

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Configure the Document Libraries portlet

Configure the settings for the Document Libraries portlet.

To configure the settings for the Document Libraries portlet, meet one of the following criteria:

Before you begin using the Document Libraries portlet to create and configure document libraries, review and modify the configuration of the Document Libraries portlet itself. The configuration settings you select determine the options that you, and other document library administrators, see when managing document libraries. For example, if you disable the browser plug-in, other administrators using the Document Libraries portlet will not be able to import documents into a document library from their local machines using the import feature because the Import documents icon will be disabled. Also, if the plug-in is disabled, other Document Manager administrators will not see the plug-in section when they configure a document library, so they will not be able to enable or disable the browser plug-in.

  1. Log in as an administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Document Libraries portlet.

  3. Click on the right-hand side drop-down menu icon, then click Configure.

  4. Specify the following Document Libraries portlet settings:

    • Number of document libraries displayed per page

    • Maximum number of libraries allowed

      This setting indicates the maximum number of document libraries returned in the list of libraries, not the maximum number of document libraries allowed in Document Manager.

    • Enable and disable the browser plug-in

  5. Save the settings. Modified configuration settings do not take effect until you log out and log back in to Document Manager.


Parent topic:

Working with document libraries


Related concepts
Document libraries portlet


Related tasks
Navigating to the Document Libraries portlet Customizing the Document Libraries portlet Enabling workflow for document approval