Other DRDA data conversion


Sometimes, when you are doing processing on a remote system, your program might need to convert the data from one system so that it can be used on the other. Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA®) support on the i5/OS® operating system converts the data automatically between other systems that use DRDA support.

When a DB2 Universal Database™ for iSeries™ application requester (AR) connects to an application server (AS), it sends information that identifies its type. Likewise, the AS sends back information to the system that identifies its processor type (for example, S/390® host or i5/OS). The two systems then automatically convert the data between them as defined for this connection. This means that you do not need to program for architectural differences between systems.

Data conversion between IBM® systems with DRDA support includes data types, such as:


Parent topic:

Programming considerations for a distributed relational database application