The EARExpander script

The EARExpander script expands an EAR file into a directory to run the application in that EAR file. It also collapses a directory containing application files into a single EAR file. You can type EARExpander with no arguments to learn more about its options.


The EARExpander script is available in the WebSphere Application Server product only.


No special authority is required to run this script.


The syntax of the EARExpander script is:

EARExpander -ear earfile -operation expand | collapse -operationDir directory
 [ -expansionFlags all | war ] [ -help | -? ]


The parameters of the EARExpander script are:


EARExpander -ear /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/myAppSvr/installableApps/myApp.ear
 -operation expand -operationDir /home/myDirectory/myApp

In this example, the contents of the myApp.ear file are expanded into the /home/myDirectory/myApp directory.

EARExpander -ear /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/myAppSvr/installableApps/newApp.ear
 -operation collapse -operationDir /home/myDirectory/newApp

In this example, the contents of the /home/myDirectory/newApp directory are collapsed into the newApp.ear file and placed in the /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/myAppSvr/installableApps directory.