Perform file management functions on remote servers


i5/OS® DDM supports creating, deleting, or renaming of files on a remote server.

The Submit Remote Command (SBMRMTCMD) command can be used to submit these types of file management commands, or other CL commands, to the target server so they can run on that server. The Submit Network Job (SBMNETJOB) command or display station pass-through can also be used, without the need for DDM.

The CL commands in Target iSeries-required file management commands, Member-related commands with DDM, and Source file commands do not need to be used with the SBMRMTCMD command; they can run directly on the target server by specifying a DDM file name on the CL command itself.


Parent topic:

Other DDM-related functions involving remote files


Related reference

SBMRMTCMD (Submit Remote Command) command
Examples: Code DDM-related tasks
Object-oriented commands with DDM
DDM-related CL command summary charts