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Site and section templates

Create site templates to rapidly deploy complete websites. Create section templates to quickly add sections that are based on common information architecture patterns to existing websites.

When you create or edit a template, you define default values for the site or section wizards. The user that is running the site or section wizard can change many of the default selections that you make. Communicate your intended use for content libraries, page templates, and so on, to the wizard users.

Sites and sections

The main difference between a site and a section is where the top-level page is placed.

For sites, the top-level page is always placed after the content root.

Sections can only be added to sites where a page exists at the top level of the site structure. We cannot add sections to sites that have a label at the top-level of the site structure.

Sections are always placed in relation to an existing page in an existing site. A section can be placed either before, after, or as a child of an existing page. Sections cannot be added as a sibling of a page located directly after the content root.

Site templates can be converted to section templates, and section templates can be converted to site templates.

Create a template

Templates are created using a wizard that guides us through a set of properties:

Parent topic: Site development with Site Builder