. A saddle stitch is formed by having one or more staples driven into the media along the finishing operation axis, which is positioned at the center of the media parellel to the reference edge.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*DEVD: The reference edge is the default reference edge used by the device.

*TOP: The reference edge is the top edge of the media.

*LEFT: The reference edge is the left edge of the media.

Element 2: Number of Staples

Specifies the number of staples that are to be applied along the finishing operation axis.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*DEVD: The number of staples depends on the value of the Staple Offsets element of this parameter. If *DEVD is also specified or defaulted for the Staple Offsets element value, then the number of staples is the default number of staples used by the device. If one or more offsets are specified for Staple Offsets, the number of staples is the same as the number of staple offsets specified.

number-of-staples: Specify the number of staples to be used for the saddle stitch. Valid values range from 1 to 122 staples. If one or more offsets are specified for Staple Offsets, the number of staples is the same as the number of staple offsets specified.

Element 3: Staple Offsets

Specifies the offset of the staples along the finishing operation axis. The offset is measured from the point where the finishing operation axis intersects either the bottom edge or the left edge of the media, toward the center of the media. Each consecutive value is used to position a single finishing operation centered on the specified point on the finishing operation axis.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*DEVD: The staple offsets are the default staple positions used by the device. If a value was specified for the Number of Staples element, the staple position of each staple will be calculated automatically by the printer.

staple-offset: Specify the staple offset for each staple in the saddle stitch. Up to 122 staple offsets may be specified. If one or more offsets are specified, and a value was specified for Number of Staples, the number of staple offsets will take precedence. If UOM(*CM) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 57.79, and if UOM(*INCH) is specified, valid values range from 0 through 22.57. This value is converted to millimeters for the printer. Fractional millimeters are not supported and are discarded when when conversion to millimeters is performed.

Specifies the resolution PSF/400 uses when printing to a multiple resolution printer configured to report multiple resolutions, but the spooled file does not specify the font metrics and resolution or the font is not available at the resolution that is contained in the spooled file.

For more information regarding the algorithm used for searching a library list for a font resource, see the Printer Device Programming book section entitled User and Device Resource Library Lists in the chapter called Working With PSF configuration objects.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*DEVD: The value specified in the FNTRSL parameter of the PSF configuration object for the device is used. If no PSF configuration object is specified for the device, a value of *SEARCH is used.

*SEARCH: Specifies to search the library list for the first occurrence of a host font with a name match. The resolution of that font is used to print the spool file. Message PQT3546 is sent to specify the resolution of the font that was selected.

240: The font resolution is 240 pels per inch.

300: The font resolution is 300 pels per inch.

Specifies whether the output data for the printer file is spooled. If SPOOL(*NO) is specified, the following parameters in this command which only apply to spooled files are ignored: OUTQ, COPIES, PAGERANGE, MAXRCDS, FILESEP, SCHEDULE, HOLD, SAVE, OUTPTY, USRDTA, SPLFNAME, SPLFOWN, USRDFNOPT, USRDFNDTA, and USRDFNOBJ. In addition, several other parameters in this command are not supported for SPOOL(*NO) because they either require PSF/400 or are only supported for certain device types which cannot be specified with SPOOL(*NO). These parameters are: FRONTMGN, BACKMGN, FIDELITY, FNTCHRSET, CDEFNT, PAGDFN, FORMDF, AFPCHARS, TBLREFCHR, REDUCE, FRONTOVL, BACKOVL, IPDSPASTHR, USRRSCLIBL, CORNERSTPL, EDGESTITCH, SADLSTITCH, FNTRSL, and CVTLINDTA.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*YES: The data is spooled for processing by a diskette writer or a print writer.

*NO: The data is not spooled; it is sent directly to the device and printed as the output becomes available.

Specifies, for spooled output only, the qualified name of the output queue.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*JOB: The output queue associated with the job is used.

*DEV: The output queue associated with the printer specified on the DEV parameter is used. The output queue has the same name as the printer.

The name of the output queue can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

output-queue-name: Specify the name of the output queue to which the output data is spooled.

Specifies the type of form on which the output is printed. The identifiers used to indicate the type of forms are user-defined and can be a maximum of 10 characters in length.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*STD: The standard form type is used.

form-type: Specify the identifier of the form type used with this device file for printed output from jobs. Up to 10 alphanumeric characters can be specified. When the device file is opened, the system sends a message identifying the form type to the system operator, and requests that the identified forms be in the printer.

Specifies, for spooled files, the number of copies being printed.

*SAME: The value does not change.

number-of-copies: Specify a value, ranging from 1 through 255, that indicates the number of identical printouts produced when this printer file is used.

Specifies the page range to print for each copy of the file to be printed.

Element 1: Starting Page to Print

*SAME: The value does not change.

*ENDPAGE: Only the ending page is printed.

starting-page: Specify the page on which to start printing.

Element 2: Ending Page to Print

*SAME: The value does not change.

*END: The last page in the file is printed.

ending-page: Only the ending page is printed.

