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Examine modules

Use the modules sections to explore the modules of a specific profile or all of the modules available with the system, theme, or both.

Reference Identifiers that are provided as part of the subcontributions within a tree.

You have the option in this screen to continue with Examine modules by page, Examine modules by profile, or Examine all modules.

Modules by pages

Use the Examine modules by page section to explore modules defined on a specific page. Modules can be contributed to a page with its profile or portlets. Select a page in the Select Page screen and then advance to the Module Explorer to explore the modules in that page.

The Select Page screen displays the site's page hierarchy in the tree view and shows details on the selected branch in the details view. We can now learn more about the pages before we select one to examine.

In the tree view, when a page has a specified profile that is not inherited from the parent, the profile name displays in parentheses after the page name. All other information is shown in the details view, such as the page, profile, and theme information.

After we select a page, the Module Explorer displays.

Modules by profile

Use the Examine modules by profile section to explore the modules of a specific profile. Select a profile in the Select Profile screen and then advance to the Module Explorer to explore the modules in that profile.

The Select Profile screen displays the themes and their profiles in the tree view and shows details on the selected branch in the details view. We can now learn more about the various artifacts that are installed in the system before we select a profile to examine.

The tree view also shows in parentheses which theme and profile is the default so this information is easily visible. All other information is shown in the details view, such as the location of the profile JSON file. The profile JSON file is an element that can be clicked and opens a new window and serves the resource in the browser when clicked.

After we select a profile, the Module Explorer screen will display.

All modules

Use the Examine all modules section to explore all modules available with the system, theme, or both. Select a theme or the system module branch on the Select Theme screen and then advance to the Module Explorer.

The Select Theme screen displays a system modules branch and all themes in the tree view. Select a theme to view more information about the various artifacts that are installed in the system before us decide on a theme and continue to the Module Explorer.

Module explorer

The module explorer displays the module hierarchy of the system in a split view. The tree view shows the module hierarchy, the details view shows details on the selected module from the tree view.We can get to the module explorer from different paths in the UI.

  1. When you examine the modules that are scoped by page, we have two root branches, each with two childs:

    • Modules from Profile: The root for all modules in the profile.

      • Modules: All modules that are in the non-deferred section of the profile.
      • Deferred Modules: All modules that are in the deferred section of the profile.

    • Modules from Portlets: The root for all modules that are provided by capabilities that are assigned by the page's portlets.

      • Modules: All modules that are provided by non-deferred capabilities that are assigned by the page's portlets.
      • Deferred Modules: All modules that are provided by deferred capabilities that are assigned by the page's portlets.

  2. When you examine modules by profile, we have two root branches:

    • Modules: The root for all modules in the none deferred section of the profile.
    • Deferred Modules: The root for all modules in the deferred section of the profile.

  3. When you examine the system and theme modules, we have one or two branches:

    • System Modules: Contains all modules defined globally through a plugin.xml.

    • Theme Modules: Contains all modules defined within the themes contribution folder as part of the JSON files. This branch is only shown when a theme is selected.

When you expand a tree or branch, if it is large and takes more than 30 seconds to expand, the expansion process is stopped. We must expand those branches individually.The module hierarchy has three main views:

The details view displays the details for the selected module such as:

Searching within the module explorer

Use the search bar to search the tree view and the details view for various information. The following search scopes are supported:

Enter a term into the search field in the toolbar and press Enter or click the Find icon. The found item is then highlighted for a short time with a yellow background. Pressing Enter again or clicking Find icon again will find the next item. If no item is found, either a pop-up dialog opens to instruct us to start the search from the beginning or the background of the search field is marked in red.

Parent topic: Theme Optimization Analyzer