DDM problem analysis on the remote server


Some functions that involve a target server may take a relatively long period of time to complete. In these situations, the target server may not appear to be functioning when it is actually waiting for a reply.

Any messages created on the target server (such as file full) are sent to the system operator's message queue on the target server. (All DDM-related messages are logged in the target server's job log.) In most cases, a message similar to the one sent to the target system operator is also sent to the source server (with a different message number), but only after the target system operator has replied to the message.

If no job log is found on the target server, the Submit Remote Command (SBMRMTCMD) command can be used to send a Change Job Description (CHGJOBD) command to the target server to change the message logging level.

Another consideration is when end-of-file delay is being used between two iSeries™ servers, canceling the job on the source server does not cancel the job on the target server. Or, if the source system job is canceled while the target job is performing some function, the target job is not canceled.

In some situations, it may be necessary for a user on either the source or target server to call the other location or use pass-through to determine the status of the job on that end and to reply to any messages waiting for a response.


Parent topic:

Operating considerations for DDM