Specifies, for spooled output only, the maximum number of records that can be in the spooled file for jobs using this printer file. If this maximum is reached, an inquiry message is sent to the program message queue.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NOMAX: The system maximum is used.

maximum-records: Specify a value, ranging from 1 through 999999, that specifies the maximum number of records allowed in the spooled file.

Specifies, for spooled output only, the number of separator pages placed at the start of each printed file, including those between multiple copies of the same output. Each separator page has the following items printed on it: file name, file number, job name, user name, and the job number.

*SAME: The value does not change.

number-of-file-separators: Specify the number of separator pages used at the start of each printed output file produced by this device file. Valid values range from 0 through 9. If 0 is specified, no separator pages are printed for the file. In this case, the printed output for each file (or copy of a file) starts at the top of a new page.

Specifies, for spooled output only, when the spooled file is available to a writer.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*JOBEND: The spooled file is made available to the writer only after the entire job is completed.

*FILEEND: The spooled file is made available to the writer as soon as the file is closed in the program.

*IMMED: The spooled file is made available to the writer as soon as the file is opened in the program.

Specifies, for spooled output only, whether the spooled file is held. The spooled file can be released by using the Release Spooled File (RLSSPLF) command.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NO: The spooled printer file is not held by the output queue. The spooled output is available to a writer based on the SCHEDULE parameter value.

*YES: The spooled file is held until released by the Release Spool File (RLSSPLF) command.

Specifies, for spooled output only, whether the spooled file is saved (left on the output queue) after the output has been produced.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NO: The spooled file data is not saved on the output queue after it has been produced.

*YES: The spooled file data is saved on the output queue until the file is deleted. After the file is produced, the number of copies (see COPIES parameter) is set to 1, and its status is changed from WTR to SAV. Refer to the Release Spooled File (RLSSPLF) command for information on how to produce the spooled file again.

Specifies the output priority for spooled output files that are produced by this job. The highest priority is 1 and the lowest priority is 9. More information on this parameter is in Commonly used parameters.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*JOB: The output priority associated with the job that created the spooled file is used.

output-priority: Specify the output priority. Valid values range from 1 (high priority) through 9 (low priority).

Specifies, for spooled output only, the user-specified data that identifies the file.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*SOURCE: If the spooled file was created by an application program, the name of the program is used. Otherwise, blanks are used.

user-data: Specify up to 10 characters of text.

Specifies, for spooled output only, who the owner of the spooled file will be.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*CURUSRPRF: The spooled file is owned by the current effective user of the current job or thread. See the Printer Device Programming Link to PDF book for information on how the SPLFOWN parameter is affected when using any of the following APIs:

  • QWTSETP - Set Profile
  • qsysetuid() - Set User ID
  • qsyseteuid() - Set Effective User ID
  • qsysetreuid() - Set Real and Effective User ID

*JOB: The spooled file is owned by the original user profile of the job. If the job has switched to a new user profile, the original user profile is still the owner of the spooled file.

*CURGRPPRF: The spooled file is owned by the current effective group profile of the current job or thread. If there is no current effective group profile, ownership of the spooled file is determined in the same manner as *CURUSRPRF. See the Printer Device Programming book for information on how the SPLFOWN parameter is affected when using any of the following APIs:

  • QWTSETP - Set Profile
  • qsysetgid() - Set Group ID
  • qsysetegid() - Set Effective Group ID
  • qsysetregid() - Set Real and Effective Group ID

*JOBGRPPRF: The spooled file is owned by the group profile of the original user profile of the job. If the job has switched to a new user profile, the group profile of the original user profile is still the owner of the spooled file. If no group profile exists, ownership of the spooled file is determined the same way as *JOB.

Specifies, for spooled output only, one or more user-defined options to be used by user applications or user-specified programs that process spooled files. A maximum of four user-defined options can be specified.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NONE: No user-defined options are specified.

user-defined-option: Specify the user-defined option to be used by user applications or user-specified programs that process spooled files. All characters are acceptable.

Specifies, for spooled output only, the user-defined data to be used by user applications or user-specified programs that process spooled files.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NONE: No user-defined data specified.

user-defined-data: Specify the user-defined data to be used by user applications or user-specified programs that process spooled files. All characters are acceptable.

Specifies, for spooled output only, the qualified name and type of the user-defined object to be used by user applications or user-specified programs that process spooled files.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NONE: No user-defined object specified.

Element 1: Name of User-Defined Object

The name of the user-defined object can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

object-name: Specify the user-defined object to be used by user applications or user-specified programs that process spooled files.

Element 2: Type of User-Defined Object

object-type: The user object type can be one of the following:

Data Area
Data Queue
PSF Configuration Object
User Index
User Queue
User Space
Specifies, for program-described original files, whether the file processes double-byte character set (DBCS) data. For externally described printer files, this parameter specifies DBCS attributes of the file.

For program-described files:

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NO: The file does not process DBCS data.

*YES: The file processes DBCS data.

For externally described files:

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NO: The only DBCS attributes of the file are those defined in the data description specifications (DDS).

