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Create sites and adding sections

Rapidly deploy websites or add new sections to existing sites from predefined site or section templates.

The site or section wizard

The wizards steps us through creating either a website or adding a section to an existing site. The wizards are based on templates. Some templates are provided with Site Builder. Your organization can also create new templates. The person that creates the template provides default selections. We can change the default selections.

Use Save as Draft to save and continue working or Save and Close to save your work for later. When we are ready to distribute a template to website creators, click Save and Publish.

Creation status

When creating a new site or section, a new creation task is run and can be monitored from the Site Builder home page. There we can view a list of completed tasks, tasks in progress, and failed tasks. We can view the reason for a failed task using the More button next to the failed task.

Parent topic: Site development with Site Builder