JMS provider settings


JMS provider settings

Use this panel to view the configuration properties of the selected JMS provider. You cannot change these properties. To view this page, use the administrative console to complete one of the following steps:

If you want to browse or change JMS resources of the JMS provider, complete the following steps:

  1. (Optional) In the content pane, change the Scope setting to the level at which JMS resources are visible to applications.

  2. Under Additional Properties, click the link for the type of resource . For more information about the administrative console panels for the types of JMS resources, see the related topics.

Configuration tab


The level to which this resource definition is visible; the cell, node, or server level.

Resources such as messaging providers, namespace bindings, or shared libraries can be defined at multiple scopes, with resources defined at more specific scopes overriding duplicates which are defined at more general scopes.

When JMS resources are created for this messaging provider, they are always created into the provider scope selected in this panel. To browse or change resources in other scopes, select the required level option, then click Apply , before clicking the link for the type of resource. Note that no matter what the scope of a defined resource, the resource's properties only apply at an individual server level. For example, if you define the scope of a data source at the Cell level, all users in that Cell can look up and use that data source, which is unique within that Cell. However, resource property settings are local to each server in the Cell.


The most general scope. Resources defined at the Cell scope are visible from all Nodes and servers, unless they are overridden. To view resources defined in the cell scope, do not specify a server or a node name in the scope selection form.


The default scope for most resource types. Resources defined at the Node scope override any duplicates defined at the Cell scope and are visible to all servers on the same node, unless they are overridden at a server scope on that node. To view resources defined in a node scope, do not specify a server, but select a node name in the scope selection form.


The most specific scope for defining resources. Resources defined at the Server scope override any duplicate resource definitions defined at the
Cell scope or parent Node scope and are visible only to a specific server. To view resources defined in a server scope, specify a server name as well as a node name in the scope selection form.

Data type String


The name by which the JMS provider is known for administrative purposes.

Data type String
Default WebSphereJMSProvider


A description of the JMS provider, for administrative purposes within IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Data type String


The Java classpath for WebSphere MQ as a JMS provider. The list of paths or JAR file names that together form the location for the JMS provider classes.

[JMS Providers > WebSphere MQ and JMS Providers > Generic only]

Data type String
Default [WebSphere MQ] $MQJMS_LIB_ROOT

Native Library Path

The native library path for WebSphere MQ as a JMS provider. An optional path to any native libraries needed by the JMS provider.

[JMS Providers > WebSphere MQ and JMS Providers > Generic only]

Data type String
Default [WebSphere MQ] $MQJMS_LIB_ROOT

The Native Library Path property is set to the directory where the WebSphere MQ Java feature is installed.

External initial context factory

The Java classname of the initial context factory for the JMS provider.

[JMS Providers > Generic only]

For example, for an LDAP service provider the value has the form: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.

Data type String
Default Null

External provider URL

The JMS provider URL for external JNDI lookups.

[JMS Providers > Generic only]

For example, an LDAP URL for a messaging provider has the form: ldap://

Data type String
Default Null

Related concepts

JMS interfaces explicit polling for messages

Related tasks
Administering support for message-driven beans

Searchable topic ID: umj_pjmsw