*YES: The file processes DBCS data.

Specifies whether the system processes double-byte character set (DBCS) extension characters.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*YES: The system processes DBCS extension characters.

*NO: The system does not process DBCS extension characters; it prints extension characters as the undefined character.

Specifies, for the 5553 and 5583 Printers only, whether the printer rotates double-byte characters 90 degrees counterclockwise when printing. The system prints rotated double-byte characters so they appear in a vertical reading sequence. Alphanumeric characters are not rotated.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NO: The system does not rotate double-byte characters when printing.

*YES: The system rotates double-byte characters 90 degrees counterclockwise when printing. The printer rotates each character individually.

Specifies the printer character density of double-byte character set (DBCS) characters, in characters per inch (CPI).

Note: This parameter does not specify the printer character density of alphanumeric characters. Alphanumeric characters are printed with the value specified on the CPI parameter.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*CPI: DBCS character density is based on the values specified for the CPI parameter. The system prints one double-byte character for every two alphanumeric characters.

  • For CPI(10), DBCS characters print at 5 characters per inch.
  • For CPI(12), DBCS characters print at 6 characters per inch.
  • For CPI(13.3), DBCS characters print at 6.7 characters per inch (same as IGCCPI(*CONDENSED)).
  • For CPI(15), DBCS characters print at 7.5 characters per inch.
  • For CPI(18), DBCS characters print at 9 characters per inch.
  • For CPI(20), DBCS characters print at 10 characters per inch.

*CONDENSED: Condensed printing is used in which the system prints 20 DBCS characters every 3 inches. This value is valid only for the 5553 or 5583 Printers.

5: The format of this tape is QIC525, which is used for 1/4 inch cartridge tapes that can hold 525 megabytes of data.

6: DBCS character density is 6 characters per inch. This value is valid for the 5553 and 5583 Printers only.

10: DBCS character density is 10 characters per inch. This value is valid for the 5553 or 5583 Printers only.

Specifies, for bracketed DBCS character strings only, how the system prints shift control characters.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NO: The system does not print shift control characters. These characters do not occupy a position in printed output.

*YES: The system prints shift control characters as blanks.

*RIGHT: The system prints two blanks when printing shift-in characters but does not print shift-out characters.

Specifies the coded font that the system uses for DBCS printing. For a coded font that references an outline font, a point size may also be specified.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*SYSVAL: The DBCS-coded font specified in the system value QIGCCDEFNT is used.

The name of the coded font name can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

coded-font-name: Specify the coded font name to use.

Element 2: Point Size

*NONE: The point size is supplied by the system and is determined by the specified font identifier.

point-size: Specify a point size ranging from 0.1 through 999.9.

Specifies the number of seconds that the program waits for the file resources and session resources to be allocated when the file is opened, or for the device or session resources to be allocated when an acquire operation is performed to the file. If those resources are not allocated within the specified wait time, an error message is sent to the program. More information on this parameter is in Commonly used parameters.

Note: An immediate allocation of the device by the device resource is required when an acquire operation is performed to the file.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*IMMED: The program does not wait; when the file is opened, an immediate allocation of the file resources is required.

*CLS: The job default wait time is used as the wait time for the file resources being allocated.

number-of-seconds: Specify the number of seconds that the program waits for the file resources to be allocated to the printer file when the file is opened, or the wait time for the device allocated when an acquire operation is performed to the file. Valid values range from 1 through 32767 seconds.

Specifies whether the open data path (ODP) for the printer file is shared with other programs in the routing step. When an ODP is shared, the programs accessing the file share facilities such as the file status and the buffer.

More information on shared database files is in the Database Programming topic in the Information Center.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NO: The ODP created by the program with this attribute is not shared with other programs in the routing step. Every time a program opens the file with this attribute, a new ODP to the file is created and activated.

*YES: The ODP created with this attribute is shared with each program in the routing step that also specifies SHARE(*YES) when it opens the file, provided the scope specified on the OPNSCOPE keyword for the subsequent open of the file is compatible with the scope of the original open.

Note: When SHARE(*YES) is specified and control is passed to a program, a read operation in that program retrieves the next input record. A write operation produces the next output record.

Examples for CHGPRTF

Example 1: Changing Two Parameters


This command changes two parameters in printer file PRTRPT stored in library ACCREC. The system operator must align the pages in the printer before the system starts printing the file. The file is printed in 6 lines per inch on the pages.

Example 2: Changing All IBM-Supplied Printer Files


This command changes all IBM-supplied printer files (that is, all printer files in library QSYS whose names start with a Q) to use 88 lines of 132 characters (8 lines per inch), but to skip to the next page after 80 lines.

Example 3: Processing DBCS Data


This command changes printer file IGCPRT stored in library IGCLIB, so that it processes double-byte character set data. The system rotates double-byte characters before printing, and cut sheets are fed automatically when printing.

Error messages for CHGPRTF

*ESCAPE Messages

File &1 in &2 not changed.
&5 files not changed for &1 in &2. &4 files changed.