Automatically generated diagnostic information


Some Telnet server errors automatically generate diagnostic information. This topic describes how to retrieve that information.

There might be some automatically generated diagnostic information produced when certain errors occur within the Telnet server. There are times when your service representative will require this diagnostic information to properly analyze a Telnet server problem.

If any Telnet or device manager job fails with a first failure data capture (FFDC) error, you will see the spooled files under the WRKSPLF QTCP profile. When a job fails with an FFDC error, each failing job will automatically have two dumps. One is a dump made by calling DSPJOB *PRINT, and DSPJOBLOG *PRINT makes the other. In this way, you get both the job log and job run attributes dumped and have the output from user data group together with a job number identifier. Then you can match up with any VTM component trace output.

You can see a total of four spooled files; two for the QTVTELNET job and two for the QTVDEVICE job. When the system encounters an FFDC error, these spooled files automatically generate. For an example, see the following figure:

                                 Work with All Spooled Files                          
  Type options, press Enter.                                                       
       1=Send 2=Change   3=Hold      4=Delete    5=Display   6=Release   7=Messages        8=Attributes            9=Work with printing status                         
                                                       Device or                   
  Opt  File              User        Queue             User Data   Sts   Pages     
             QPJOBLOG    QTCP        QEZJOBLOG         TV016868    HLD   4         
             QPDSPJOB    QTCP        QPRINT            TV016868    HLD   7         
             QPJOBLOG    QTCP        QEZJOBLOG         TV016955    HLD   3         
             QPDSPJOB    QTCP        QPRINT            TV016955    HLD   7         
             QPJOBLOG    QTCP        QEZJOBLOG         TV017231    HLD   3         
             QPJOBLOG    QTCP        QEZJOBLOG         TV017232    HLD   3         
             QPDSPJOB    QTCP        QPRINT            TV017232    HLD   7         
             QPDSPJOB    QTCP        QPRINT            TV017231    HLD   7         
  Parameters for options 1, 2, 3 or command                                        
  F3=Exit    F10=View 4  F11=View 2  F12=Cancel   F22=Printers     F24=More keys   


Parent topic:

Troubleshooting the Telnet problems