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Getting started with HCL Experience API

Follow these steps to get started with the HCL Experience API.

Getting Started

  1. Download the HCL Experience API installation binaries. Log in to the HCL Software Licensing Portal to download the files from the HCL Digital Experience entitlements.
  2. Refer to the Image listing and Docker install Help Center topic for the latest list of container images and their file names, available for download, for example (hcl-dx-kubernetes-v95-CF19.zip).
  3. Unzip the HCL Experience API installation binaries and, within a terminal, navigate to the unzipped folder.

  4. Verify if the unzipped folder contains the Experience API images, for example, hcl-dx-ringapi-image-v1.4.0.<YOUR_BUILD_NUMBER> .tar.gz, hcl-dx-experience-api-sample-ui-v0.2.0.<YOUR_BUILD_NUMBER> .tar.gz, and readme (README.md) files.

    Note: As HCL WebSphere Portal releases updated Experience API images, the image version number increases. For example, hcl-dx-ringapi-image-v1.4.0.<YOUR_BUILD_NUMBER> .tar.gz.

  5. Load the HCL Experience API image using the following command:

      docker load --input hcl-dx-ringapi-image-v1.4.0.<YOUR_BUILD_NUMBER>.tar.gz

  6. Verify if the Docker image is loaded using the following command:

      docker image ls

      REPOSITORY                         TAG                    IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
      hcl/dx/ringapi                     v1.4.0_20201109-2209   0d5efd03401f   4 weeks ago    947MB
  7. Execute the following Docker command to bring up the HCL Experience API Docker image:

      docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -p 3001:3001 hcl/dx/ringapi:v1.4.0.<YOUR_BUILD_NUMBER>

    • You may modify the most common values by passing in the parameters as follows:

        docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -p 3001:3001 -e PORTAL_HOST= -e PORTAL_PORT=30015 hcl/dx/ringapi:v1.4.0.<YOUR_BUILD_NUMBER>

    • If to use https to connect to HCL WebSphere Portal 9.5 for security reasons, the command to start would be:

        docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -p 3001:3001 -e PORTAL_HOST= -e PORTAL_PORT=30015 -e PORTAL_SSL_ENABLED=true hcl/dx/ringapi:v1.4.0.<YOUR_BUILD_NUMBER>

    • If you wish to update the CORS_ORIGIN, the command to start would be:

        docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -p 3001:3001 -e PORTAL_HOST= -e PORTAL_PORT=30015 -e CORS_ORIGIN="http://localhost:3002, http://localhost:3003" hcl/dx/ringapi:v1.4.0.<YOUR_BUILD_NUMBER>

  8. Verify if http://<HOST>:<PORT>dx/api/core/v1/explorer is accessible and shows the HCL Experience explorer (e.g.

  9. Verify if the GraphQL application is accessible through URL http://<HOST>:<GRAPHQL_PORT>dx/api/core/v1/graphql (e.g.

  10. To verify if the HCL Experience API is properly connected to HCL WebSphere Portal 9.5, please run the following command. Login credentials must be an authenticated username and password:

      curl -X POST "http://<HOST>:<PORT>dx/api/core/v1/auth/login" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"username\":\"<USER_NAME>\",\"password\":\"<PASSWORD>\"}"

  11. To validate if login is successful, response should be:

      {"statusCode":200,"message":"Login Successful","data":{"UId":"(USER_NAME)"}}


The following limitations exist in HCL Experience API:

Parent topic: HCL Experience API