Special considerations for the Override Database File (OVRDBF) and Override Tape File (OVRTAPF) commands


You need to pay attention to the results of specifying certain parameters on the OVRDBF and OVRTAPF commands.

For a database from-file or to-file, if an MBR parameter is specified on an OVRDBF (Override Database File) command, then the override member name is used instead of the value specified on the copy command. If the TOFILE parameter is specified with no MBR parameter value on the OVRDBF command, then the first member (in creation order) in the database file is used instead of the member specified on the copy command. For a tape from-file or to-file, if a LABEL parameter is specified on the OVRTAPF command for the to-file, the override label name is used instead of the label specified on the copy command.

If you copy multiple members or labels to corresponding like-named to-file members or labels, then you cannot use an override to a single to-file member or label unless you also override the from-file to a single member or label.


Parent topic:

Selecting members to copy