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Create web content libraries

Administrator users can create web content libraries in the HCL Digital Experience administration portlet.

We must be an administrator to create web content libraries.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon in the toolbar.

  2. Click Portal Content and then Web Content Libraries.

  3. Click Create new library.
  4. Enter a name and description.
  5. Click Localizations to select a text provider plug-in and key. A text provider is used to provide localized text that can be used within the Web Content Manager user interface. The key is used to look up a string from the selected text provider. The text provider displays a different library name for each locale it is configured for. The text that is entered in the library name field is only used if an appropriate text label is not available from the selected text provider, or if the text provider is not available.

  6. Select a language for the library. This option can be set only on creation. We cannot change the language of a library after the library is created.

    Note: If a language does not exist in the list of languages available when we create a library, we can add that language to the list of supported HCL WebSphere Portal languages. For more information, see Language Support in the HCL Product Documentation.

  7. To prevent the library from being deleted, select Prohibit library from being deleted.

  8. Enable the library if we want to library to immediately be available.

  9. Select Include default items in the new library to add a set of default web content items to the library when it is created.

  10. Click OK to create the library.

  11. Add the new library to the list of configured libraries for each authoring portlet that requires access to the new library, including authoring portlets on servers that you subscribe your library to. See Select web content libraries.

  12. Go to Applications > Content

  13. Under the Preferences drop-down, select Configure

  14. Under the Library Selection drop-down, from the Available Libraries list, select your Library and Add it to Selected Libraries

What to do next

Rename Libraries:

Ensure that your library is named correctly when first created as renaming a library after you start to create web content can lead to errors. For example, menus and navigators might not correctly display results after a library is renamed until all caches are cleared.

Parent topic: Manage web content libraries